Monday, January 29, 2024

Acronyms Gone Wild and the USA Drift

First, let’s talk a bit about electric vehicles (EVs)not the product, but the method.  By shoving EVs down peoples’ throats, the Biden Administration has made the issue not about the potential of EVs, but rather about the real-time comparison between EVs and traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.  It has become a binary choice.  EVs will not win many of those arguments with most folks in America. 


By allowing their infantile and simplistic dreams and visions to guide their policies, without any supporting research or deliberative forward thinking, this President and his Green Weenies have set back the prospect of EVs by decades.  Had they simply encouraged the expanded and selective use of EVs through various manners of modest government support and promotion, they could have set the stage for the intelligent application of this technology into situations where it holds great potential.  The marketplace would have slowly, deliberately, and reasonably introduced this technology to Americans and it would have been allowed to grow at a natural rate.   Supply and demand would have put EVs where they function well and left them out of situations where they are simply not suited for use.


By irresponsibly and foolishly throwing billions of tax dollars at this technology, rewarding their political allies in the process and alienating common citizens with unreasonable demands, the Biden folks have established expectations that cannot be reached, invested monstrous amounts of capital into investments that will fail spectacularly, and quite simply put a bad taste in the mouths of most people who ever entertained the slightest idea that EVs might work.


We can only hope that from the remnants of the coming EV industry collapse, there will be a residual element that can survive financially and begin to market its products in a rational manner: Selling EVs to people who can afford them, using them in places where they are compatible and practical, and permitting the natural process of product improvement evolution to occur over time.


And EVs are just a part of the much broader lunacy of the Green New Deal ideology of the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party:


I believe a strong case can be made that the DEI mania (Diversity/Equity/Inclusion) of Biden and his Democrats is a classic case of taking your eyes off the prize and screwing everything up in the process.  Too many government departments, agencies, and supervisors (read: political appointees) have become so obsessed with DEI and woke issues that they have allowed the actual missions of their job descriptions to go off the rails.  Governmental incompetence has run amok and the primary functions of government are not occurring.  Many federal departments are today incapable of actually showing up for work, keeping the lights on, and serving the public. 


Like the EV issue previously discussed, many of these woke issues have some semblance of value and worth.  But to mandate them in broad and overly-expansive terms, force them upon people with no consideration for the collateral damages and unfairness involved, and to allow their introduction to be handled by rogue and incompetent idealists…well, it is simply ridiculous.  To do so at the expense of NOT performing necessary and routine business is simply stupid and it constitutes malfeasance of the highest level.  This ill-advised power play has set back whatever true value might be found in these efforts by guaranteeing failure, creating resentment by mandate, and polluting the free market system through government interference.  Entitlement has never been, and will never be, a wise substitute for meritocracy.


We can only hope:


And hope some more:


Republicans and Democrats alike have been expanding the reach, authority, and intrusiveness of government for decades now; but no administration in history has taken this effort, particularly through the abuse of Executive Actions, to the level of Joe Biden and his idiotic clown-car corps of idealists and flunkies. 


Through the irresponsible dysfunction of Congress…to the inexcusable handling of the federal debt and budget issues…to the absolutely unforgiveable neglect of our southern border policy…to the blatant disregard for the law and the courts in areas such as student loan forgiveness…and up to the blatant arrogance and conceit demonstrated by Administration officials through their contempt for Congress and the Courts…the Biden Presidency will go down in history as one of the largest and darkest stains on constitutional government that we have ever witnessed.


Our nation has lost its mooring and our ship of state is being commandeered by fools.  We are adrift.  Our government must be seized by the throat and choked down to where it will snap back to reality; come to terms with fundamentally critical issues in a statesmanlike manner; and begin to focus on its constitutional duties rather than its disparate and misguided partisan and political agendas.


Is there a solution…political or otherwise… to the burgeoning, insatiable appetite of our American government for more power, more tax money, more influence, and more CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES? We must elect better leaders, empower innovative thinkers, and SHRINK our government.


