Monday, September 26, 2022

Up the Road….and Back

Just a pass around to see what is happening in the wide, wide world these days.


Law and Order.  The Supreme Court of the United States is our only firewall remaining for fundamental justice in America.  Never forget that it is the Democrat Party who came up with this “Defund the Police” movement.  Sure, it was the left wing of that party; but they are the ones who RUN that party.  Watch how things work in the states run by Democrat governors; that is what Schumer and Pelosi and Biden want for our nation.  The liberal elite who run the President, his Administration, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, most of the high-tech industry, and essentially all of academia are seeking a society and culture where you have a binary choice: either agree with their ideals or STFU.


THIS is what happens when drug laws are relaxed:


So WHY would you do this:


It could very well be that even a strong-willed, honest, intelligent, and professional prosecutor with adequate support and opportunity has found that the deep state in our Department of Justice is simply too corrupt and too entrenched to hold accountable and reform:


Federal Fiscal Insanity and the Economy.  I fear that the recession we are currently in is only going to deepen over the coming winter months.  There are some difficult times ahead for many, many Americans.  No elected official from either national party in WDC has the courage to speak truth to power when it comes to federal spending.  We have placed a curse upon future generations and that debt will come back around.


Woke Madness Continues and Big Brother is Watching.  It has seeped into our schools.  It has permeated our culture, our entertainment and media reek of it, and now it is being plied in our military training.  Is there no end to this liberal woke foolishness?  And once again, if you dare to question the nakedness of the emperor…prepare for the consequences.


Democrats will look you in the face and tell you that a biological boy or young man who identifies as a girl or young woman is not actually a boy or young man.  Therefore, in their minds, it is totally proper for them to compete with biological girls or young women.  Does this make sense to you:


The Mid-Term Elections….and Beyond.  Is there a wave coming?  Which party has the momentum?  What are the issues voters really care about?  Who will be our choices for the next presidential race?  Soon all mysteries will be revealed.


This is how the Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media think…Jen Psaki was one of the most partisan, arrogant, conceited spokespersons to ever inhabit a White House lectern.  But now, barely months removed from her perch on high where she regularly dispensed partisan pablum for President Doofus, she is performing her shill routine on MSNBC.  No doubt, this is where she belonged all along…a partisan hack on a partisan hack network.  But the hilarious point to be noted in this article is that she now refers to the Biden Administration and the Democrats as “they”.  It is as if she has taken on the mantle of pure objectivity and now speaks in tongues that know no political leaning…she is the “new neutral”.  In reality, she is performing the same old political schtick that she always has; she has simply moved her show to a new tent and is pretending to be “above the fray”.  One thing is for certain, with hypocritical skills like this, she will most definitely fit right in with the MSNBC folks.


Do our elected officials in WDC really want to conduct transparent and fair elections …or do they wish to continue gaming the system:


Inconvenient Facts.  Think for yourself and apply the lessons and logic you have learned from personal experience to the world around you.   Our politicians and their spokespersons have become truly shameless in their deceit.


How Do We Work This Out?  The bitterly partisan divide in our country deepens and widens with each passing day.  We look for a statesman in our government and none appears.  We look for civility in our politics and ruthlessness rules.  Will the mid-terms move us any closer to a functioning government?  Will our next president be the leader we have been seeking for so many years now?


But occasionally, there is a glimmer of hope.  THIS is political courage:


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Our President is a Dunce

I will call Joe Biden Mr. President.  I acknowledge his authority and office and appreciate the reality of his station.  None of this changes the fact that he is a dunce.  Whether it be intentional or unconscious, the man is a shameless liar.  His ego has grown enormously since moving into the White House.  It has not yet reached Trump level, but it is rapidly approaching that zone.  It is truly embarrassing for our nation to have such a pitiful example of leadership as our Chief Executive…but it is what it is.  I only hope and pray that our country is not put in a position where the ability and judgment of our President is put to a severe test.  If so, we will indeed be in dire straits.


