Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Arrogance of the Deep State

Whether it is the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Homeland Security, or the hot mess that is the mislabeled Department of Justice (DOJ)…the Deep State element in our government has grown far too prominent, far too powerful, and far too proud of itself. 


The civil service element of our nation’s government is its bedrock.  It is essential that there are career employees occupying the departments and agencies of America’s administrative state in order for our country to function.  These workers are regulated by numerous laws and regulations that seek to insure their competence, their professionalism, and their non-political delivery of the tasks that are assigned to them.  These folks are the small cogs within the big machine that keep the government running.  No doubt, there are too many of them and the civil service system can use some reformation; but all things considered, this element of our nation’s government runs pretty effectively and efficiently….at least at the middle and lower levels of authority.


When we consider the upper levels of the civil service corps and combine them with the political patronage appointees that come and go with new presidential administrations, then we begin to see a different story play out.  The political appointees are driven by political agendas and that becomes their holy grail.  They lose sight of their duty and ethical obligations in their quest for the ideals and policies that got them the position they are in.  They are political animals first and foremost and their only allegiance is to the man or woman who hired them. 


And when a presidential administration approaches the end of its term, be it by term limits or political defeat, these patronage-appointees began to scurry about and look for ways to “burrow into” the civil service system in order to (A) insure their own future career/financial condition and (B) to continue the ideological pursuit of their preferred agenda.  These folks usually occupy the upper echelons of the civil service system and hold an exorbitant amount of power and influence.  If their next Chief Executive supervisor is of the same political ilk as they are, they are in a great position to enable that person and help to deliver on their shared ideals.  On the other hand, if they are on opposite policy ends of the stick compared to their new boss, they are in a strategic spot to hamper, delay, and essentially sabotage any policy or initiative with which they disagree.  They can pretty effectively gum up the works if they so desire.


This is the primary reason for President Donald Trump’s political travails during his term in office.  Being a novice at elected office, coupled with his scant prospects for being elected in the first place, he came into office sorely unprepared to staff his administration with competent and loyal people who shared his policy visions.  Instead, he was forced to rely on his own party’s cast of nominees who did not always share his agenda.  This led to the unholy alliance of those “burrowed in” civil servants left over from the prior Democrat administrations with the mainstream media and the rogue Republicans that were willing to insincerely serve in his new administration.  These elements formed the nexus of what would prove to be Donald Trump’s ultimate downfall and election defeat…this is the Deep State.


With the entry into the White House of Joe Biden, all of those Deep State disciples have now been not only rewarded for their efforts, they have also been emboldened to toss aside any pretense of subterfuge and openly pursue their personal agendas and vendettas.  This has brought our government to a point in time where the Deep State…the DOJ in particular…has gained not only an unprecedented degree of power and authority, but also a disgusting excess of shamelessness and hubris.  They see themselves as unaccountable, untouchable, and beyond reproach.  The Deep State has led us to the most corrupted government in the history of our nation.  That is truly a large statement, but I believe it is true.


As I have watched recent video of the House Judiciary Committee hearings with FBI Director Wray, it strikes me that he is a poster child for the exact Deep State character that I have been describing.  Loyal to whichever national party might be occupying the White House at the moment, he has survived Democrat and Republican Presidents alike.  It is quite telling in many respects that his appointment for FBI Director came from Republican President Donald Trump, perfectly illustrating his executive weakness that I mentioned previously.  Wray was barely able to mask his contempt for those elected Representatives questioning him during the hearing and it was clear from his attitude and body language that he considered himself far above the station of a simple U.S. Representative.  This is the type of creature that has crippled our presidents, our government, and our nation.  These people must be exorcised from the system in order to reclaim professional, ethical, non-biased, transparent, and credible performance from our government departments and agencies.  This type of self-serving federal employee is a cancer in our government.  


About that House Judiciary Committee hearing…


Chris Wray directs the FBI, an agency within the DOJ.  His boss is Attorney General Merrick Garland, who is a prime example of a political hack.  In order to understand the classic methods of the Deep State, one need look no further than observation of how a Republican appointee (Wray) shamelessly serves the interest of his Democrat-appointee supervisor (Garland).  These Deep State creatures’ instincts for survival are truly impressive…and disgusting.  On the other hand, Wray does fit right in with the corruptive modus operandi that Garland has established as the norm in the DOJ.


This is the true evil of the Deep State.  It was working against President Trump while he was still in office:


The only realistic check on the Deep State is the independent third branch of government known as our Judiciary; primarily through the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).  Although it moves painfully slow, it does indeed move.  Now that it has begun to effectively begin reeling in the overreaching of our Executive Branch, the SCOTUS has come under attack from…you guessed it…the Deep State.  This is the beginning of a battle for the very soul of our nation.


Racism in America is perpetuated by race hustlers and the Democrat Party; they have turned a legitimate concern into a cottage industry:


Our only hope for the preservation of individual rights, privacy, and freedom of speech lies with the Judiciary:


Do not trust the politicians or the media to tell you the truth about the state of our economy.  Trust your eyes, your checkbook, and your own judgment.


Excessive government spending is an ailment shared by BOTH national parties:


Let us consider the continuing misadventures of our American education system:


Yes…collegiate sports is part of the education system:


Just like Joe Biden, Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro ran for office as a moderate, but now governs as a liberal; a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Watch out for these deceptive Democrats as we approach the pivotal national elections coming up.


Could the Republicans be lucky enough to run against Joe Biden…or will the Democrats figure out a way to dump him before next year:


Just when you think the Democrat’s Green New Deal is as crazy as it can get…they top themselves:


Biden Considered Plan to Block Out the Sun to Stop Climate Change | MRCTV


It is impossible to totally separate the issue of legal immigration from that of our nation’s founding. We are, and always have been, a nation of immigrants.   But we must find the proper balance between the two:


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