We’ll close this piece out with one from the category of “things that make you go hmmmm…”

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Opportunity before Us…and the Opportunity Lost

The opportunity before us….


My children (aged 49 and 42) both tell me that they have no realistic expectations of drawing social security benefits in their lifetimes.  I expect this belief is common among others in their generation.  They have both been paying social security taxes since they began working well before age 16.  Are they correct?  Is the current social security system unsustainable?  Will it go bankrupt and simply fold up…or…will benefits be reduced proportionately due to a shortage of funds?  How will the dynamic of those paying in correlate with those receiving payments?


These are all good questions; but they avoid the REAL question.  The real question is the elephant in the room…Whether or not any National Party or bipartisan group of elected officials will EVER find the courage to honestly address the fundamental financial flaws in our current social security system.  The Democrats have eternally demagogued social security and have dared the Republicans to go anywhere near it with reform on their mind.  The Republicans, being the stalwart statesmen that they are (wink, wink), have been cowed by this threat and taken the coward’s way out by avoiding any substantive discussion about social security reform.  Oh…they can talk it; just don’t ask them to walk it.


Donald Trump made clear in his first term that he would have nothing to do with social security reform.  As of this date, neither Ron DeSantis nor Nikki Haley shows any indication of possessing a serious approach to social security reform.  Joe Biden?  Yeah…I will give you moment to get off the floor from your laughing fit.   At some point, someone … somewhere … somehow must come up with the backbone to broach this subject in a meaningful fashion and start the process of reform.  The challenge remains: How does that process begin?


Social security is a fundamentally-essential part of elder Americans’ financial survival; it is a good, solid concept; and it is worth saving.  The plain and simple truth is that there are legions of elderly Americans who rely solely on their social security benefits to survive; and they do so in stoic silence.  You have heard of the silent majority; here is your silent minority.  Post-boomer generations do not fully realize this fact and they further do not realize how important social security might be for them someday.  Their “live for today” attitudes preclude them from looking far enough into the future to contemplate their retirement years.


Let’s consider some fundamental facts about the social security system.  In 2024, the maximum amount of social security benefit an individual can draw is $58,476 per year/$4,873 per month.  The average social security benefit is $20,472 per year/$1,706 per month.  The average annual income for American workers is $60,575.  That means that at a social security tax rate of 6.2 percent, the average worker is paying in about $3,756 per year/$313 per month; while his/her employer will pay in an equal amount to the system.  For self-employed individuals, they will pay the full 12.4 percent.  If the average monthly benefit is $1,706 and the average monthly tax paid is $616 ($313 x 2), it is pretty clear that we need a lot more workers paying in than we have retirees drawing social security checks.  The average American today is about 39 years old.  Full social security benefits are available at age 66 or 67, depending on your year of birth.  Reduced benefits may be claimed at age 62, but are then locked in for life at that reduced level.


The Social Security Administration estimates that 180 million people are working and paying in social security taxes (along with their employers); while 67 million people are drawing social security benefits.  In 2022, about $1.107 trillion was paid into the system by working Americans and their employers.  That same year, about $1.232 trillion was paid out to retirees. The Social Security Trust Fund earned about $66 billion in interest that year.


Now the social security system is a complex mechanism and it is easy to over-simplify aspects of it.  The process of taxing income and paying out benefits is multi-faceted and one size does not fit all.  All of the numbers mentioned here are moving targets and subject to volatile economic factors.  Much like people who like to cherry-pick scriptures to prove debatable biblical points; many will cherry-pick select social security statistics to support their personal views.  But at the end of the day, it is clear to anyone paying attention that if the system is not adjusted in some fashion, there is a distinct possibility (perhaps more a likelihood) that it will not be sustainable.  The biggest fears of my children that I mentioned previously will, in fact, come to pass.  Here is a good summary (SSA website) of the current social security system financial standing:,2023%2C%20which%20their%20employers%20match.


I recall when Obamacare came into being.  I wrote about it here: .  At that time, I also drew comparisons between that debate and the social security dilemma we are addressing in this piece.  Like the specific elements in the Obamacare discussion, there are a lot of areas in the social security reform issue that should be readily agreed upon by all involved parties.  Let’s consider a few….


