Saturday, November 25, 2023

In Biden’s World, Two plus Two No Longer Equals Four

It might equal three…or it might equal five…or it might just be so complex as to be incalculable.  That is the progressive way of thinking these days.  The answer can be whatever they wish it to be.  Forget the laws of physics…can’t be bothered with established facts.  All logic is malleable.  The direction of the wind can determine the proper response to any question.  The ends justify the means.  Idiocy has an unrestricted license to operate wide open and beyond question.  Pay very close attention to that last point…DO NOT QUESTION.  Any deviation from the party line is heresy …treason …bigotry…misogynistic …racist …hateful.  Why…it simply isn’t…PROPER nor ACCEPTABLE.


The Biden Administration and its progressive cohorts blithely dally about while our nation…it’s security, it’s morals, and it’s very soul…are circling the drain.  Practicality and reason have been cast aside, only to be replaced by a whimsical philosophy that dictates… if you wish it to be so, then so it shall be.  These people are truly moronic. 


It is beginning to dawn on many leftists that their policy approach of unicorns and rainbows is severely disconnected from reality and the wages of such foolishness are beginning to come due.   However, for the truly dedicated imbeciles in the Biden Administration and their minions nationwide, they are proceeding with their ultra-liberal agenda in an undeterred fashion. 


Do you doubt my observations?  Do you view my words as just so much partisan whining?  Could my musings be the result of a malcontented deplorable, backwards-thinking redneck that clings to his guns and his Bible?  Yeah…that could be the case.  But then again…read through some of the following news items and ask yourself:  Are the progressive elements among us actually trying to make this world a better place for ourselves and our children…or…are they simply wallowing in an authority-drunken state of whimsy with absolutely no regard or awareness of the damage they are causing?  Here is a good article to set the tone for today’s post:


What are they doing to our national education system?


What can be done to correct this trend:


Our justice system is in a dismal state of decay and chaos.  From the corrupted Department of Justice all the way down to our local law enforcement organizations, true justice has taken a backseat to woke principles such as diversity, equity, and arbitrary ideas about social engineering.  It isn’t working!


The law that applies to YOU depends on WHO you are, WHAT you believe, and HOW MUCH power or influence you possess:


Will there be accountability or will Biden run out the clock:


Under Biden and his progressives, justice is meted out according to your political beliefs, your race, and your social agenda.  There are not just two tiers to their justice system…there are multi-tiers.  Justice is a spontaneous, shifting, moment of progressive epiphany that serves their purpose at a given point in time.

The next five links clearly illustrate how our American justice system has been corrupted by progressive thinking, influence, leadership, and pure decay.  This...Must...Stop.

Watch this film and think about it:

Follow-up articles... 

In the progressive universe of law and order, the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter riots were NOT insurrections…but THIS was…


Listen to the progressives…read what they write…listen to what they say…pay attention to what they do.  Is this what YOU believe in?


Trying to reinvent our nation in some type of woken image is a fool’s errand and if you follow or support such an effort, what does that make you?


And while Biden and his incompetent appointees diddle and play games with America’s military apparatus…the world is burning.


Do you honestly believe that the Palestinians are the true victims in this conflict?  Are the Palestinian people as mistreated and innocent as the mainstream media portrays:


Joe Biden was the experienced and seasoned political veteran who would bring the two parties together in a new era of civility and statesmanship…or at least that is what we were told.  How is that working out for YOU?


Bidenomics at work…


It is a sad but true reality that the ultimate salvation for the idiocy of today’s Democrat Party resides with the total ineptitude of today’s Republican Party.  Never underestimate the ability of the Republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?


Three quick hits on the way out the door…..


Be careful who you go after


“Out of my cold, dead hand”…


Here’s an outstanding podcast regarding the balance of power between our three branches of government.  This balance is absolutely critical to our survival as a nation and MUST BE RESTORED…


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