Saturday, December 14, 2019

Unwrapping the Horowitz Christmas Gift

Let us unpack the Inspector General for the Department of Justice Report, recently presented in person by IG Horowitz to a Senate panel.  Here is the actual report: .  Here is IG Horowitz’s presentation of the report to the Senate panel: you do not need CNN, FoxNews, MSNBC, the New York Time, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, or anyone else to tell you what to think.  Read the report and the testimony; then decide for yourself exactly what went down.

No bias?  The Democrats’ trumpeting the no bias claim is akin to a bank robbery scenario.  Sure, the bank door was unlocked and he did not break into the bank.  What is important is what did he do once he got into the bank?  He robbed it!  Any rational being who reads the Horowitz Report should understand that his finding of no bias is cursory at best and irrelevant at worst.  The bar that must be cleared to begin an investigation was so low that it is stupid, stupid and stupid to base the judgment of the entire episode solely on the opening of the investigation. 

Also bear in mind that Horowitz addressed the middle of this escapade; U.S. Attorney John Durham will address the beginning and the end…and everything in between.  In the beginning, exactly who started this whole mess?  What individual sat up one fine day and said they had a great idea to create a dossier from whole cloth and use it as a basis to investigate the Trump Campaign and the Trump Presidency?  And the end…how far up the food chain did this go?  One of two things happened.  Either there was a group of rouge ideologues in the DOJ that executed this elaborate hoax on their own, somehow managing to shield its contents from all of the spying eyes around them, including their supervisors.  Or else the approvals, either tacit or active, for this operation went as far up as the Obama White House…to the Attorney General…to the Vice President…to Valerie Jarrett…to President Obama.  If they knew, they were guilty as sin.  If they didn’t know, they were complicit with a wink and a nod or incompetently clueless to the extreme.  Stay tuned for Mr. Durham; the best (or worst?) is yet to come.

Watching the Democrats on the Senate panel questioning DOJ IG Horowitz and attempting to paper over the chilling abuse of power executed by Obama acolytes made me sick to my stomach.  Blind partisanship in this nation has reached epic proportions.  It is one thing for me to argue politics with my fishing buddy and another thing entirely for the members of the U.S. Senate to passively condone the political weaponization of the DOJ and FBI.  It has tragically reached the point to where I can actually conceive of CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and Washington Post, and all the partisan Democrat hacks in our national legislature, actually applauding an assassination attempt, either successful or unsuccessful, on our President.  That is how completely obsessive and absurd this Resist Trump movement has become.  If a government can spy on a private citizen this easily in America, what is the difference between our nation and Russia?  At least the Kremlin is open and honest about what they are doing.  We have a bunch of hypocritical egotists attempting to foist their private agendas on our citizenry while using every power and tool available to them to cover their tracks and shift attention to their philosophical opponents.

Now for some professional commentary about where this episode stands at the moment.  A couple of summaries regarding the Senate testimony of Horowitz:

If you are truly interested in a complete, succinct, fair, informed, and practical assessment of the Horowitz Report and Testimony, the wisdom of FISA, and the status of the ongoing House Impeachment effort; then devote about an hour and ten minutes of your time to Andy McCarthy’s most recent podcast here: .   This alone will bring you up-to-date on this entire episode and put you on notice for what is yet to come.

And here is some more comment regarding the wisdom of the FISA process:

And now for a perfect example of exactly how dishonest the House Democratic leadership has been about this issue from day one:

Don’t miss the next post!
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We live in a nation ruled by law.  We are blessed to live in such an environment.  The Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer in our country. Attorney General William Barr is the right man at the right place at the right time.  With all of the idiocy that is going on with our Democratic and Republican leadership in WDC, AG Barr brings a voice of reason, logic, stability, fairness, and good old common sense to the front.  Here are two interviews he participated in following the release of the Horowitz report.  At a minimum, you should listen to first one.  It is only about 24 minutes long and really sums up the whole thing in a nutshell.  The second interview is about 55 minutes (dead air until about the 10 minute mark) and expands on the Horowitz report; but then covers the ongoing issue about addressing the power and influence of the big tech companies (Google, Facebook, etc.) in America and how that should be approached in a legal and legislative sense.  It is good stuff that impacts every one of us daily.  Keep in mind…this is the High Sheriff in our town; the Top Cop; the man with the Big Badge.  He is the one who decides who the government goes after and what they go after them for.  What he thinks MATTERS.  Pay very close attention; this might very well be the only sane person in Washington, D.C. and…his words provide a bit of insight as to what we might expect from Durham.

Here’s a great summary of the Barr interviews from one of the best journalists working today:

And a final summary of the Report and Testimony with quotes from the indispensable Andy McCarthy:

This entire case of investigating the Trump Campaign/Presidency by first the Obama Administration and then by its DOJ holdovers is the realization of fevered dreams by past Presidents and leaders (Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover ??) to possess unlimited power to spy on and control any citizen they might choose, for any reason they might deem.  If this dark and odious chapter in history is swept beneath the carpet by the Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media, it will undoubtedly set the stage for even more nefarious intrusions into our freedoms in years to come…by BOTH political parties.  Don’t think for one second that if the Democrats get away with this stuff, the Republicans won’t try it out in future administrations.

Imagine for a moment that you are Carter Page or George Papadopoulos.  You are a private citizen who has volunteered to work in a presidential campaign for a candidate that you support.  Out of the blue, the entire weight of the U.S. Government is brought to bear on prying apart your private life and then the details are leaked indiscriminately to the mainstream media.  Or maybe you are Michael Flynn?  You are a retired U.S. Army Lt. General who has spent a lifetime serving this nation in the military and have been highly commemorated for that service.  Now you are set up for a process crime, your family is threatened, your lifetime savings are raided, and you are branded as a criminal nothing short of a back alley child molester.  Or how about you are Donald Trump?  You ran against your own party and a stacked deck to compete for the Presidency; and against all odds and the conniving of the U.S. Department of Justice…you WON.  And now, as your reward, you get a continuing investigation into every aspect of your past, your family, and your associates’ private and public lives since birth.  Three years into your term as President and it still continues non-stop 24/7. 

And now…think real hard about his one…you are the President.  You have some of your hand-picked appointees come to you about a scheme to surreptitiously investigate the opposing party’s nominee for the upcoming Presidential election that will select your successor.  Knowing that their proposal is clearly anathema to everything this nation stands for, is clearly unethical, and is most likely even illegal…what is your response?  Hell No!  ....  or  ….  Wellllll…..?  It is now clear to all how The One responded.

Our government is a marvelous creation of freedom, democracy, and the Constitution.  But we forget at our own peril that our government is comprised of people just like us; people who are imperfect, prone to errors in judgment, susceptible to excessive pride and arrogance, and certainly not above being corrupted by greed, power, or money.  Since our nation’s inception, we have freely given away too many of the freedoms and liberties that our founders gave their very lives to earn for us.  The FISA system is a prime example of giving our government excessive power in the quest for good intentions.  I will close this post with some comments I have previously made about the perils of the FISA system, which has in my opinion been gloriously exposed by this recent WDC firestorm:

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