People are living longer.  People are working longer.  Medical care has progressed at an astronomical rate; extending both the ability to live and work longer.  The social security retirement age should be raised.  Reasonable people can debate the size of the increase; but increase it must.


The social security tax wage limit must be increased.  Currently, a person is not required to pay the social security tax on any income beyond the social security wage limit.  In 2023, that limit was $168,600.  As a result, you will pay no more than $10,453 per year ($168,600 X 6.2%).  There are some who say that social security benefits should be means tested.  In other words, the amount of social security benefit you are eligible to receive will be decreased as your income rises.  I cannot support this concept.  The same benefits formula should apply to all social security beneficiaries.  If you pay in more, you should draw more.  To me, this is a point of fairness.  On the other hand, if you are going to make a lot of money, and eventually draw a lot of social security benefit, then you should pay the social security tax on the full amount of your earnings.  The wage limit should be increased.  Once again, the amount of the increase is debatable. 


I am not a financial wizard; nor a proficient accountant.  But history plainly tells me that the best way to accumulate true and lasting wealth in this nation is through the stock market.  Historically, equities (the stock market) have out-paced the rate of inflation and have thus resulted in true economic growth.  This is the main formula for the rich getting richer.  Unfortunately, there are two big factors that prevent many people from realizing the great financial benefits available from equities.  First, a lot of folks simply do not have sufficient disposable income to invest in the stock market.  While it is true that savings requires sacrifice and discipline…that is just not sufficient explanation for the failure of many to save.  Lots of folks simply cannot afford it.  Secondly, the stock market is a roller coaster ride.  While in the long run it has yielded reliable gains; there have always been, and will always be, periods where the market experiences losses.  Equities must be regarded as long-term investments; not short-term income producers.  It is undeniable that the stock market has accounted for the vast portion of the true wealth held by rich Americans.  It is foolish for the social security system to continue to ignore this plain fact.


There is a win/win proposition which can be placed on the table.  First, we should allow social security tax payers to voluntarily designate a limited portion of their social security tax to be invested in the equities market; into their own personal account.  Since this option is voluntary, the payer will enjoy the gains…but will also absorb the losses.  Also, since the equities investment option is only a portion of the tax they will pay in, the traditional system will continue to be funded for future use and those choosing to exercise this option will not be allowed to put their entire social security benefit at risk.  Secondly, not only will this allow a large number of working Americans to participate in the equities market whereas they could not before; it will also broaden the economic vitality of the market by expanding and diversifying corporate ownership across our population.  More people will be able to share in the historical prosperity of American capitalism and the social security system will share in this increased growth.  Increased investment in equities should translate to increased opportunities in business…for everyone.


There will be short-term considerations as the amount of incoming taxes shrinks due to the re-direction of that portion to the equities market and the demand for current beneficiary payments continues unabated.   But let’s be honest here…the social security largesse was raided by Congress a long time ago and it is not longer valid to consider it a free-standing system.  It is now part-and-parcel of the federal budget and that fact should allow for addressing any short-term funding issues that the equities option might incur.


These are three reforms that can be implemented today to our social security system so that it might continue to support the many Americans that rely daily on its benefits.  These changes can also help to insure that the social security system will be around tomorrow to support future generations in their retirement years.


One more quick note: social security was never intended to be the sole support for retired individuals.  It was designed to be a supplement to the savings that individuals accrue through hard work and discipline during their earning careers.  It is an empty argument to say that social security benefits are too small to allow for a reasonable lifestyle.  The social security system is only one of many government support programs that help to address the challenges of limited-resource Americans as they face daily challenges to exist financially.  Any attempt to alter or mold the social security program into one that provides 100 percent of the income needed for reasonable retirement is a distortion of monumental proportion and will lead to the rapid and ultimate demise of the entire system.  It will also be a slap in the face to the multitude of Americans who have worked hard for a lifetime, sacrificed daily desires for long-term security, and earned the right through blood, sweat, and tears to have a comfortable retirement. 


