Saturday, September 16, 2023

Is Donald Trump Inevitable?

As of right now…it sure looks that way.  The only thing that could upset that applecart would be the incarceration of Trump on one or more of the multiple indictments that have been filed against him.  And you know, the way things are going…a picture of Trump laying back on his cell cot through jailhouse bars would likely be worth several points in the polling and millions in campaign contributions.


It seems that the reality is such that many, many people are so upset with the way the Democrats conducted themselves in the 2020 elections and through the Biden Administration’s term so far that they will support Trump for President come hell or high water.  For whatever reason, they are convinced that the only way to balance the political ledger is for Trump to be restored to the presidency. 


The Republicans have a field of presidential candidates that is nothing short of superior.  There are no fewer than four of these individuals who would make outstanding choices as Chief Executive.  My choice is Ron DeSantis; but there are several others who would certainly be a better choice than the ultimate Democrat candidate.  But no matter how impressive the other Republican candidates might be and notwithstanding their prospects of winning the general election as compared to Trump, the majority of Republicans, many Independents, and a few disenchanted Democrats seem dedicated to the proposition of putting the MAGAman back in the White House.


It must be stated for the record that things can absolutely change between now and Election Day in November of 2024; but it certainly appears to be leading towards a conclusion that will not be denied.  I am amused by the many articles that address the failure of the DeSantis campaign to gain any traction versus Trump; here is a good example by a very respectable author: .  I honestly believe that the failure to pose a serious political threat towards Trump is not the failure of the alternative Republican candidates; it is more the result of the phenomenon that is Donald Trump.  The only hope for them to win is for him to self-destruct.  Now given what Donald Trump is, that is always a possibility.  But as of today, it appears he can do no wrong and will be the ultimate Republican nominee for president in 2024. 


I cannot pretend to explain why the support for Trump continues to expand while his obvious flaws as a human being become more apparent through his actions and behavior.  It must be that Donald Trump represents much more than a mere candidate to many people.  For many, he is the vehicle that can hit back at the Democrats for all of their 2020 election shenanigans,  their incredibly stupid woke madness, the idiotic policy initiatives of the Biden Administration, and the pure adrenalin rush that can be produced when the crowd invests itself in “getting back at the man” (the man being the government).  


Another fact that is simply undeniable is that life in America was damn good under the Trump Administration.  It is pointless to submit analysis which argues that much of this success was not due to Trump, but rather to other sources and events.  The simple truth is that Trump was President, he was in control of the White House, and the credit rightfully flows in his direction.  We all know that if things had not gone well, the blame would certainly be flowing in that direction.  This is evident in the fact that 99 percent of the stuff that the Democrats have thrown at Trump has little or nothing to do with his policies; they have to do with the character of the man himself.


This inability to separate the man Donald Trump from the good things that occurred during his presidency makes it extremely difficult to oppose him at any level.  If you cannot attack his policies when he was president, then you must go after his personal flaws.  And the simple fact is that as bad as some of those flaws might be, many of his attackers (and his predecessors) have flaws just as bad or worse.  If you live in the glass house known as Washington, DC…you better be very cautious about throwing stones.


Ron DeSantis is in the throes of a powerful conundrum.  If he gets down in the mud with Trump and starts to address the foibles of Trump’s personal behavior, he may emerge the winner but will be so muddied himself as to be unviable.  It seems he has one choice; he must wait for Trump to wither under the suffocating legal challenges he faces.  If Trump’s house begins to crack under this pressure, then DeSantis is standing there as the competent backup.  But if Trump does not crack, it is difficult to see how anyone unseats him as the nominee.  To put it simply: Ron DeSantis (or any other Republican presidential nominee) cannot win the nomination; they can only hope that Trump somehow manages to lose the nomination.


If Donald Trump is to be the Republican nominee for President next year, I will be disappointed.  As a conservative Independent, I would hope that the Republican Party selects one of the other candidates who have strong resumes without the personal baggage that Trump carries.  But there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Trump is the Republican nominee, he will by far be a superior choice to any person the Democrats put up in opposition.  I can only hope and pray that if he is elected president in 2024, he will spend his term trying build on his prior policy success and eschew trying to settle old scores with Democrats and RINOs. 