Now you may think I am out of line to call our President a dunce.  You might be right.  Then again…you might be in denial.  There are a lot of people…a LOT of people…who voted for this man and are now wondering what the hell they did.  While Joe Biden is clearly the titular head of the Democrat Party, there can be little doubt about the fact that his influence and persuasive abilities within that organization are minimal at best.  He is a prop for the Machiavellian court that operates in his shadows.  He came into office by hiding in his basement and allowing his opponent to self-destruct.  He is physically and mentally incapable of doing his job based on normal expectations…so he and his handlers have rewritten the role of President to suit his limited capacities.   Altogether…it is a pitiful charade.


The Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and many powerful players in the national political game are now content to use Joe Biden as their useful idiot.  But as the mid-term elections are demonstrating, most of the folks in the Joe Biden camp see him for what he is…and they are increasingly nervous about it.  We are not even half way through his first term and have reached this pathetic and obvious conclusion.  It is truly frightening to ponder what the next two years will bring.  Once these mid-term elections are in the books, I expect there will be some interesting developments in the Biden Administration.


I recently watched a great documentary on the Nazi Germany “solutions” to the Jewish people.  When I put that in the context of all the other atrocities that mankind has committed on mankind, I feel overwhelming shame.  Such evil and cruelty.  We ask ourselves… “How in the world can things like this happen?   And yet…Ukraine is Ukraine.  The Uyghurs continue to suffer in China.  Atrocities occur every day in Africa.  The Middle East is a cauldron of hate.  Will we ever learn from our misdeeds and mistakes…our horrible episodes in history? 


When we approach the subject of immigration reform, it serves us well to remember that America is a special place and many nations in the world are brutal, intolerant, and sometimes viscous towards their own citizens.  We must always understand that if we ourselves were in the place of many emigrants, we would do everything necessary to try and save our family and provide a future for our children.  This is the reality of the world and we must never forget that. 


Immigration reform is critical.  America must have secure borders.  Open borders are a recipe for the disaster that the Biden Administration has created.  But a responsible and compassionate approach to immigration is essential for our nation to continue its role as a bastion of freedom and liberty in this world.  Legal and controlled immigration is the fundamental basis of what America is.  A diverse population of citizenry is our very essence.  There was a moment in the Trump Administration when serious and bipartisan immigration reform was within reach of the U.S. Senate; but it fell apart due to political considerations.  Donald Trump and the Democrats bear equal blame for that failure. 


President Trump may have failed in his role as Executive legislator in the Congressional immigration reform discussions, but there can little doubt that he had our southern border in firm control and great shape when Joe Biden moved into the White House.  Through pure arrogance and spite, the Biden Administration has thrown that all away.  We cannot have meaningful immigration reform until our borders are secure.  And the longer true reform is delayed, the more terrible will be the consequences.


The creeping perversion of the Department of Justice has shifted into a raging rot under the Biden Administration.  The most frightening aspect relating to this development is not the acts themselves, but the shameless way in which these acts are being perpetrated.  These people are ignoring fundamental rights and liberties of American citizens, they are proud of it, and they simply do not care who knows about it.  Their arrogance is repulsive; but their unforgiving focus on their agenda is unsettling.  If the FBI and other rogue elements in our Department of Justice are not reined in and reforms are instituted to prevent their rampant abuse of power, our nation runs the risk of losing one of the essential elements necessary for its very existence.  If our government cannot provide a transparent, equitable, and honest institution of justice for all…then we are no longer the country our founders envisioned.


Election Drama is now the greatest show available.  The cast of characters is diverse, unique, and full of surprises.  The outcomes are absolutely unpredictable and the currents of events that will lead us to a final conclusion are swirling, forceful eddies of deceitful machinations and unintended consequences.  We are in the 45-day window…buckle up.


