Saturday, June 25, 2022

Order is Being Restored; SCOTUS Does Its Job

Although much is happening in the world, the biggest stories this week are the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) rulings regarding the gun law in New York and the abortion law in Mississippi.  I would like to comment/link on each of these and then move on to another topic or two. 


Before addressing these two SCOTUS decisions, I want to give credit for these monumental moments of judicial clarity and significance to two individuals who are often criticized, both fairly and unfairly, for their performances in public office.  They both took personal political risks to help create a SCOTUS that made decisions like these possible.


The first significant ruling dealt with a restrictive gun law in New York.  The clear, simple, and perfectly proper message delivered by the SCOTUS in this ruling was that (1) The Constitution contains an undeniable right for citizens to bear arms and (2) Government entities at different levels have undeniable authority to regulate within reason how that Constitutional right is exercised.  In general terms, government cannot deny your right to own a gun; but they can regulate how that gun might be acquired, owned, and used.


Here is some information about exactly what the New York case was about, followed by several links to articles addressing the significance of the opinion.


And why do you suppose our Constitution provides a fundamental right for self-protection by arming one’s self?  Consider this:


The second major SCOTUS decision was the long-awaited verdict on the Dobbs case from Mississippi.  That decision not only upheld the Mississippi abortion law, but it also overturned the terrible judicial precedent of Roe v. Wade and returned the authority to regulate abortion in America to the individual states. 


This decision did not make abortion in our nation illegal.  It simply recognized that the SCOTUS over-reached its authority when it created out of whole cloth a constitutional right to abortion.  No such right exists and this decision bears that out.  It will now be up to each state to craft a law that deals with abortion in their jurisdiction.  Some will be severe and restrictive; some will be liberal and place few, if any, restrictions on abortion. 


For those individuals who reside in the states who implement restrictive abortion laws; they will have the freedom to travel to nearby states who have less restrictive laws in order to acquire an abortion.  It is my guess that the overwhelming majority of states will end up passing abortion regulations that will be quite similar to the Mississippi law that the SCOTUS upheld with this decision.  Here is that law:


Here is an article that will provide a full text link of this decision, followed by several articles that analyze the impact of the case.  It is important to note that the media coverage on this specific case and abortion in general is notoriously irresponsible and inaccurate.  My home state of Kentucky is a prime example of this.  As is being reported, Kentucky has a “trigger law” in place that would immediately take precedence in the case of Roe v. Wade being overturned and essentially makes abortion a crime.   But it also recently passed new abortion legislation (vetoed by our Governor and that veto being over-ridden by the Legislature) that is quite similar to the Mississippi law addressed by the SCOTUS.  The point is that with the authority to regulate abortion now being passed to the states from the federal level, it will begin a “sorting out” process whereby the people and governments of each state will be deciding how they wish to deal with this emotional issue.   Proper, constitutional order will be restored…at least to this subject.


Of all the stupid things that President Biden and his Administration have done, no particular areas stand out more than those intertwined issues of the economy and energy.  What is so outrageous about the mishandling of these areas is the fact that when Biden came into office, they were both in great shape, primed and ready to continue improving.  He has royally screwed that all up and in the process, royally screwed up our country.


It is depressingly painful to watch our President Nero (Joe Biden) fiddle while Rome (America) burns down around him.


There are two particular aspects of the House Select Committee hearings on January 6 that stand out to me.  One is the pure hypocrisy on display.  Second is the bald-faced partisan collusion between the mainstream media and Congress.  But hey…I repeat myself.


To close out this piece, let us continue to glance forward a few months and speculate on who our NEXT president might be.


Friday, June 17, 2022

Jeez…What A Mess We Are In

The absolute foolishness of the Biden Administration can be presented in four general categories: Justice, Economy, Education, Zaniness; logically resulting in the befuddled reaction JEEZ.  Of course, that sorting does not cover all of the liberal lunacy occurring in our government and society today…but it is a good start. 


Historically, administrations from both political parties have politicized the Department of Justice.  While the rank and file (as opposed to its patronage leadership) of the State Department (which deals mainly with foreign policy) is a largely ingrained bureaucracy impervious to partisanship, the FBI has often been manipulated by various administrations to help them combat opposing views and to aid in their pursuit of ideological agendas.   The FBI has simply proven to be more politically-malleable as compared to the State Department.  It is also likely true that people pay closer attention to domestic issues rather than foreign issues.


In either case, this abuse by elected officials in the administration of their duties is a prime example of misfeasance leading to malfeasance…and vice versa.  The problem with patronage has and always will be this…it is reasonable for elected officials to fill positions in their administration with people who align with their policy designs.  That is why we have elections.  The troubles begin when those individuals are selected solely or primarily on the basis of their politics and are either incompetent or unwilling to perform their appointed duties in a responsible and professional manner. The Biden Administration has taken this practice to levels not seen before.


