Is there a real, significant difference between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party? At the end of the day, does it really matter which side is in practical control of our government? When adding up the positives and negatives for either side, are the net figures really that far apart? Isn’t it a fact that if either side gets carried away with its temporary control of our government, then the voters will ultimately reject them…placing them in minority status and elevating their opponents to the majority status? Well, yes…and no.
A dozen years or so ago,
I would have agreed that regardless of how badly one Party “screws up”
our government, the other party, upon assuming majority status, will be able to
“unscrew” it. I no longer believe
that to be that case. First off, the
increasingly bitter partisan polarization of our nation and our government has
taken us to the point where all bets are off, any means are acceptable for the
cause of winning, and guilt only applies when the ultimate legal remedy is
actually achieved. Secondly, the Biden
Administration and the Democratic Congress have proven that even with
historically-narrow margins, the mere fact of majority status is sufficient to
effectively utilize abnormal legislative actions, bold and unprecedented
executive actions, and a “take no prisoners” approach to governing that
allows a political party to accomplish incredible amounts of partisan agenda
with essentially no opposition.
This current phenomenon
has changed the political landscape of our country. Its existence makes it possible that within a
two-year legislative cycle, combined with a four-year executive cycle, one
political party can institute changes so sweeping and significant to the very
structure of our nation as to give them a strong sense of “permanence”
when considering the future political status of America. All things are possible within heaven and
earth, but there is one simple fact that history has taught us: When a government program becomes
entrenched within our society and culture, it is nigh on impossible to end it. That fact, if it be a fact, is about to be
sorely tested over the next few years.
Yes…there is a real
difference between today’s Democrats and Republicans. Let us assume that we live in a nation where
either side might enjoy a 60/40 majority status. Now the Democrats have nowhere near that type
of majority at the present time; but they are behaving as if they do. And judging from their behavior, it is easy
to see that they believe all things in life should be reconfigured to their
ideals, standards, and beliefs. If
there is to be “tolerance”, it will be defined within the confines of
those three areas…of Democrat Doctrine.
All history, all language, all terms, all traditions, all foundations…no
matter how sacred and established…will be reimagined to align with the Democrat
Doctrine. “They” will sit in
judgment of you and you will be allowed a certain degree of “wobble” within
the Democrat universe. Fall outside of
that allowable variance and you will be kicked off the island.
Now let us assume that
the Republicans enjoy that 60/40 majority status. Would they be as aggressive towards pursuing
their agenda as the Democrats currently are?
I think it is fair to say that “YES”; of course, they would
be. Too much water has passed beneath
the bridge, too many wounds have been created and raked, too many rules have
been broken, and too much trust has been destroyed for us to return to any
semblance of political civility in our government. But I submit to you that there would be a
real difference if the Republicans assumed control; and that difference would
be in the area of “tolerance”.
You see, while conservatives will be just as righteous about instituting
their visions of proper government; their fundamental belief in the
Constitution and the rights it bestows on every citizen would lead them to
allow the liberal community to follow, within reason, their Democrat
Doctrine in their personal lives. They
could be as “woke” as they want to be; just keep it within the law, keep
it conspicuous within reason, and don’t stick it up in everyone’s face and
insist upon their enthusiastic support for it.
Live and let live. Republicans
will let you be a Democrat. Democrats
demand allegiance to Democrats.
“That” is what I
believe to be the important difference between today’s Democrats and
Republicans. That both have idiots
amongst them. They both are easily
corrupted upon the achievement of majority status. They both are capable of ludicrous blindness
when the time comes for policy and personal self-examination. They both spend your tax dollars like drunken
sailors. But one party…the
Republicans…have an undying, uncompromising, and authentic respect for the
principles upon which America was established.
This does not make them more correct in terms of policy, does not make
them more moral or ethical, and will not necessarily make them more effective. But it damn sure makes it more likely that
with Republican control of our government; each of us will enjoy, and continue
to celebrate, the freedoms bestowed upon us by our founders and we will honor all
the fearless leaders and warriors that have defended our Constitution since its
Both of our national
parties have their warts and their virtues.
But what we as a nation are experiencing right now is not representative
government. It is autocratic, one-party
rule with an iron fist. Joe Biden
behaves as if he wants to be King of America, not President. It is not a good situation. Neither Party is sufficiently blessed with
wisdom to govern solely without input from the other side. The House has always been a majority-first
operation where one vote rules the day; but the Senate’s new normal of using
the reconciliation process to push through legislation with a simple majority
is not healthy for our civics. To the
victor should go the spoils; but the simple fact is that about half our country
sent Republicans to Congress and they are being shut out of the process. They have lost their voice in our
government. That is a bad recipe.
And now onto the news of
the day. This piece is lengthy; there is
much that is happening and it bears directly on the previous text of this
post. I urge you to take the time
necessary over the long Labor Day weekend to read the linked articles. They tell a story that is tragically
unfolding in our country. We are witnessing the demise of a great nation and if
things do not change very soon, that demise will be irrevocable.
Under the liberal
Democrat Administration of Joe Biden, the Department of Justice has gone
completely through the looking glass.
Merrick Garland is either a duplicitous trickster or a hapless
marionette being controlled by the puppeteer behind the scenes (much like
his boss). While his people are busy
going through Melania Trump’s lingerie, framing Michigan rednecks, and trying
to protect the nation from marauding parents at school board meetings…there is
very little justice actually being done these days.
With an annual inflation
rate of 8.5 percent, why not continue pumping more federal dollars into an
economy that has just experienced two consecutive quarters of negative
growth? Biden and the Democrats may
choose to call this something other than a recession, but that will not change
the facts. More dollars chasing
fewer goods will do nothing but make the inflation fire hotter.
Of all the stupid things
the liberal Democrats and their old fool of a President have done, this one
here might just take the cake. If a
President has the legal power to do something like this, why in the world do we
even have a Senate and House?
The Democrat way: More
taxes, more spending (and do pay attention to where the spending goes),
more IRS agents to collect. Off all the
things, both good and bad, that our government could have increased spending on,
why in the world would they essentially double the size of the Internal Revenue
Service? Just think for a moment…it was
not that long ago when the buzz was that we would be able to file our taxes on
a postcard.
The Democrat way: All
race…all the time. Discrimination on the
basis of skin color is simply wrong. It
should not happen. It is not
The Democrat way: Woke to
the max. Anything goes. If it feels good, do it.
The realm of education
has long been heavily populated by liberal Democrats; but under the Biden
Administration, they appear to have been totally unleashed. The thoughtless actions that are being taken
across the entire spectrum of education should scare the bejesus out of any
sentient parent. How do these idiots
get in positions to make these types of decisions? But then again…there is the all-too-rare
instance where common sense prevails and the pushback engages.
Labor Day is typically
considered the kick-off for the upcoming November elections. There are truckloads of experts out there
predicting this and warning of that, but does anyone really have any reasonable
idea about how this country’s citizens will vote this fall?
The Green New Deal
follies continue. Do you suppose that
any of these people driving this green mania have ever…in their entire lives…been
accountable for anything? Have they
ever…in their entire lives…had to fend for themselves? Do they have any thoughts whatsoever about
how the future may unfold based on the decisions and actions we are taking
Foreign affairs for
President Biden are simply too much work.
He has farmed out this business to a bunch of idealistic liberals who
are globetrotting and making America the patsy for all of our foreign
antagonists; while, of course, treating our valuable allies like
In less than two years,
Biden and his Democrats have done tremendous damage to our nation. How much more can we absorb and still retain
the ability to recover?
Closing out with a great
tune. Enjoy the music…read the lyrics…. “The
difference between what you need and what you wanna be”.