As our government continues to push the limits on autocratic actions that encroach on American’s fundamental rights and liberties, the high-tech industry is providing them with new and unlimited abilities to accomplish their aims.  High-tech is truly that double-edged sword that simultaneously grants huge benefits to society while offering overwhelming invitations to those who would abuse its abilities.  We are in new frontiers and it is simply going to take us some time to sort it all out.  We can only hope that the people who have their hands of the levers of control use some common sense and integrity when they set up the rules.


There are so many things swirling about these days that simply make you go “hmmmmm”.   We see conflicting…and often totally opposite…versions of reality being presented to us by individuals and institutions that we have traditionally relied upon for truth.  That reliance has been shattered.  Left to our own devices…we can only bore down to the fundamental facts, observe the world around us on a daily basis, infer from our own experiences what is right or wrong or sensible, and attempt to filter the information overload that we endure on a continual basis.


And while we are on the subject of things that simply don’t add up, let us take a quick look or two at the green revolution that is sweeping our country and the planet.  I cannot help but think that the major portion of this entire green new deal business is nothing but a “get rich scheme” being implemented by some powerful people and entities.  A lot of money is being made by somebody and we, the taxpayers, are paying…and will continue to pay…the price.


Think about that new EV that is parked in your garage:


In my last post prior to this one, I talked about how I no longer felt secure in being an average or normal American.  In closing out this post, I want to offer a good article by a professional journalist who does a much better job of presenting my concerns.


Friday, September 16, 2022

Where Are We Headed?

This is the question that haunts me.  My wife is a true Trump believer.  She is more than willing to overlook his many character flaws and monstrous ego because his policies make sense and our country was in far better shape then than it is now.  She gets extremely irate when discussing the irresponsible legislation and regulation that has flowed from this Democrat Administration of our government.  She literally hates our useful idiot President and all of the liberal advocates that he has loaded into our government…people who are actually running our country.  She is convinced that the Democrats literally stole the last election through improper/illegal voting schemes and refuses to accept that the current Administration is legitimate.  She is certain that most people…or at least a sufficient number to change the partisan status of our government…are fed up with this liberal madness like she is and they will vote to remove them from office.  She is normally a relatively calm person, but discussing politics with her sends her into a minor frenzy where she refuses to accept the realities of where we are and simply wants to focus on where we should be.  


I live on a farm and most of my neighbors are farmers.  At least two of my neighbors are life-long Democrats.  I work with them in the hayfields.  We gather up stray cattle when they cross the fence.  If their tractor breaks down, they can use my tractor.  They go to church every Sunday and I would trust them with my children.  They are good people.  In my heart…I know the beliefs and principles that dictate their lives.  And yet…even though the Biden Administration and the legislation passed by the Democrat Congress over the last one and three-quarter years is anathema to everything that rules their lives and behavior…there is no doubt in my mind that they will pull the Democrat lever in the next election.  I tell my wife… “They don’t watch or read the news like you and I; they do not realize the extent of damage wrought by the Democrats in WDC” …but she is convinced otherwise.   She thinks that somehow, after spending a lifetime of voting Democrat, they have experienced an epiphany and will now vote Republican.  I ask her… “Where is this epiphany?”  They get in their truck every day.  They go to work.  They work the farm and the cattle.  They eat and sleep.  Their lives are not centered around FOX News or NEWSMAX or the Wall Street Journal.  They might occasionally watch network news, CNN, or MSNBC.  They are content to live and let live, regardless of how screwed up our nation might be.  Until things get so bad that the damage attributable to the Democrats and their liberal bent reaches down to our community and smacks them in the face, they will not change their voting habits


