Monday, December 4, 2023

Both Sides Are Off the Rails

We are inside the one-year window of our next presidential election.  Neither national political party has officially selected their nominee; but each side has a prohibitive favorite and a clear front runner.  Both of those choices leave much to be desired.  They are not mysteries.  Each has a presidential track record that speaks for itself.   


And even though the policy contrast between Joe Biden and Donald Trump could not be much clearer; the parties that have offered up these nominees to us are very much alike in many respects.  They have both allowed themselves to devolve into a dysfunctional, chaotic state of administration by permitting their radical elements to achieve disproportionately-large influence over their national agendas.  They have allowed the inmates to run their asylums.


The U.S. Senate, controlled by the Democrats and which arrogantly holds itself to a higher level of status than any other government entity (including the President), has sunk down to a point where they have sold their authority and independence down the river in order to placate their party’s Chief Executive in the White House.  The power of government means much more to them than the effectiveness of government.  I emphasize here that I am talking about BOTH political parties…not just the Democrats.  It has become quite common and apparently acceptable for the Senate to stand by and allow the sausage-making of government to exclusively occur in the madhouse otherwise known as the House of Representatives.  The old saying goes…if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.  The U.S. Senate has been falling pretty regularly for the last couple of decades.


What we have witnessed in recent months from the Republican majority in the House is unfortunately what has come to be expected from that side of Congress.  When each little Napoleon who is elected by a county or a handful of counties back home comes to Washington, DC for a two-year term with a vision of re-creating our government, what should we reasonably expect?  The House is no longer a deliberative body where sober and meaningful legislating takes place; it is a national stage where charlatan-patriots perform daily for their journalistic audience.   Rather than governing at a time when governing is most critical, they continue to fiddle while Rome burns.


So ultimately, none of us should be surprised that the current versions of our national parties would serve up nominees like Biden and Trump.  Chaos will yield chaos and dysfunction will lead to further dysfunction.  The pertinent question that lies before us is…wherein lies the solution to this circus?


The Democrats.  Oblivious to the drunkard behind the wheel, they continue blindly towards the cliff’s edge…and we are all in the vehicle.


Simplistic and mind-numbing wastefulness on foolish and irrational agendas…


Idiotic wokefulness seeping into our educational system…


Wrecking our national economy with painful and disastrous implications for our people….


Allowing morons, devoid of ethics and morals, to pilot our ship of state in international affairs…


Spending untold millions of taxpayer dollars pursuing a vendetta against an ex-President and his supporters, at the expense of more critical work that should be taken of, and all the while…running perhaps one of the most corrupt Administrations in history…


Encouraging and supporting efforts like this that make no sense whatsoever and do not reflect the values of most Americans…


Implementing an expansion of our government and its powers that go well beyond any boundaries envisioned by our founders through the Constitution;  featuring a dual-justice system that belies any reasonable view of fairness…


The Republicans.  This is the alternative they offer us to the Democrats.  Make sense of it if you can.


What is the answer to the dilemma?  


We need more leaders like this:


We need more discussion like this:


And we need more attitudes like this:


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