Attorney General Merrick Garland is the top law enforcement official in America.  The example he sets regarding the administration of justice in this country has a trickledown effect on our entire culture and society; even to how the law is enforced in our counties and towns.  He has proven to be either an empty suit serving as a useful idiot for his advisers or a political hack plenty willing to subjugate ethics to politics.  He is an embarrassment to the term justice and this nation dodged a bullet when Senator McConnell kept him from being placed on the Supreme Court.


The child-like nature of the Biden Administration as demonstrated in its approach to our Economy is baffling.  Not content to allow a post-pandemic American engine of capitalism the freedom to literally explode from dormancy into a robust model of productivity, he foolishly force-fed liberal wokery into the economy of our nation.  And now that it has literally run off the cliff as a result of his machinations, he wanders around proclaiming…Whatever the hell happened, it is not MY fault! 


First off…he SHOULD know whatever the hell is happening because he is the President.  Secondly, everyone including his own Party TOLD HIM that the profligate federal spending he has initiated in the name of left lane lunacy would lead to the white-hot inflation rate that we are all experiencing today.  Incredibly, he STILL refuses to acknowledge that clear and universally-acknowledged connection.  He inexplicably clings to the notion that the fiscal disaster that is our economic reality is occurring IN SPITE OF his actions rather than BECAUSE of his actions.  His cluelessness is off the charts.


Perhaps the single most tragic mistake made by Biden in economic terms was his absolute destruction of America’s energy industry.  He inherited a situation where our nation was energy independent; literally EXPORTING energy sources to foreign nations.  Needless to say, this fact fostered many advantages in foreign policy; a fact painfully exhibited by our lack of influence in the Russia/Ukraine War. 


But the more painful and in your face results of Biden’s energy screwups show up at our gas stations and in our monthly household bills.  The cost of living is skyrocketing and the inflation thrusters show no sign of letting up.  The naïve attitude of the liberal set as illustrated by their fantastical Green New Deal thinking has destroyed our economy and if it continues, threatens to punish family households to an extent not seen in decades.


The woken madness of the liberal left has infected pretty much all aspects of our lives, but in no area has it been more apparent and destructive than in that of Education.  It seems as if the left has viewed our schools and colleges as vessels into which they could pour their ridiculous notions of liberalism regardless of its connection or relevance to the fundamental mission of learning.  NO OTHER SECTOR of our American way of life demands greater attention at this time and place than that of our children’s education.


In many ways, our schools and the activities associated with them serve as an intersection where the many highways of life that make up our culture and society meet up.   This combining of such powerful and diverse forces results in a mosaic that effectively illustrates a picture of living in America.  That picture is none too pretty these days.


And into the final topic of Zaniness let us dump several items of interest.  You know…that word pretty well describes the Biden Administration from top to bottom.  A part of zany is the fact that even though ridiculous behavior oftentimes leads to bad, even tragic consequences…there are certain aspects of it that almost seem humorous.  Unfortunately, when the tragedy reaches a certain level, it becomes pretty damn hard to laugh.


The silly season of mid-term elections is upon us and will lead seamlessly into a robust and rabid campaign for the House, Senate, and White House.  Buckle up…it will be one wild ride.


Nowhere is zany more appropriate than the Biden Administration’s approach to racism and identity politics in America.  They are literally obsessed with it and mange to insert it in every…single…policy…initiative that they come in contact with.  If only they could focus on opportunity rather than equity.  If only they would look inside of folks…the content of their character…rather than at their outward appearances.


One of those times when it is difficult to laugh at Biden’s zaniness is when it crops up in his foreign policy.  What in the world is this old, senile man that is leading our nation on the world stage thinking these days?


There are many zany notions floating around when the discussion turns to gun control and gun violence.  It is so hard to find common ground when sincere people come to a subject with such varied and emotional ideas.  Could this be one of those rare moments when our Congress actually steps up to the plate and delivers a hit with runners in scoring position?


And finally…we close with the best example today of authentic zany resulting from the combined efforts of the Biden Administration, the Democrat Party, the Congressional Democrats, and the mainstream media.  I am speaking, of course, about the public hearings being conducted by the Select House Committee into the events that occurred in WDC on January 6, 2021.  You could not erect a canvas tent, complete with clowns/sideshows/carnival barkers/flying pennants/snow cones/cotton candy, and be any closer to staging a circus than what we are seeing from this Democratic effort to politically lynch Donald Trump.  This group of partisan buffoons have taken a subject that demanded sober, deliberate, bipartisan, and transparent investigation and turned it into nothing less than a pathetic, partisan enterprise.


