Saturday, January 6, 2024

Sad, Sad State of Affairs

As our nation heads hell-bent into a year of chaotic, vitriolic, and downright hateful political idiocy, it is incredible that we as a nation continue to disassociate the current state of affairs from the choices we make while choosing our leadership.  At every step of the way…our neighborhoods, communities, churches; our city, county, and state governments; our Congress and our President…..we MUST do a better job.  We must be clear-eyed, thoughtful, and willing to think about the gravity of our decisions.  We need to be selecting the best from among us to represent us.  If we place fools in positions of power, we are going to live with foolish policies.


It is a bitter pill for me to swallow, but I must continue to believe that Donald Trump, for all of his many faults, is by far a better choice for president than any person that might be offered up by today’s Democrat Party.  I will continue to hope for a better alternate than Trump to be nominated by the Republicans, but my stubborn optimism is wearing thin. 


Reality is sometimes harsh and perhaps even cruel in its unavoidable habit of holding us responsible for the choices we make in life.  As I have said many, many times before…we will get the government we deserve.  While the Republican Party and whoever its presidential nominee might turn out to be are nowhere near ideal or perfect, there can be little doubt that the state of our country demands that we seek changes to the direction in which we are going.


As we head into a general election year that will no doubt be fraught with every political peril imaginable, we must simply look around us and ask the question: Can we not do better than this?


Our federal budget is out of control with no one attempting to rein it in.  The people we now have in charge have no regard for fiscal accountability.  Their solution for every…single…problem is to spend more money on it.  The stupidity of their so-called solutions does nothing to solve problems and, in most cases, simply exacerbates them.  The plain and simple fact is that the problem with government spending is not how much money they have to spend…tax receipts are at all-time highs.  The problem is how much they are spending, what they are spending on, and how they are spending it.  They have a “blank check” attitude because they are spending someone else’s money and want to reinvent the world.  We must find some way…to somehow…shrink the size and spending appetite of our government.  If we cannot do this, our children and their children will have little hope of financial independence, stability, and prosperity.


Some of the previous links dealt with the reports of how our government is spending YOUR tax dollars in an attempt to foist their Green New Deal agenda foolishness upon the citizenry.  The Democrats in government are married to their wishful thinking of electric vehicles, windmills, solar panels, and any other notion that sounds good to them.  Unfortunately, they have no compunction, nor comprehension, of the tragic consequences that will come from their idiotic energy misadventures.  Look at the concepts and companies they are propping up with federal spending…YOUR TAX DOLLARS.


Additionally, some of the prior links dealt with how much federal largesse has been spent on the Democrat Party’s favored Diversity/Equity/Inclusion agenda, commonly known as DEI.  While starving incentive and ambition for the sake of mediocrity and while advocating discrimination for the sake of non-discrimination, they have destroyed traditional American values and eroded the integrity and effectiveness of valued institutions.   While promoting woke principles in the name of tolerance, they have encouraged obscenity, perversion, and a pervasive moral decay in our culture and society.  That decay is spreading and for the sake of our children, it must be stopped.


Our education system’s devolution and decline was greatly accelerated when the liberal elements that control most of the administration and instruction in it were essentially handed total control during the covid pandemic.  Having gained such control of the system, they have now dug in and substituted their progressive ideology for fundamental learning.  This has to change.


More of this might help:


Read this piece written by one of today’s young college students and ask yourself…What type of environment could possibly make a reasonable student think like this?  Do YOU think like this?  Today’s education system has replaced meritocracy with a sense of entitlement that is simply not preparing our children for a future as responsible and productive citizens:


Beyond the shores of our country, the world is burning.  Conflict rages all around the planet and America is no longer looked upon as a beacon of hope and an advocate of freedom.  We are not respected.  We have lost all strength or illusion of deterrence.  We are simply not taken seriously as an adversary or an ally.  These are truly dangerous times for the world at large.


Our nation is evolving as people become more mobile and move from state to state.  Our borders have become porous and are essentially wide open to undocumented immigration.  We must get a handle on orderly, thoughtful, and compassionate national immigration policy.


There is a pervasive, corruptive rot that is spreading throughout our government.  It has been propagated by incompetent and wildly ideological radicals that place their personal ideals and agendas before public service and integrity.  Our President has a long history of public service corruption and upon achieving the White House, he has become unbridled from any restraint on his pursuit of personal wealth and influence.  He has established a pattern of malfeasance that has spread throughout federal departments and agencies and now threatens the very constitutional foundations of our nation.  With this type of leadership, how can anyone trust our government?


What strongly supports the arrogance, conceit, and sheer hubris of the Democrat Party and their progressive cabal is the tremendously-influential impact of the mainstream media, who continues to faithfully carry their water in all matters.  Can’t trust the government…Can’t trust the press…Who in the world can we trust these days?  Trust YOURSELF…think for YOURSELF.


Here is an interesting piece that attempts to look at the thought process which lies behind today’s liberal/progressive individual:


As Joe Biden revs up his campaign for another four years in the White House, he is shouting from the rooftops that Trump and the Republicans are a “threat to democracy”.   Please...Think for yourself.  Who supports a more intrusive, more expansive, more powerful, more controlling federal government?  Who wants to limit your choices and force their ideology on you at the expense of your personal freedoms?  Who wants to tell you how to think and how to live your life?  Who supports one system of justice for themselves and another system of justice for those who oppose them?  Who tells you that you can select any option you like…as long as they get to dictate the options?  Who runs for office on their record of accomplishment and who runs for office by fomenting hatred and division?



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