That last point only emphasizes what I addressed earlier: one should draw from social security based upon what one pays in.  That is the fairness and integrity of the system that should be preserved.  The equities option can create new possibilities for many that otherwise might not exist; but the social security system never has been, nor should it ever be, a gift to those who failed to provide for their futures due to their irresponsible indulgences of the present.  If one expects to someday draw social security benefits; then one must accept the responsibility of paying in social security taxes.


If suggestions such as these sound unrealistic to you and you have difficulty seeing how this might even be conceivable in today’s political environment,  I submit to you that a blueprint for it to happen currently exist.  Honest, transparent, equitable, and practical reform of a huge government program CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED!  Faced with a similar challenge of fiscal sustainability in the decades-old federal employee retirement system, Congress and the President made hard choices and reformed that system in the mid-1980’s.  That reform has met with unqualified success and was based on many of the principles that I mentioned above (in particular, the equities option). It could be used as a model for social security reform and could even interact with it to some degree.


The opportunity lost….


I am writing this piece in between the Republican Iowa caucuses and the Republican New Hampshire primary.  It goes without saying that in politics…especially in today’s politics…anything and everything is possible.  But having said that, it certainly looks like a sure bet to say that Donald Trump will be this year’s Republican presidential nominee.  Ron DeSantis put all his marbles on Iowa and came up short.  Nikki Haley thought she might ride a late surge to second place in Iowa and she too…came up short.  It is possible that Haley might pull off a remarkable upset in the Granite State, but it just ain’t too likely.  This race sure does feel like it is over.


I can assure you that if you polled all Americans who are likely to vote in this year’s presidential election, an overwhelming majority would tell you that they would prefer someone other than Biden or Trump to be their choices.  Instead, both national parties have inexplicably selected the one candidate that could lose to the other party’s weakest candidate.  Think about it…DeSantis or Haley either one would be quite likely favored to defeat Joe Biden handily in November; but the Republicans seem determined to nominate Trump with all of his baggage.  As flawed as they might be, the Democrats have options other than Biden that would likely give them a far better chance to retain the White House; but they are apparently sticking with Biden. 


Either Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley would make a far better president than either Biden or Trump.  They would not be encumbered by Trump’s legal issues nor would they be saddled with Biden’s senility.  They would not usher in the return of MAGA chaos and they would not be hampered by the stupefying incompetence of the Biden Administration.  Both of them have demonstrated that they are exceptional executive managers by serving successful stints as governors.  Both are young enough to serve two full terms and still retain a fresh and open-minded approach to governance.  Either one of them would bring a new vitality and sense of rebirth to the White House that could possibly prove to be infectious and thereby renew the spirit of the Executive Branch in our government.


Alas, this seems not to be in the cards.  Instead, we are barreling down the road towards four more years of decline with Slow Joe in the White House or four years of frenetic political venom featuring Trump versus the World.  Choose your octogenarian.  Choose your quagmire.  Choose your stalemate.  Choose your political poison.  And when it gets here in January of 2025, then learn to live with the fact that you let the opportunity for positive, invigorating change slip through your fingers.

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Irresponsible Misapplication of January 6, 2021

First off, let us acknowledge that President Donald Trump should be ashamed of how he handled his job on this date.  The irony is that if he had simply accepted defeat, while reasonably airing his concerns about election irregularities, he would likely be 10 points ahead of Biden in today’s presidential polling. 


But he did not.  Like all things Trump, everything has to be about him.  On this particular occasion, he pushed the envelope too far and the crowd simply got out of control.  Was it an insurrection?  Was it as bad as the Democrat Party has made it out to be?  Was it the outrage that the mainstream media has reported on?  No, it was not.  It has been blown up to serve the “useful idiot” role for all those anti-Trump forces…specifically Democrats and mainstream journalists.  The fact that Trump, in defense of his actions on that date, has led with his chin has not really helped him much.