If he can do that, grow in his presidential maturity as compared to his previous term, and marshal his MAGA forces for positive and productive change in our country… then it is quite possible that following next year’s elections, our nation could be put back on the track of recovery towards a strong economy, a respected and responsible global position on this planet, a return to civil and transparent government (THAT is a long reach), and a revival of a constitutional allegiance in our justice system that honors and respects the vision of our country as envisioned by our founders.


A short note before moving on to the news…  After completing some downed-trees cleanup on the farm this morning, I made a quick trip up to the ridge to check on the cattle.  As I broke from the woods into the open field in my UTV, I was struck once again by the sheer beauty of the world we live in.  I just finished bush hogging last week and the fields look so good this time of year.  The woods are still mostly green, but are beginning to show a hint of color that tells us fall is just around the corner.  The temps are perfect to do any type of work you have on the list.  I let my eyes extend past my fencerows and took in the vast expanse from there to the horizon.   The woods, the fields, and the never-ending blue skies provided a picture that could literally take your breath away.  I was so moved by the sight that I said a short prayer to myself…Praise your name, Lord.  God is good.  God is great….P.S. Please forgive me for my sins.  It will always be a mystery to me how anyone can look at this magnificent and complex world we live in and not realize that an intelligence far greater than ours and a power beyond simple evolution must have created it. 


Our third branch of government, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), has become the only remaining bulwark against much of the liberal madness that now pervades our nation.  It is unfortunate that the wheels of justice turn so slowly, but we must never forget that they are turning.  Based on the current composition of the SCOTUS, we can take comfort in their decisions that will in large part determine the future of America and uphold our Constitution.


If you will only listen to the Democrats, they will tell you what they intend to do with our government.  They seek an autocratic body that increases the size and power of itself, strengthens its control over the lives of the citizenry, and stifles dissent with every lever of power available to it.


Humor from the Bee…far too close to truth for comfort:


The U.S. economy is in truly dangerous waters.  Many of the underlying supports for our economy are weakened or compromised and there are trends in motion that do not bode well for the future of America’s working class.  Without a doubt, many times a president is along for the ride on the national economy and can really do very little to impact it.  Unfortunately, the Biden Administration has been very pro-active in their meddling with the economy and it has had a disastrous effect on it.


The facts tell the story:


This man and his handlers have no sense of shame:


President Joe Biden’s potential impeachment by the House of Representatives is a topic that I am quite ambivalent about.  While it appears quite likely that Biden has done some things that fit neatly into the terms of impeachment (bribery),  I cannot forget the frustration and futility I felt when Congress went after Clinton in the 90’s and the same feelings I experience as the Democrats continue to chase their white whale Donald Trump.  I would prefer to let the courts deal with any crimes that may have been committed by the Biden Family Enterprise and its members. 


At its fundamental core, impeachment is a political tool and must be evaluated in those terms.  Joe Biden will hopefully be gone in about a year and three months.  An impeachment inquiry and proceeding would eat up a large chunk of that time and even if the House impeaches Biden, there is no possible way the Senate will convict him on those charges.  It would seem more reasonable to simply allow Representative Comer to continue his investigation, disclose those findings to the public, and then let the voters decide on Biden’s behavior if he stands for re-election next year. 


I can understand a member of the House defending the initiation of the impeachment process as simply doing their sworn duty; it is in fact an obligation of the House to monitor the President and his Administration.  On the other hand and as I said before, impeachment is a political tool and should be wielded with a good dose of common sense and logic.


With a President that is as obviously corrupt as Joe Biden appears to be, it is difficult not to pursue impeachment.  This is one of those times when the dynamics of the situation are so complex and powerful that it is nearly impossible to predict the outcome.  Regardless, Joe Biden and his Biden Family Enterprise continue on with business as usual.


Joe Biden and his Administration have been played as fools on the world stage by both our allies and our adversaries.  It is concerning when our allies laugh at us; it is extremely dangerous when our adversaries do so.


The liberal assault on our national education system continues…


America was warned (note the date) about what Joe Biden and his liberal contingent would do if they were placed in power:


And what can we expect if Trump is restored to the presidency…


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