Saturday, May 27, 2023

Let’s Put It All Behind Us

How great would it be to have a young, vital 44-year old president in the White House?  Think of how different it might be to have a family with 6, 5, and 3-year old children living in our executive mansion?  This would be a husband and a father as president…a person actually involved in raising children that are in school and maturing in today’s environment.  This would be a man not interested in defining a legacy, but rather in building a legacy.  This would be an Iraq War veteran, a Navy Seal, a successful governor serving one of the largest states in our union.  Do you not believe that a younger man at this stage in his life might bring a more expansive and creative approach to governing?  Why in the world would the Republican Party take the chance of running an octogenarian drama king against an octogenarian who seldom knows the day or the week or where he is at the moment?  Can we not put Obama-Trump-Biden behind us and move forward with getting our nation back on the right track?


There is a lot to be fixed and a fresh, new approach might help get things moving in the right direction……….


National Education is continuing a downward spiral towards ridiculousness.


The absurdities in the Biden Administration’s liberal pursuit of its “green agenda” continue to worsen an existing energy crisis and set the stage for an even greater global catastrophe.


The absolutely filthy corruption that began under President Obama and which has exploded under Joe Biden is spreading throughout our government like a cancer.  The Department of Justice is the epicenter and it is working its way through the labyrinthine network of government departments, agencies, and patronage appointees.  How much longer can any elected Democrat with one iota of self-respect and honor continue to support this bunch of unethical fools?


Have you ever wondered..."How do we solve this corruption problem in our federal departments and agencies?  What changes are necessary to prevent this from happening again and again?"  The only solution is the ballot box:


The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) appears to be reconstitutionalizing many our runaway national laws and directives with recent decisions.  But this remedy to government overreach is painfully slow and the diligence of our government to respond to SCOTUS decisions oftentimes borders on the non-existent.  The SCOTUS itself is under political attack from the liberal lunatics running the Democrat Party and its many allies in our society and culture.  If we are to return to a federalist government where the constitutional rights of states are reaffirmed, then state legislatures must stand up and assume their proper roles in defending the fundamental rights of our citizens.


The wokeratti have been unleashed on our nation.  They are insipidly infecting every aspect of our lives.  They must be recognized, called out, and dealt with in ways that make it clear there is material cost involved in forcing unpopular ideology on people who do not wish for that type of advice.  Unwelcome and inappropriate corporate virtue-signaling is becoming quite expensive and we can only hope that the pushback against the liberal lunacy agenda will continue to gain strength and effect.


Americans know that Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel and incompetent.  We can fix that mistake with elections.  Foreign leaders, both allied and adversarial, are realizing the same thing about our president; but they will consider far more consequential and dangerous remedies to this situation than we do.  We are living in a very dangerous time and the clock is ticking louder each and every day.


If the debt ceiling debate between Congressional Republicans and the President has demonstrated anything, it is that Biden is isolated, out of touch, and clueless in regards to the economic realities in our country today.


The liberal Democrat plan for our government is to continue federal spending at irresponsibly high rates of increase, increase taxes at exorbitant rates to help fund that spending, grow the size of the government through those spending increases, and increase the control of government over your life through that government growth.  If you simply pay attention, they will plainly show and tell you that this is what they are seeking.


There are good solutions to many of America’s fundamental problems to be had if we can only achieve some form of civil, bipartisan governance.  That is going to require a new type of political animal in Congress and the White House.  Our government will only ever be as good as the people we select to run it.  And when we pick the wrong people to place in positions of authority and they abuse or misuse that authority, they must be held accountable.


We will soon have another November…then May…then November opportunity to select those individuals.  Do we care enough to educate ourselves as to the real issues in play?  Are we willing to look at candidates…both the ones we like and the ones we dislike…in a critical fashion and make an honest attempt to judge them on the basis of their resume, their character, and their intelligence?  Are we dedicated to making the changes necessary to our voting systems in order to restore transparency and integrity to our election process?

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Big Brother is Alive and Well…………

….And he has lots of new toys to play with.  Presidential Administrations, the Department of Justice (the DOJ, which answers directly to the President), the U.S. Congress, and the U.S. media cannot be trusted.  They should not be trusted.  They have proven over and over that this is true.  And yet, they continue to broaden their influence…their autocratic powers and authorities.  They continue to abuse their elected, appointed, and career offices.  Their shamelessness in regards to their corruption has reached a point where it is, for all intents and purposes, non-existent.  They openly hold the citizenry of these United States of America in the open contempt that we so richly deserve.


