Saturday, April 16, 2022

An Embarrassing Lack of Embarrassment

Of all the maddening aspects of the ongoing "woke" culture being propagated by liberal America, I believe the absence of shame and embarrassment in their behavior is one of the most disturbing.  It goes without saying that we as individuals have the right to speak our minds and be as ridiculous as we choose to be...within, of course, the legal rules of civility.  But when their words or actions become so untethered from reality as to cross over into the realm of absurdity and they continue to insist that they make perfectly good sense...well, they are pushing the bounds of credibility beyond its limits and have pretty much given up their demands to be taken seriously.  

If you personally choose to preach and adhere to a creed that I deem to be idiotic, it is your right to preach it and it is my right to ignore it.  But not get up in my face, spew that insanity, and then demand that I embrace it.  That is not an acceptable bargain and it will not be sustainable.  How long will it be permitted to rule our lives?

A prime example of this behavior is the Biden Administration's recent decision to "adhere to the law" and reopen leasing of federal lands for oil and gas exploration.  Sounds like a great idea and an indication that Biden is finally beginning to come to terms with his foolish energy policy, doesn't it?  Not!  Imagine that your home, along with several others in the neighborhood, has been subjected to a burglary.  Someone broke into your house and took your stuff.  After months of denying that this scourge is sweeping through your community, you finally get religion because it is YOUR house...YOUR HOME...that has been violated.  In response, you institute a new security policy.  Your home has a combination of ten doors and windows; you choose to lock down two of them.  And the ones you choose not to lock...well, let's leave them cracked open just a bit.

This is similar to some recent actions taken by Biden.  In response to our national energy industry fiasco driven by federal over-regulation, he is releasing approximately twenty percent of the available leases.  And to make his actions even more ridiculous and disingenuous, he is increasing the cost of the new leases to the participating companies by fifty percent.  Yeah...that will make a difference. 

And then there are the recent revelations about how the Black Lives Matter organization has handled its abundance of financial donations.  The BLM spokesperson claims to be "triggered" by IRS regulations.  I think April 15 has a triggering effect on all of us.

Consider also the teachers' unions that preach constantly about their concerns for our "children".  Is it any surprise to learn that when we examine where they spend their money, their primary concerns lie somewhere other than "education"?

There is also the case of our Department of Justice that has evolved into nothing short of a political appendage of the Democrat Party.  The obvious double-standards of justice applied to Conservatives as opposed to Liberals is now open and unapologetic.  To its own shame and demise, the mainstream media has become "part and parcel" of this pathetic trend.

The audacity of Democrats to believe in their ability to "airbrush" history in a fashion they find pleasing and advantageous to their agenda is nothing short of breathtaking.  Enter the master of the political misdirection...the One whose allegiance to the truth is tenuous at best...the possible "power behind the throne" of our zombie President.  When the fawning mainstream media slurps up every sugary morsel that crosses your lips, why wouldn't you believe you could get away with saying anything you like?

Of course, our sitting President was mentored by the man whose function in the area of truthfulness is the equivalent of a wheel bearing with all of its balls gone.  There is a hidden truth in there somewhere, but...whatever.  Joe Biden's handling of our current inflationary issues is typical of the old standby...Keep throwing stuff against the wall and see what sticks.

It's bad enough when this liberal "laissez faire" attitude with the truth and common sense begins to pervade our domestic governmental policies, but it becomes "very real, very quickly" when it takes control of our foreign policy and national security.

The aforementioned stories paint the harsh realities of a liberal agenda that exists with no connection to logic or reason.  The unfortunate aspect of their current influence in our government and our culture is the fact that EVERYONE must bear the consequences of their stupidity.  As usual, Victor Davis Hanson does an excellent job of calling out exactly what is occurring across our country these days.

What is the remedy for this silliness that is washing across our nation?  Will a significant mid-term shift in Congressional power really have that much effect on a runaway Executive Branch bent on pushing its powers to the limit?  How can we combat the endless number of patronage-appointed liberals who have been seeded throughout our government over the last year?  Perhaps there is one hope left...

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