Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Our President is a Dunce

I will call Joe Biden Mr. President.  I acknowledge his authority and office and appreciate the reality of his station.  None of this changes the fact that he is a dunce.  Whether it be intentional or unconscious, the man is a shameless liar.  His ego has grown enormously since moving into the White House.  It has not yet reached Trump level, but it is rapidly approaching that zone.  It is truly embarrassing for our nation to have such a pitiful example of leadership as our Chief Executive…but it is what it is.  I only hope and pray that our country is not put in a position where the ability and judgment of our President is put to a severe test.  If so, we will indeed be in dire straits.


Now you may think I am out of line to call our President a dunce.  You might be right.  Then again…you might be in denial.  There are a lot of people…a LOT of people…who voted for this man and are now wondering what the hell they did.  While Joe Biden is clearly the titular head of the Democrat Party, there can be little doubt about the fact that his influence and persuasive abilities within that organization are minimal at best.  He is a prop for the Machiavellian court that operates in his shadows.  He came into office by hiding in his basement and allowing his opponent to self-destruct.  He is physically and mentally incapable of doing his job based on normal expectations…so he and his handlers have rewritten the role of President to suit his limited capacities.   Altogether…it is a pitiful charade.


The Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and many powerful players in the national political game are now content to use Joe Biden as their useful idiot.  But as the mid-term elections are demonstrating, most of the folks in the Joe Biden camp see him for what he is…and they are increasingly nervous about it.  We are not even half way through his first term and have reached this pathetic and obvious conclusion.  It is truly frightening to ponder what the next two years will bring.  Once these mid-term elections are in the books, I expect there will be some interesting developments in the Biden Administration.


I recently watched a great documentary on the Nazi Germany “solutions” to the Jewish people.  When I put that in the context of all the other atrocities that mankind has committed on mankind, I feel overwhelming shame.  Such evil and cruelty.  We ask ourselves… “How in the world can things like this happen?   And yet…Ukraine is Ukraine.  The Uyghurs continue to suffer in China.  Atrocities occur every day in Africa.  The Middle East is a cauldron of hate.  Will we ever learn from our misdeeds and mistakes…our horrible episodes in history? 


When we approach the subject of immigration reform, it serves us well to remember that America is a special place and many nations in the world are brutal, intolerant, and sometimes viscous towards their own citizens.  We must always understand that if we ourselves were in the place of many emigrants, we would do everything necessary to try and save our family and provide a future for our children.  This is the reality of the world and we must never forget that. 


Immigration reform is critical.  America must have secure borders.  Open borders are a recipe for the disaster that the Biden Administration has created.  But a responsible and compassionate approach to immigration is essential for our nation to continue its role as a bastion of freedom and liberty in this world.  Legal and controlled immigration is the fundamental basis of what America is.  A diverse population of citizenry is our very essence.  There was a moment in the Trump Administration when serious and bipartisan immigration reform was within reach of the U.S. Senate; but it fell apart due to political considerations.  Donald Trump and the Democrats bear equal blame for that failure. 


President Trump may have failed in his role as Executive legislator in the Congressional immigration reform discussions, but there can little doubt that he had our southern border in firm control and great shape when Joe Biden moved into the White House.  Through pure arrogance and spite, the Biden Administration has thrown that all away.  We cannot have meaningful immigration reform until our borders are secure.  And the longer true reform is delayed, the more terrible will be the consequences.


The creeping perversion of the Department of Justice has shifted into a raging rot under the Biden Administration.  The most frightening aspect relating to this development is not the acts themselves, but the shameless way in which these acts are being perpetrated.  These people are ignoring fundamental rights and liberties of American citizens, they are proud of it, and they simply do not care who knows about it.  Their arrogance is repulsive; but their unforgiving focus on their agenda is unsettling.  If the FBI and other rogue elements in our Department of Justice are not reined in and reforms are instituted to prevent their rampant abuse of power, our nation runs the risk of losing one of the essential elements necessary for its very existence.  If our government cannot provide a transparent, equitable, and honest institution of justice for all…then we are no longer the country our founders envisioned.


Election Drama is now the greatest show available.  The cast of characters is diverse, unique, and full of surprises.  The outcomes are absolutely unpredictable and the currents of events that will lead us to a final conclusion are swirling, forceful eddies of deceitful machinations and unintended consequences.  We are in the 45-day window…buckle up.


As our government continues to push the limits on autocratic actions that encroach on American’s fundamental rights and liberties, the high-tech industry is providing them with new and unlimited abilities to accomplish their aims.  High-tech is truly that double-edged sword that simultaneously grants huge benefits to society while offering overwhelming invitations to those who would abuse its abilities.  We are in new frontiers and it is simply going to take us some time to sort it all out.  We can only hope that the people who have their hands of the levers of control use some common sense and integrity when they set up the rules.


There are so many things swirling about these days that simply make you go “hmmmmm”.   We see conflicting…and often totally opposite…versions of reality being presented to us by individuals and institutions that we have traditionally relied upon for truth.  That reliance has been shattered.  Left to our own devices…we can only bore down to the fundamental facts, observe the world around us on a daily basis, infer from our own experiences what is right or wrong or sensible, and attempt to filter the information overload that we endure on a continual basis.


And while we are on the subject of things that simply don’t add up, let us take a quick look or two at the green revolution that is sweeping our country and the planet.  I cannot help but think that the major portion of this entire green new deal business is nothing but a “get rich scheme” being implemented by some powerful people and entities.  A lot of money is being made by somebody and we, the taxpayers, are paying…and will continue to pay…the price.


Think about that new EV that is parked in your garage:


In my last post prior to this one, I talked about how I no longer felt secure in being an average or normal American.  In closing out this post, I want to offer a good article by a professional journalist who does a much better job of presenting my concerns.


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