What began with Richard Nixon and his plumbers, reached new heights and agendas with Barack Obama, and have now achieved galactic bounds with Joe Biden…this irresistible abuse of power and corruption that seems to infect American politicians…has risen to a level that literally threatens our nation.  How long will the citizens of this country abide this “in your face” arrogance and conceit?  Have we become so consumed with our own affairs that we have put our civic duties on auto-pilot?  Are we content with being manipulated by a Machiavellian media and industrial complex that sees us as little more than sheep to be herded in the directions that serve their interests? 


There has always been, and will always be, an element of corruption in our government.  People are flawed creatures and we elect people to run our nation’s business.  But the level and degree of corruption we are witnessing today has reached a crisis level.  I see a significant difference between the President Nixon Corruption and the Presidents Obama/Biden Corruption.  Nixon said he wasn’t; but he was a crook.  His crookedness was all about solidifying his power and influence and perhaps gaining even more.  His greed and ambition were of the old-fashioned variety inasmuch as they improved his personal position.  He was not so much interested in controlling other peoples’ lives as he was in improving his own.


In contrast, Obama and Biden are driven by the modern, liberal motif of their conviction that they know better what is good for you than you know yourself.  They are ego-maniacs.  They want to run your life.  Their drive and ambition is to redesign this country into one that better conforms to their ideals and agenda.  Now along the way, they will enthusiastically pad their own accounts and improve their personal wealth and standing; but with them, it is ultimately about much more than the Benjamins.  It is about gaining control and self-importance and the ability to mold and change other people and things to fit your vision.  This type of corruption is truly revolutionary in nature.  It is product of our modern times.


If the circus of shame that is otherwise known as the Biden Administration continues its Ruination of America Tour and does not trigger a monumental backlash at the polls that results in a return to a reasonably irresponsible government (but one that is somewhat accountable, partially embarrassed by incompetence, and transparent when pressed on the issue), then our Constitution may as well be used to paper the bathrooms in the House and Senate office buildings.  The scandalous schemes that were conceived and dreamed of under Obama have now been put into full blown modus operandi by Biden and his Democrat Clown Show.  I remain convinced that the same people who did the original dreaming are manning the levers behind the White House curtains today.


Just as America’s reaction to the COVID epidemic was a Trojan horse for many people with ulterior motives, so has the unnerving expansion of government and its autocratic powers over private citizens served as a useful vehicle for immoral, unethical, ruthless, and power-hungry bureaucrats to expand their personal ideologies and agendas.  The men who wrote our Constitution recognized the peril posed to this nation by the granting of inordinate power to government officials.  They wrote our foundation in such a way that a balance of power should exist between the nation and the states, the three branches of our government, and that those balances should serve as governors on over-zealous autocrats seeking to expand their power and influence at the expense of government by and for the people.


Perhaps one of, if not THE, greatest example of this cancerous government creep is found in the bowels of the FISA Court and its administration.  Read about it in the following posts from the past:


Look at the dates on these posts.  Now look at the news.  What many feared has come to pass.  John Durham is a straight shooter.  He is highly respected by members of both national parties and has proven time and again that his investigations will not be driven by political agendas, arbitrary timelines, or other political considerations.  Don’t rely on the media to tell you what was in his recently-released report addressing the worst political dirty trick in history.  Here it is; read it for yourself:


Now take the time to read what some professional journalists think about this historically-shameful episode of abuse, unbridled ambition, and pure malice.  Also…pay close attention at how this entire sordid chapter began with the FISA court…


Here is a great summary via Andrew C. McCarthy’s podcast:


If you perhaps believe that this whole thing was an anomaly…that it was a perfect storm of corruption and could not happen again…then you had better pause and reconsider.  The January 6 Debacle that has been incorporated by the Biden Administration and their rotten and partisan Department of Justice holds the potential to be as large a scam as the Russian Collusion Hoax was.  Meanwhile, the DOJ continues run cover for the filthy Biden Family Enterprise that has literally sold out our nation’s security for personal profit.  It makes you wonder: Do we ever really learn anything at all from our mistakes and misdeeds?  As George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.  Look carefully at what our infamous Department of Justice is doing today…

And what about all of those “new toys” I mentioned in the title.  The expansive capabilities of corrupt government officials to pursue their nefarious schemes and devices have reached proportions that are truly frightening:


If this degree of blatant, unabashed, and shameful corruption continues, our nation is in peril.  If we continue to elect people without character and honor to office…and thus empower them to seed our government from top to bottom with people without character and honor…what are the implications for our country?  What are the consequences for our children and grandchildren?


