Saturday, April 9, 2022

A Walk Around the Block....

Ketanji Brown Jackson has now been confirmed by the Senate as a SCOTUS Justice.  She is the first black female to assume the position of SCOTUS Justice and that is a good thing for America.  Our government...ALL aspects of our government...should look like the people it serves.  She replaces Stephen Breyer, who has been a reliable liberal vote on the Court for his entire tenure.  Jackson's presence therefore should not significantly affect the "tilt" of the Court.  And even though it is certainly fair to say that Jackson's liberal leanings are more radically-left than were Breyer's, there is merit to having someone with her views present on this Court.  Without a doubt, her liberal opinions reflect a significant portion (albeit a minority portion) of our nation's political and social ideologies.  Perhaps this is the type of input we might expect from KBJ...

Inflation, energy, unemployment, economic growth, employment opportunities...these are all bundled up together in our country and each one significantly impacts the others.

Education in America, and the academic intelligentsia that run it, are continuing to evolve and battle with the public at large over what is best for our children and young adults.  It seems the hard and established shift to the left that has been occurring for decades is beginning to be challenged both from within and without.  If you have children, this is something you should pay close attention to every opportunity...become involved with.  Do you prefer that school admission standards and student progress evaluations be based on "equal opportunity" or on "equity"?

As I have stated before...I consider the "student loan forgiveness movement" to be a slap in the face to anyone (students, parents, grandparents, mentors) who has (and are) worked their ass off to repay their past student loans.  

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has put the spotlight on many issues that had been lying dormant for a while.  It is fascinating to hear the varied opinions of both Democrats and Republicans in regards to how America should be involved in this conflict.  This is not an issue that splits along the traditional divide of the two parties.  The many questions raised by it are complex, wide-ranging, and do not lend themselves to simple and easy solutions.  Times like these should remind us all how important our selection of national leaders is.

No discussion of current American foreign policy is complete without some attention being given to the fiasco that is taking place in the ongoing JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Actions) negotiations.

"If" the SCOTUS were to wipe away Roe v. Wade and Casey as legal precedents, then the issue of abortion in America will largely be determined by the individual states.  How will that play out?

The undeniable and unreliable persuasive abilities of the mainstream media continue to be an unfolding chapter in the story of our nation.  The questions of what, when, and how they report the news is, and should always be, the focus of the public.  We can choose to be sheep, wandering aimlessly at the behest of our media shepherds...or we can be the thinking, intelligent, sentient beings that the Good Lord created us to be.  

Of course, subterfuge and deception is not confined to the realm of politics....

Even though the punishment seldom seems to match the deed, there is something righteous about seeing political chickens coming home to roost.

As the story of Biden, Inc. unfolds, I have thought about what manner of thinking would involve a man like Joe Biden in a corrupted mess of this magnitude.  This article puts forth a theory that I have subscribed to for some time...

Watching the recent media videos of Obama's visit to the White House in which The One sucks all the oxygen out of the room and leaves our President wandering about like a lost child in a Home Depot store, I almost feel sympathy for the empty shell of a man that we have put in charge of our nation's government.  The truly frightening thing is that this man has two and half more years to serve as our national leader.

As I have written in this blog many times before...WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE.

Come November, we get yet another opportunity to change that government.  How might that play out?  And the bigger question...Will it make a difference?

It is unfortunate that the Republican Party never seems to govern the same way it campaigns.  They moan and groan about the federal budget and then, when they are put in a position to control it, they spend money like drunken sailors...or to put it another Democrats.  I will give the Democrat Party credit for this...They told us in 2020 what they were going to do if we elected them and that is precisely what they are doing.  

At some point, the Republican Party must stop making a living off undoing the idiotic edicts of the Left.  They must put forth a responsible and plausible agenda.  They must select candidates that are worthy of the offices they seek.  They must be consistent, sincere, and transparent in the ways they pursue their policies.  I'm not certain we have yet reached that point.  Perhaps the Alan Parsons Project says it best....

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