How many others are out there like them?  How many Democrats and Independents are oblivious to the harm and hurt that is flowing and will inevitably continue to flow from a Democrat Administration like we currently have?  Despite my hope and frustration…despite the undeniable truth of her judgment about our President and Congress…I have serious doubts if there is a sufficient number of Democrats and Independents out there who will vote Republican.  Hell...the Republicans haven’t even been turning out to vote Republican. She rails about the big steal and how the Democrats cheated in the last election.  She says she that that most folks realize this happened and they will not allow it to happen again.  I ask her… “How do your accusations, whether real or not, affect the reality of where we are?”  I tell her… “The Democrats are in power.  The Democrats control our government.  More importantly…What have the Republicans done that will keep the Democrats from cheating once again come November?  And to the essential point, you are quite possibly in the minority of Americans.”  That last one really shakes me.  Sometime over the last year, it has dawned on me, for the first time in my life…maybe most folks are not like me.  Maybe they don’t adhere to my principles and morals.  Maybe “I” am the one that is out of touch, out of step, and standing in the way of progress? My comfort level of feeling “normal and average” has been fundamentally challenged.  I know one thing for certain…. The Democrats do not give a damn about how she and I feel.  In their eyes, we are deplorables, homophobes, racists, and threats to democracy.


In 1964, Burt Bacharach and Hal David wrote it and Dusty Springfield sang it… “Wishing and hoping, and singing and praying, planning and dreaming…” will not get it done.  If things are going to change, voters will have to vote Republican in sufficient numbers to wrest control of Congress from the Democrats.  In a couple of years, they will have to vote for a Republican as President.  Are there some idiot Republicans out there running for Senator or Representative?  Of course, there are!  Will the Republican nominee for President be a flawed individual like Donald Trump or someone else?  It could very well be!  But the cold, harsh reality is that politics is a numbers game.  The number in the Senate is 51.  The number in the House is 218.  The number for President is 1.  If you want to change our nation.  If you want to change our government.  If you want to change our cultural and societal mores.  If you want to change our lives…then you had better vote Republican.  We will get the government we deserve.


Joe Biden is perhaps the most clueless human that has ever sucked air.  Surrounded by a liberal group of advocates, radicals, and millennials, he lives in a tiny bubble where he only hears orchestrated comments and instructions.  His reality is formed on the basis of this input.  That input is designed to manipulate his actions and rhetoric.  No one challenges what he says or corrects his misstatements.  If this governing group of liberals happen to be successful in the implementation of their agenda (which they are), they are ebullient about the state of affairs in America.  Their reality is defined by what they wish it be…by how they choose to frame it.  They are sufficiently removed and insulated from the real world so as to foster a carnival atmosphere of nirvana that is grossly disconnected from the country outside of WDC.  They embrace their misconceptions.  They evoke their misconceptions.  They do not accept challenges, or those who offer challenges, to their misconceptions.  They refuse to discuss their misconceptions in detail and substance.  They willfully spout deception and blatant dishonesty to support their misconceptions.  Their misconceptions have bizarrely become their reality.  A postcard moment representing this phenomenon is the recent White House garden party featuring Democrat leadership, various Democrat supporters, and long-time liberal songwriter and singer James Taylor.


They were not celebrating a booming and stable economy; there is none.  Annual inflation is eating away at working incomes and poses an even greater danger for the immediate future.  They were not celebrating a new-found sense of federal fiscal sanity.  Yes…the deficit is smaller. But that is a product of billions being previously spent on pandemic mitigation.  The fact is that profligate federal spending through Democrat legislation has spurred the inflation rate and is exploding the federal debt.  They were not celebrating foreign policy successes.  The clown show that is the Secretary of State’s purview is laughed at on the world stage, ridiculed by our enemies, minimized by our allies, and savored by Iran, Russia, and China.  The U.S.A. Store is not sufficiently stocked for them to give it all away at the rate they are going.  They were not celebrating immigration reform; there hasn’t been any.  Their open border policies have created a myriad of domestic problems that are effectively being highlighted by some southern Republican governors.  They really do not want to discuss immigration at this time.  They want to celebrate their public and political attempt at executing Donald Trump, but they would not like to detail exactly how that execution is taking place. They have weaponized the Department of Justice and are using the FBI as their personal gestapo.  They would just as soon not talk about their brown-shirt tactics and how they are using them to shred Constitutional rights of individuals and entities. 