And while the most recent manifestations of executive overreach by Biden have likely been among the most grievous and extreme in history, this manner of presidential abuse of power is certainly not unique to the Democrat Party.  Republican presidents have done it as well.  We all have our blinders on when we consider these actions.  If they lead to a conclusion that we are in tune with, we can accept them with a wink and a nod…or perhaps just look the other way.  If they occur in the name of policies we do not agree with, they are anathema to our Constitutional form of government and a threat to our nation’s core.    They are wrong in either premise and should not be tolerated. 


The Constitutional balance of power between our three branches of government must be restored.  The exploding size and influence of our government must be reversed.  Government transparency must be achieved.  Accountability for government departments, agencies, and individuals must become a reality.  Our very government is under attack from forces that wish to reinvent it into a Euro-socialist-virtue signaling clusterf**k that will destroy what generations have fought and died to gain and preserve.  And once it is gone…it will not be regained.


Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Pathetic Paralysis of American Leadership

Joe Biden, the Democrat Party, and their cabal of liberal elite power and influence, combined with a fawning mainstream media, have sole ownership of the southern border crisis our nation is now thoroughly involved in.  Joe Biden came in to the office of the presidency with a stable southern border, an improving immigration environment, and with the prospects of congressional compromise on immigration policy a far more realistic possibility.  Out of pure spite, malice, arrogance, conceit, and stupidity…he threw everything that was working well with immigration policy out the door and began what can only be described as an “open border” policy. 


America is just beginning to realize the harmful effects of this foolish endeavor.  The sad fact is that in a little over two years, the Biden Administration has utterly devastated U.S. southern border integrity and it will be generations before the disastrous impact of these ill-advised actions will be mitigated.  This genie will not be going back into the bottle anytime soon.


The blind loyalty demonstrated by the mainstream media to the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party has emboldened them to run our government with a level of audacity that is breathtaking.  They do illogical, impractical, downright ignorant things with no fear of incrimination or shame.  They have abdicated any responsibility to constitutional responsibility and surrendered the operation of our nation’s business to a group of clueless ideologues.


In a town that has not known any semblance of reason pertaining to federal budget sanity for at least a couple of decades, this outfit has thrown any pretense of fiscal accountability to the four winds.  Their “tax and spend” philosophy has wrecked a national economy that was poised for a robust post-pandemic recovery that would have lifted all citizens up and down the income spectrum.  With no fear of being exposed for the financial hacks that they are, they simply insist that throwing more money out the door is the solution to all things.  As Led Zeppelin once said…they honestly believe they can buy the stairway to heaven.


This is the driving force behind their approach to the federal debt limit debate.  Do the Republicans in the Congress have the fortitude to withstand the avalanche of scorn heaped upon them by the mainstream media and cling to a meager position of token spending cuts and wasteful program terminations?   They talk a good game, but their performance has been sorely lacking.  That question is open for debate.


There is no excuse for this debt ceiling debate to be occurring.  The House has passed a solution and the Senate should approve it and pass it on to the President.  If he chooses to veto the bill, let him and Democrats deal with the fallout.


Read the House bill for yourself.  Does this sound unreasonable to you? It is a sad commentary on our current state of government that the opposition party to the liberal Democrats can only agree on something this weak and insubstantial.  Keep in mind that this is an opening gambit…a beginning bargaining position.  Both parties have surrendered to their irresistible addiction of federal spending and government bloat:


Joe Biden has filled our government with unelected, clueless, irresponsible, incompetents that would be comical in the whole if they were not running our country.  Not only are they idiots; they are also crooks.  If you vote Democrat…this is what you get…


Consider some of their ruinous and devastating policy initiatives…


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are living under the illusion of absolute power and their corruption is deep and wide…


Will the Republican Party, in November of 2024, once again bring a knife to an election gunfight?  Will they once again bitch and whine about election irregularities, while closing the barn door after all of the horses have escaped?  Election reforms must be in place BEFORE the election!


The Democrat Party’s hold on our nation’s government must be broken.  If it continues, our country will be irreparably damaged and its true essence will be placed in peril.  American voters had best be sober, clear-eyed, unemotional, and very thoughtful about their upcoming election decisions.


Consider a new direction…a new alternative.  Think about one not without risks; but one with the promise of new hopes and initiatives.   A real departure from what we have known for the last several administrations from both national parties.  Read the first paragraph of the following article closely and then read all five parts of this series.  Doesn’t this make sense to you?



Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...