The bigger tragedy is the lessening of integrity that the event’s reaction has brought to the Presidency, to Congress, to the Department of Justice, to the mainstream media, and to the Democrat Party.  Not content to allow Trump to stew in his own juices, they have “dumbed down” history, weakened federal institutions, and literally destroyed the lives of hundreds of innocent protesters who participated in the event.  One can only hope that history will finally report this story in objective and truthful terms; thus allowing us as individuals to assess the blame where it should lie.


Having run the cost of living through the stratosphere during his first term, Joe Biden now runs around bragging about the fact that it not rising quite as fast as it was.  Wow…that is good news!  Now…how do we get rid of the record increases that have occurred over the last three years?  Democrat Party economic policies will destroy our economy if they continue.


Not a day goes by without witnessing more evidence of the immense damage done to our nation and its people by the incompetence of Biden Administration appointees.  From top to bottom in our government, people have been placed in positions of power, authority, and influence for every reason other than being the best-qualified to do the job.  This nation is not being administered by a clown car; it is being administered by a clown BUS. A strong case can be made that international affairs are as dangerous today as they have ever been and America is absolutely rudderless.


The woken madness of DEI, Critical Race Theory, and out of control progressive virtue-signaling has infected essentially every aspect of American life, society, and culture.  Nowhere is this more obvious than in our national education system.


The ongoing and timely…crucial…political debate between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party could not be more important.  Given four more years to continue what they have begun, the Democrat Party, through their marionette Joe Biden, will render this government and this nation into something that no sentient American will recognize.  We should have better choices.  It is pathetic that we should choose Republicans over Democrats because they are the lesser of two evils.  But choose we must…and we had best choose carefully.


“THIS” is the type of behavior that threatens democracy!  It is truly “banana republic” government…


We now have what can objectively be labeled as the most corrupt Administration in my lifetime of 70-plus years.  But the most frightening aspect of it is not the depth of its nefariousness; it is the unabashed attitude in which they execute their actions with no shame, guilt, or shadow of conscience.  And all the while, they are fully supported in these efforts by the progressive cabal of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the uber-liberal elements of our nation.  Is it even conceivable that the voters of our country would return people of this ilk to leadership positions in our Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government?  Yes it is; quite so.


It is surely impossible to contemplate the collective outrage of the progressive cabal if roles were reversed and we were considering similar behavior of Donald, Jr. or Ivanka Trump.



Saturday, January 6, 2024

Sad, Sad State of Affairs

As our nation heads hell-bent into a year of chaotic, vitriolic, and downright hateful political idiocy, it is incredible that we as a nation continue to disassociate the current state of affairs from the choices we make while choosing our leadership.  At every step of the way…our neighborhoods, communities, churches; our city, county, and state governments; our Congress and our President…..we MUST do a better job.  We must be clear-eyed, thoughtful, and willing to think about the gravity of our decisions.  We need to be selecting the best from among us to represent us.  If we place fools in positions of power, we are going to live with foolish policies.


It is a bitter pill for me to swallow, but I must continue to believe that Donald Trump, for all of his many faults, is by far a better choice for president than any person that might be offered up by today’s Democrat Party.  I will continue to hope for a better alternate than Trump to be nominated by the Republicans, but my stubborn optimism is wearing thin. 


Reality is sometimes harsh and perhaps even cruel in its unavoidable habit of holding us responsible for the choices we make in life.  As I have said many, many times before…we will get the government we deserve.  While the Republican Party and whoever its presidential nominee might turn out to be are nowhere near ideal or perfect, there can be little doubt that the state of our country demands that we seek changes to the direction in which we are going.


As we head into a general election year that will no doubt be fraught with every political peril imaginable, we must simply look around us and ask the question: Can we not do better than this?


