It appears that the only things standing between the Democratic Party’s dreams of a new and ultra-liberal America are Senator Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona and Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia. It is an uncomfortable position to be in when you have to rely on Democratic Senators as a firewall between constitutional government and socialist adventurism; but that is where we are.
Of the two, I personally believe that Sinema is the stronger and more principled, although her constituency situation will make it extremely difficult for her to hold the line on her moderate policy decisions. While I consider Manchin to be the more unreliable of the pair when it comes to common sense, he seems to be reading the conservative tea leaves back home and that will hopefully discourage him from jumping over the proverbial cliff into the liberal abyss inhabited by unicorns, rainbows, Pelosi, AOC, Schumer, and the Biden Administration.
We can only hope that at least one of these two will be able to hold out; at least until the mid-term elections this November present the opportunity to construct a permanent bulwark against the inane lunacy of the Democratic majorities in Washington, D.C. “What lunacies?” …you ask. Oh, I don’t know…perhaps things such as these that are occurring with almost daily or weekly frequency…..
A truly frightening situation is developing on the global stage as America’s leadership, media, and liberal influences busy our nation with new and exciting ways to protect itself from flu-like symptoms. Our President is asleep at the wheel, his ideological appointees are conducting United States foreign policy willy-nilly, and the evil in the world is realizing that the time is ripe to strike:
If you haven’t looked into the situation in your local schools lately, you need to do so…quickly. You will be shocked at what you discover. There is a war going on for the very souls of our children and parents who favor fundamental education and local school control are losing the battles.
In the wake of widespread election process irresponsibility, negligence, and outright abuse arising from last November’s election, many states have enacted new election laws. Many more are considering similar measures. And yet our Democratically-controlled government is desperately seeking ways to institutionalize various practices into our election procedures that will do nothing but erode the already-low credibility of the process. There are likely no issues in the news today where more disinformation is being churned out than in election reform and voting rights. Educate yourself, use common sense, and be very skeptical about all that you hear, read, and see.
Informed…Pass the Word…Just Google centerlineright
The tactics and rhetoric employed by President Biden, his Administration, the Democrats in Congress, and their national liberal contingent are shameful. Neither national party has ever been a bastion of honor and ethics when it comes to politics; but the naked hubris of the Democrats in pursuit of their liberal agenda has taken low-road chicanery and demagoguery to subterranean levels.
The truly sad part of this tragedy that is playing out in our Executive and Legislative Branches of government is the fact that the people involved are truly clueless. They are too far removed from reality to grasp how stupid they really are.
Ultimately, chickens do come home to roost. We, the American voters, put these morons in charge of our government and now we are paying the price for that foolishness.
Four quick closing notes that bear some attention….
I want to seize this rare opportunity to applaud the efforts of a Democrat Representative in Congress:
Heaven Help Us if this is the choice we face in the next general election:
Please help me shout it from the mountaintops….Our fiscal problem is NOT insufficient tax revenue; our fiscal problem IS excessive federal spending:
While strongly supporting our nation’s law enforcement agencies, I readily acknowledge that there are corrupt individuals, processes, and troublesome issues that are deeply embedded within them. It is disingenuous not to face these truths. Here is a thoughtful piece on that subject:
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