Now I have been pretty hard on Donald Trump in the past.  I have attacked his character, questioned his motives, and disparaged his personage in many other ways.  I do not support him as the Republican nominee in the upcoming presidential election and even considering my high level of affection for his policies, find him to be a symptom of our corrupted political system rather than a cure for it. 


Having said that…there cannot be any doubt that no President in my lifetime (nearly 70 years) has been more unjustly compromised and handicapped than Donald Trump.  While the opposing political party pulled out every conceivable stop to hamstring his effectiveness as Chief Executive, his own party essentially abandoned him at critical moments and secretly wished for his political failure.  The mainstream media sold their journalistic soul to the devil in an effort to bring him down and even his friends and close allies seemed to come and go with the political winds that blew through his term as President.


This hearing on the January 6, 2021 events is a travesty of legislative proceedings.  It is a purely partisan effort by the Democrats to politically pound Donald Trump into dust and destroy any possibility of his return to political relevance.  It is a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars and a dereliction of duty by elected officials who should be directing their time and resources towards more pressing issues.


The Select Committee, deviating from the normal course of events, has chosen not to present the opportunity for opposition presentation in their attacks on Trump.  They excluded Republicans who might raise opposing viewpoints and have structured the event to exclude cross-examination of witnesses that clearly have personal animus towards Donald Trump.  There is nothing fair or balanced about the whole thing.  In an effort to instill a bit of balance into the hearings, I am going to link to a lengthy response by Donald Trump to the hearings.  I do not support his words, but I embrace his right to voice his side of the story.


Friday, June 10, 2022

We All Live in Our Bubbles

Before highlighting some of the ongoing news stories of the past two weeks, I want to comment about a partial viewing of President Biden’s recent appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show.  There can be little doubt that given the President’s deteriorating mental and physical condition, coupled with his downward-spiraling approval polling, the Democrat Party is in panic mode when they consider their prospects in the coming mid-term elections and beyond that in the next presidential election. 


Two television events this week tells you all you need to know about the Democrat Party.  Their leader, President Joe Biden, refuses to communicate regularly with the American people, the media in general, and other national leaders around the world.  And yet in this time of uncertainty, chaos, and planetary drama…he chooses to go on a late-night, comedic hack’s show for what was billed as a “revelatory” event.  Kimmel, a comedian who simply ain’t too damn funny, is nothing more than a liberal Democrat shill who dutifully lined up and tossed softballs to the President who dutifully lined up and whiffed on most of them.  The fact that Biden is a senile, incompetent, angry old man could not be masked by the fuzzy kid gloves of the groveling host.  A circus act that was intended to place Biden in a favorable environment where he could not help but look good unfolded as a convincing indictment of his dismal decline.


And then there was the melodramatic hearing by the House Democrats (plus two inexplicably wandering Republicans) staging in primetime television a not-so-subtle political lynching of Donald Trump.  Never in my memory has something so simple and obvious been so hyperboled.  The January 6 riot was a national shame; but it was certainly not the cataclysmic and seditious act that is being portrayed by the Democrats.  Trump was a fool to allow his monstrous ego free reign to continue protesting the illegitimacy of the 2020 election far beyond the point where it was meaningless.  The obvious irregularities that occurred during that election were never going to be sufficiently quantified to overturn a national electoral verdict and Trump should have realized that.  But really…are his protestations about 2020 any more outrageous than Hillary Clinton’s about her 2016 loss or the way Stacey Abrams dealt with her loss in 2018? 


These two instances of each national party going over-the-top in their reactions to a national event is indicative of the political/social/cultural environment that now exists in America.  We all tend to circulate in a sphere of influence that we find amenable to our own opinions.  We tend to tune out that which does not align with our inclinations and embrace that which does.   Conservatives watch Fox; liberals watch MSNBC.  The internet offers a plethora of sources that cater to either political leaning and it has even become possible for national consumer brands to exclusively cater to one or the other extreme and still be successful.  Such is the magnitude and severity of our nation’s political polarization.  I reluctantly acknowledge my own role in this phenomenon.


The cluelessness of both Biden and Trump in the prior-mentioned episodes plainly demonstrates that when we give ourselves over to the innermost political beasts, we lose the ability not only to entertain and consider the rational thoughts of opposing opinion; we lose the ability to realize how utterly stupid we appear to any person who can still maintain a standing in that shrinking zone that lies between the two extreme political postures.  Has that middle zone shrunk to the point where it is now irrelevant when it comes to deciding national elections?  That, my friends, is an interesting question.  Now…on to the current events.