So, what exactly were they celebrating while listening to the crooning of Sweet Baby James?  They were celebrating the success they have realized in passing budget-busting legislation that broadens the reach and authority of government.  They were celebrating directing billions of dollars to their Party’s supporters at the expense of most taxpayers.  They were celebrating the enactment of green ideas that have absolutely no supporting basis in reality.  They were celebrating their effective control of the Department of Justice and how they are using it to marginalize, demonize, and simply harass their political enemies.  They were celebrating the halcyonic high they have been on since grasping firm control of the U.S. government.  Their celebration was the perfect example of how they are effectively unaware of the real environment that exists today in America and their utter disdain for anyone or anything that is not a loyal member of their liberal Democrat cabal.  They were celebrating themselves.  Read the following news items and decide for yourself: Is this a cause for celebration?


I have talked a lot about the elections and the consequences thereof.  The moment of truth is rapidly approaching as we near the mid-term elections.  Polls are slanted by those who finance the polls, so they are inherently unreliable.  All each of us knows is confined to our range of conversation and interaction.  The media are a bunch of fools that are partisan, immoral, unethical, and most importantly…patently unreliable.  We cannot rely on anything they say or show to us.  We have only our own thoughts, opinions, hopes and guesstimates about how this election might turn out.  The implications of it are huge; as are many of the circumstances surrounding our last election.


Clueless?  Detached from reality?  No single issue better demonstrates liberal lunacy than their green ideas…as detailed in their green new deal agenda.  Heading into a winter that has loads of threatening baggage already on board and having an actual energy implosion occurring in Europe as a result of their own green agenda, the Biden Administration and the Democrats continue to strangle the American energy sector and promote their radical, climatista agenda.


Not only have the Democrats and the Biden Administration single-handedly created the inflation storm we are currently weathering; they insist upon feeding energy into it so it might grow and threaten even greater pain and suffering.  These people are not economists.  These people have never been held responsible for a budget.  Do you even suppose these people ever paid their own bills?  Balance a checkbook?  We have a bunch of fiscal illiterates controlling our American economy.


The entire U.S. government is the playground of the Democrats and Joe Biden.  They use it in that fashion and they treat it with no regard for the integrity and independence it SHOULD BE adhering to.  Their blatant abuse of the Department of Justice in pursuit of Trump and their own personal agenda items is a damning indictment of their political ruthlessness and disregard for honest and open government.     Warning: Satire


Eastern Europe is in turmoil.  China is in bed with Russia.  Iran is threatening everyone on the planet.  South Korea and China continue to eye their neighbors with envy.  And the most powerful nation in the world, the most capable stabilizing force for peace in this world, is led by a senile old fool who is controlled by a bunch of college-grade foreign policy experts.  What can we expect from this bunch of geniuses?


The introduction of literal pornography into our schools is an outrage; but we should not be shocked.  It is the expected progression of the liberal activists who have not only seized control of our American education system, but have acted through that control to indoctrinate our nation’s youth with their agenda.  Our schools…EVERY aspect of our schools…are in crisis.  Parents have a short window to act if they are to save future generations from bizarre and outrageous training and instruction.


Consider the difference between the America we knew during the pre-covid years of President Donald Trump and the America we know today.  Consider the policies and agendas of the Republicans and the Democrats.  They all like to talk the talk, but do they walk the walk?  Which Party provides the best future for you and your family?  Which Party best respects the blueprint that is established for the government of this country by the Constitution?  Listen to leaders of each Party and pay attention to the actions of these leaders.  Americans still have a choice.


In closing, why not link to a lovely lady and a lovely song that was previously referenced in this post.  Be well and may God be with you…and the leaders of this planet:

Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...