Our federal budget is out of control with no one attempting to rein it in.  The people we now have in charge have no regard for fiscal accountability.  Their solution for every…single…problem is to spend more money on it.  The stupidity of their so-called solutions does nothing to solve problems and, in most cases, simply exacerbates them.  The plain and simple fact is that the problem with government spending is not how much money they have to spend…tax receipts are at all-time highs.  The problem is how much they are spending, what they are spending on, and how they are spending it.  They have a “blank check” attitude because they are spending someone else’s money and want to reinvent the world.  We must find some way…to somehow…shrink the size and spending appetite of our government.  If we cannot do this, our children and their children will have little hope of financial independence, stability, and prosperity.


Some of the previous links dealt with the reports of how our government is spending YOUR tax dollars in an attempt to foist their Green New Deal agenda foolishness upon the citizenry.  The Democrats in government are married to their wishful thinking of electric vehicles, windmills, solar panels, and any other notion that sounds good to them.  Unfortunately, they have no compunction, nor comprehension, of the tragic consequences that will come from their idiotic energy misadventures.  Look at the concepts and companies they are propping up with federal spending…YOUR TAX DOLLARS.


Additionally, some of the prior links dealt with how much federal largesse has been spent on the Democrat Party’s favored Diversity/Equity/Inclusion agenda, commonly known as DEI.  While starving incentive and ambition for the sake of mediocrity and while advocating discrimination for the sake of non-discrimination, they have destroyed traditional American values and eroded the integrity and effectiveness of valued institutions.   While promoting woke principles in the name of tolerance, they have encouraged obscenity, perversion, and a pervasive moral decay in our culture and society.  That decay is spreading and for the sake of our children, it must be stopped.


Our education system’s devolution and decline was greatly accelerated when the liberal elements that control most of the administration and instruction in it were essentially handed total control during the covid pandemic.  Having gained such control of the system, they have now dug in and substituted their progressive ideology for fundamental learning.  This has to change.


More of this might help:


Read this piece written by one of today’s young college students and ask yourself…What type of environment could possibly make a reasonable student think like this?  Do YOU think like this?  Today’s education system has replaced meritocracy with a sense of entitlement that is simply not preparing our children for a future as responsible and productive citizens:


Beyond the shores of our country, the world is burning.  Conflict rages all around the planet and America is no longer looked upon as a beacon of hope and an advocate of freedom.  We are not respected.  We have lost all strength or illusion of deterrence.  We are simply not taken seriously as an adversary or an ally.  These are truly dangerous times for the world at large.


Our nation is evolving as people become more mobile and move from state to state.  Our borders have become porous and are essentially wide open to undocumented immigration.  We must get a handle on orderly, thoughtful, and compassionate national immigration policy.


There is a pervasive, corruptive rot that is spreading throughout our government.  It has been propagated by incompetent and wildly ideological radicals that place their personal ideals and agendas before public service and integrity.  Our President has a long history of public service corruption and upon achieving the White House, he has become unbridled from any restraint on his pursuit of personal wealth and influence.  He has established a pattern of malfeasance that has spread throughout federal departments and agencies and now threatens the very constitutional foundations of our nation.  With this type of leadership, how can anyone trust our government?


What strongly supports the arrogance, conceit, and sheer hubris of the Democrat Party and their progressive cabal is the tremendously-influential impact of the mainstream media, who continues to faithfully carry their water in all matters.  Can’t trust the government…Can’t trust the press…Who in the world can we trust these days?  Trust YOURSELF…think for YOURSELF.


Here is an interesting piece that attempts to look at the thought process which lies behind today’s liberal/progressive individual:


As Joe Biden revs up his campaign for another four years in the White House, he is shouting from the rooftops that Trump and the Republicans are a “threat to democracy”.   Please...Think for yourself.  Who supports a more intrusive, more expansive, more powerful, more controlling federal government?  Who wants to limit your choices and force their ideology on you at the expense of your personal freedoms?  Who wants to tell you how to think and how to live your life?  Who supports one system of justice for themselves and another system of justice for those who oppose them?  Who tells you that you can select any option you like…as long as they get to dictate the options?  Who runs for office on their record of accomplishment and who runs for office by fomenting hatred and division?



The Prospects for Meaningful Change

Over the last year, I have written at length about my reservations concerning Donald Trump.   Like many others, I have embraced his policies...