Saturday, June 25, 2022

Order is Being Restored; SCOTUS Does Its Job

Although much is happening in the world, the biggest stories this week are the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) rulings regarding the gun law in New York and the abortion law in Mississippi.  I would like to comment/link on each of these and then move on to another topic or two. 


Before addressing these two SCOTUS decisions, I want to give credit for these monumental moments of judicial clarity and significance to two individuals who are often criticized, both fairly and unfairly, for their performances in public office.  They both took personal political risks to help create a SCOTUS that made decisions like these possible.


The first significant ruling dealt with a restrictive gun law in New York.  The clear, simple, and perfectly proper message delivered by the SCOTUS in this ruling was that (1) The Constitution contains an undeniable right for citizens to bear arms and (2) Government entities at different levels have undeniable authority to regulate within reason how that Constitutional right is exercised.  In general terms, government cannot deny your right to own a gun; but they can regulate how that gun might be acquired, owned, and used.


Here is some information about exactly what the New York case was about, followed by several links to articles addressing the significance of the opinion.


And why do you suppose our Constitution provides a fundamental right for self-protection by arming one’s self?  Consider this:


The second major SCOTUS decision was the long-awaited verdict on the Dobbs case from Mississippi.  That decision not only upheld the Mississippi abortion law, but it also overturned the terrible judicial precedent of Roe v. Wade and returned the authority to regulate abortion in America to the individual states. 


This decision did not make abortion in our nation illegal.  It simply recognized that the SCOTUS over-reached its authority when it created out of whole cloth a constitutional right to abortion.  No such right exists and this decision bears that out.  It will now be up to each state to craft a law that deals with abortion in their jurisdiction.  Some will be severe and restrictive; some will be liberal and place few, if any, restrictions on abortion. 


For those individuals who reside in the states who implement restrictive abortion laws; they will have the freedom to travel to nearby states who have less restrictive laws in order to acquire an abortion.  It is my guess that the overwhelming majority of states will end up passing abortion regulations that will be quite similar to the Mississippi law that the SCOTUS upheld with this decision.  Here is that law:


Here is an article that will provide a full text link of this decision, followed by several articles that analyze the impact of the case.  It is important to note that the media coverage on this specific case and abortion in general is notoriously irresponsible and inaccurate.  My home state of Kentucky is a prime example of this.  As is being reported, Kentucky has a “trigger law” in place that would immediately take precedence in the case of Roe v. Wade being overturned and essentially makes abortion a crime.   But it also recently passed new abortion legislation (vetoed by our Governor and that veto being over-ridden by the Legislature) that is quite similar to the Mississippi law addressed by the SCOTUS.  The point is that with the authority to regulate abortion now being passed to the states from the federal level, it will begin a “sorting out” process whereby the people and governments of each state will be deciding how they wish to deal with this emotional issue.   Proper, constitutional order will be restored…at least to this subject.


Of all the stupid things that President Biden and his Administration have done, no particular areas stand out more than those intertwined issues of the economy and energy.  What is so outrageous about the mishandling of these areas is the fact that when Biden came into office, they were both in great shape, primed and ready to continue improving.  He has royally screwed that all up and in the process, royally screwed up our country.


It is depressingly painful to watch our President Nero (Joe Biden) fiddle while Rome (America) burns down around him.


There are two particular aspects of the House Select Committee hearings on January 6 that stand out to me.  One is the pure hypocrisy on display.  Second is the bald-faced partisan collusion between the mainstream media and Congress.  But hey…I repeat myself.


To close out this piece, let us continue to glance forward a few months and speculate on who our NEXT president might be.


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