Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Four Possible Republican Nominee Outcomes

As Joe Biden circles the Democrat wagons and Donald Trump fires up his MAGA base, the first true step towards selecting a 2024 Republican nominee for president is scheduled to take place in Iowa on January 15.  I would like to submit for your consideration four different outcomes (but not the “only” possible outcomes) of that caucus exercise, the contests to follow soon after it, and where they might lead us.


Scenario 1: Trump has consistently held a commanding lead over DeSantis and Haley in Iowa polling; he continues to hover at or above 50 percent.  If Trump wins this contest with a number equal to or greater than 50 percent and if his winning margin is 25 points or more, it is difficult to see any outcome other than an eventual nomination for Trump.  DeSantis has apparently pushed all of his chips to the center of the Iowa table, while Haley has pretty much done the same in New Hampshire.  If in fact Trump wins in this fashion, the real question will be how DeSantis reacts to this defeat.  He could simply spin his weak second place finish to the best of his ability, move on to another pending defeat (finishing behind Haley… likely third place or worse) in New Hampshire  (January 23), and then head on down to Haley’s home state contest in South Carolina on February 24.  It is difficult to see how DeSantis can spin anything other than a very close second in Iowa or an outright Iowa win into any type of competitive challenge for the New Hampshire or South Carolina contests.  In this scenario, Haley is the only remaining alternative to Trump after Iowa and she is likely in a “must win” New Hampshire position.


Scenario 2:  Trump wins Iowa, with DeSantis a distant second and Haley in third place…but very close to DeSantis.  Having taken his best shot and considered the tea leaves, DeSantis understands the calculus. He suspends his campaign and leaves the nomination-hunting trail to contemplate his political future at the youthful age of 45.  He may…or he may not…choose at this moment to throw his support to Haley.  If he is truly concerned about the future of his party and his nation, he will realize that Trump must be denied the nomination and jump behind Haley.  On the other hand, he might calculate that the possibility of a Trump implosion still exists and he would like to be around for consideration as an alternative “if” that were to occur.  The announcement of a DeSantis withdrawal from active campaigning combined with her current New Hampshire momentum could possibly set the stage for a Haley upset over Trump in the Granite State.  If that were to occur, the stakes of the February 24 contest in South Carolina would be raised dramatically and we will finally find out the true extent of Trump’s popularity in the Republican Party.  At this point in time, one would have to believe that if Haley could defeat Trump in both New Hampshire and South Carolina, she would then become the frontrunner for the Republican nomination; or, at a minimum, be on par with Trump.


Scenario 3: Donald Trump comfortably dispatches DeSantis in Iowa.  Donald Trump defeats Haley in New Hampshire (anything beyond a razor-thin margin would suffice), and then completes his destruction of Haley’s possibilities by defeating her in South Carolina…on her home field.  Trump is now the de facto nominee and coasts to the end.  There could be a possible variation in S3 where subsequent to a razor-thin Trump victory over Haley in New Hampshire, she then wins the South Carolina primary.  In this case, you would have to believe that Trump and Haley continue to battle it out until Super Tuesday, March 5, when one would likely vanquish the other. 


Scenario 4: DeSantis wins Iowa.  Having spent most of his resources in gaining this victory, how likely is it that he can transfer some of that momentum back east to New Hampshire where Haley is already strong?  That would indeed be a heavy lift.  With Trump weakened by his defeat in Iowa, Haley wins the New Hampshire primary, staving off the bloodied Trump and the recent-victor DeSantis.  Haley now heads to her home state of South Carolina in a very good position to win that primary, with Trump and DeSantis splitting the balance of the Palmetto State pie.  All three candidates continue on to Super Tuesday, where a final winner will likely be decided.


If you had to choose a role, it sure looks like Trump has the inside track with Haley a second choice and DeSantis operating on a hope and a prayer.  The bottom line is this: once January 15 and February 24 pass us by, we will have a much better idea about who the Republicans will be putting up for president in 2024.


On to the news…………


I am literally dumbfounded by the continuing, and unaccountable, denials of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the full complement of the progressive element as they constantly proclaim the saintly innocence of the corrupt Biden Family Enterprises.  That corruption, having taken root and seed in the Biden family for decades, has now permeated not only the Democrat Party but also the Executive Branch of our government (particularly the Department of Justice/DOJ).  The bald-faced efforts of the DOJ to target individuals and groups in a partisan and/or idealistic fashion, to effectuate a multi-tiered system of injustice in our nation, and to abdicate its constitutional role in government to serve instead as an appendage of the progressive movement is an historical tragedy and abomination.  The Biden Administration and that entity, with the DOJ serving quite effectively as their guardian angel and enabler, are blatantly attempting to reinvent our country into a image they covet; an image wholly inconsistent with our Constitution.


This is who they are and how they operate:












This is what they are trying to do:
















After the actions we have seen from the Biden Administration in this area, “why” would any reasonable person make a student loan repayment? https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/18/only-60percent-of-student-loan-borrowers-made-payments-when-bills-restarted.html




We need to see more of this: https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/12/a-victory-against-dei-in-wisconsin/


Not content with the damage they have wrought on our nation…at so many levels and in so many ways…with their Diversity/Equity/Inclusion madness, the Biden Administration and its progressive allies continue to force down the throats of Americans their idiotic ideals encapsulated in their Green New Deal. 














And while Biden’s handlers and allies try to figure out how to convince us that “down is up” and “two plus two equals five”, the people of our nation are coming to grips with the malfeasance of Bidenomics and the unforgiveable fiscal irresponsibility of BOTH national political parties when it comes to federal spending.












Without question, one of the more alarming trends that we saw worsening during 2023 was the unholy alliance between the Democrat Party, the progressive movement, and the mainstream media.   Casting aside all pretense of ethical journalism and accepted the Biden Administration (think “DOJ”) as their full-fledged partner, the mainstream media has become a shameless and useful idiot in service to their masters and cohorts.  The scary part of the equation is how successful they are it and how emboldened they have become in their implementation of it.


















And now we can add to this deadly brew of corrupt politicians, unethical propagandistic journalists, and radical ideologues….none other than rogue jurists.  This is truly the kind of stuff we have witnessed from “third world dictators” in recent decades.  The next time you hear a Democrat speak of a future President Trump as a “dictator”, understand exactly who it is that is weaponizing government agencies (DOJ) against their political enemies, attempting to remove rival candidates from ballots (Colorado), literally cancelling state primary elections (Florida) for fear of poor showings, and perverting the balance of power in our government through extraordinary executive actions.
























Three quick closing links…..


A reflection on the year just behind us and the year just ahead: https://amgreatness.com/2023/12/25/2024-the-year-of-our-reckoning/


Another outstanding Bari Weiss podcast addressing the gut-wrenching issue of abortion: https://www.honestlypod.com/podcast/episode/201cb8ed/the-case-of-kate-coxand-the-trouble-with-the-abortion-debate


It never ceases to amaze me these days how closely attuned “fact” and “fiction” have become; the Babylon Bee continues to highlight this point: https://babylonbee.com/news/clarence-the-angel-takes-gavin-newsom-to-florida-to-show-him-what-california-could-look-like-if-hed-never-been-born


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