The Democrat’s Green New Deal was going to be institutionalized with the passage of the Build Back Better legislation.  Fortunately, Build Back Better never got built in the first place.   But as presidents before him from both national parties have demonstrated, President Biden is attempting to demonstrate that which cannot be accomplished legitimately through the legislative process can oftentimes be accomplished illegitimately through the executive order.   The liberal pursuit of a fossil-free energy environment has become quite comfortable in its fantasy world of illogic and contradiction; it has also become drunk on the fleeting opportunity to impose its madness on the masses through the levers of an all-powerful and blameless bureaucracy.


There is example after example of the Biden Administration worsening existing problems with counter-productive policies that are nothing short of pouring gasoline on raging fires.  Not content with creating new and unique problems for the American economy; Biden and his liberal clown show took those areas of our economy that the Trump Administration had successfully managed and screwed them up too!  Think about the logic that drives a person to think that the proper way to encourage electric vehicles is to drive the price of gasoline so high that the economy goes into recession…or…the blind ambition of raising employee wages beyond a sustainable level without appreciating the fact that those increasing labor costs will result in higher prices and inflation.  This is Bidenomics.


This is Joe Biden’s America:


This was Donald Trump’s America:


The key to a robust, fair, widespread, and healthy American economy is not a wide-open approach to profligate federal spending.  The national conditions of poverty and education should clearly demonstrate that more taxpayer dollars being hurled towards an issue will not necessarily improve that issue.


The ever-devolving ethical and moral condition of the U.S. Department of Justice is a cancer upon our nation.  Every day we see another story of FBI misbehavior or skullduggery.  The Attorney General…the chief law enforcement officer in America…seems more interested in “woke” than in “law”.  The January 6 participants, whose violent consequences pale in comparison to the summer riots following the George Floyd episode, are treated in barbaric fashion while liberal cites, states, and Attorney Generals (looking at you California) are dealing with the consequences of coddling criminals and defunding law enforcement.  The FBI should not be an extension of the Obama/Clinton political machine and the Department of Justice should not be an appendage of the Democrat Party.  But in both cases, that seems to be where we stand today.


This is what political scandal used to look like:


The liberal hysteria surrounding the terms “assault weapons” and “gun control” has gone completely beyond the pale.  Yes…America needs to deliberately and thoughtfully consider the alarming episodes of mass shootings.  But…before that can occur, we need to ENFORCE the gun possession laws that are currently on the book and see if new laws are even necessary.


Total and unbridled obsession with race has resulted in increased racial tension.  Total and unbridled obsession with violence will result in increased violence.  Also true…how episodes of violence are reported in the media has a great deal to do with public opinion.  It is amusing how the political bias of a reporter can determine the severity of the violent intent.


As unsettling as it is to see our President make a fool of himself on late-night television, it is even more disturbing to realize that he is the leader of the free world in these times of global unrest and turmoil.  His bumbling might be somewhat entertaining on domestic soil; but it is alarmingly dangerous in foreign relations.


Our President obviously does not realize how stupid and inept he appears when he makes public appearances.  It is equally apparent that those people in his Administration who have any influence over him want to keep him in the dark about his cluelessness and continue to use him as their useful idiot.  If the consequences of his behavior and his policies were not so devastating, it would almost be humorous.


I will always believe that one of the cheapest shots Biden took at Trump during their presidential contest was his blaming Trump…personally…for all of the coronavirus deaths.  The behavior and rhetoric of Biden in this instance said far more about himself and his lack of moral turpitude than it ever did about Trump.  The one thing in life that should instill both fear and solace in each of us is the old truth…chickens do come home to roost.


As the mid-term elections approach, the gravity of their outcomes is coming under increased scrutiny.  Can the Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of impending victory?  If so, what can they do to mitigate the craziness emanating from the Biden Administration?  Will they, themselves, fall back into familiar patterns of Republican craziness?  Who will emerge as the Republican presidential nominee?  What will the Democrats do with their Biden problem and, of equal or greater consequence, their Harris problem?  Buckle up, it is going to be one wild ride through two election cycles!


How and why” Joe Biden transformed himself from a fairly moderate and inconsequential legislator to a hair-on-fire liberal president is, and will likely remain, a mystery.  However, one thing about his journey is not a mystery.  The liberal contingent in our nation, aided and abetted by the Democrat Party and the mainstream media, have thrown all caution to the wind and are pursuing their nation-changing agenda with full abandon.  It would appear that they have dramatically over-reached and are allowing their ambition to outrun their abilities.  That is yet to be determined.  But without any doubt, there are a large number of Americans who are opposed to the liberal lunacy that is running amuck in our country and they are reaching the point where pushback is evitable.  The degree, resolve, and effectiveness of that pushback is the real question.


Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...