Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Political Centers Must Rise Up…Together

In many ways…it just feels like the prevailing tendency…the public political and policy opinions of our citizenry are moving further apart towards the right or left extremes rather than closer together in the middle.  Or…is it simply the case that most people reside comfortably in the middle swath while the noisy folks on either end of the continuum make all of the noise and attract all of the attention?   I believe what makes this question so difficult to answer is the fact that the extreme groups certainly seem to be dominating not only the rhetoric, but they are also driving the electoral outcomes.  And until that dynamic changes…until our two national political parties get the message of necessary moderation…it is difficult to see how the screamers will be silenced and voice of the center will manage to be heard.


As our society and culture is wont to do, we have undergone a redefining of what might be called the extreme elements in either political party.  When considering the Democrats, it is apparently no longer correct to refer to the more radical policy positions as liberal; they are now to be called progressive.  The liberals still exist; they simply now occupy a leftward position closer to the center of the spectrum rather than out on the left extreme.  You might even call them traditional liberals.  Likewise, there are apparently two degrees of conservatism these days.  There are those on the right who are the opposing…but reasonable...rebuttal to the center-left liberals.  We will call this bunch conservatives.  The group that occupies the extreme right of the dial and who represent the polar opposite of the progressives…we will call them the neo-cons. 


It is unfortunate to the point of depressing that either one of these extreme political groups have gained disproportionate influence not only in the control of our national parties, but also in their prominence regarding the attention of the media.  Whether it is legitimate or not, the media has anointed these outspoken militants as the spokespersons for their party.  You doubt my conjecture?  Simply look at who is recognized as the leader of each party today and the forces that are driving the political and policy positions for those respective parties.  It is Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and all of their scattered minions across the political landscape.  I suspect that in the core of their hearts, Biden and Trump are not authentically members of their party extremes.  That current position likely has much more to do with the fact that they are unprincipled political opportunists…rather than them being somehow moored to radical policies.  They both are paper-thin as far as policy conviction goes and the prevailing direction of the political winds has much more influence on their beliefs than any form of substantive beliefs.  It is no great surprise that many of the more radical characters in either party enthusiastically support them.


It is a harsh reality, but a strong argument can be made that these political extremes are necessary to maintain some equilibrium in American politics.  Without sincere and unfortunately sometimes uncompromising activists in each party, we run the risk of compromise to the point of meaningless policy.  If a party does not stand for something, it will fall for anything.  For our democracy to function as it was designed, our national parties should clearly compromise on practice but stand fast on their principles.  The glaring defect that has become so prevalent in today’s political environment is the fact that the uncompromising elements in the parties have taken control and created not only open political warfare, but also a poisonous political atmosphere that has saddled our government and society with bitterness, hate, inefficiency, and loss of ethical and moral standing. 


In some form or another, the centrist elements in each party must reassert their control and gain prevailing influence over their respective side of the political aisle.  And while entertaining the opinions and thoughts of their radical elements, they must make it abundantly clear that the nature and essence of democracy is good-faith debate that does not burn the house down for the sake of pyrrhic political victories.  I might suggest that a very good starting point for this effort would be the nomination of someone other than Biden and Trump as our next presidential candidates.


How has this oversized influence of each party’s activist elements impacted our nation?  Let us consider three issues where I believe the damaging effect of this phenomenon is being realized….


Since the Supreme Court’s ruling on Dobbs that moved governmental authority over abortion back to the individual states, the issue of abortion has become one of, if not the most applied political campaign tool in the arsenal of both parties.  I live in Kentucky and have witnessed firsthand the blatant demagoguery of abortion policy in this year’s race for governor.  It is being shamelessly used as a political cudgel by both parties on a nationwide basis and will likely be a prominent feature in next year’s presidential race.  While good people hold strong convictions regarding the issue of abortion, the plain and simple fact is that it is an issue that is best left to be judged by wisdom greater than that of federal and state entities.  You can count on this: the Republicans and the Democrats do not supersede God Almighty when it comes to the final judgment.  It is simply not reasonable for the extreme abortion elements in the Republican Party to demand the imposition of their moral code on people who in good conscience do not prescribe to that moral code.  Nor is it reasonable for Democrats to support discretionary late-term abortions, sometimes up to and beyond the moment of actual birth.


On December 3, 2021, I put up the following post: https://centerlineright.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-abortion-state-of-play.html .  At that time, the Supreme Court was hearing arguments in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case (Jackson, Mississippi).  I cite this case not for Constitutional and legal purposes, but to simply point out that I believe the Mississippi abortion law in question here is the model that should be pursued in good conscience by states across our country.  I am comfortable in guessing that if the question were to be put fairly before all Americans, fully 75 percent of those polled would support a law similar to this.  One that will not satisfy the firmly-held convictions of the extreme groups on either side of the abortion question; but one that clearly strikes a reasonable balance of tolerance for the right of people to hold differing beliefs on matters of conscience.  There is a link within the above-linked article that will allow you to read the text of the Mississippi law. 


This type of legislation is what I mean by the Democrat and Republican forces in the center of the political spectrum coming together to drown out the radicals imbedded in both of their organizations and finding a compromise that is rational, compassionate, and that can be squared with an individual’s personal convictions.


* Postscript Update: Yesterday (11/7/23) was election day and there were two prime examples of the abortion legislation extremism I am addressing.  In Kentucky, our pathetic weasel of an incumbent Governor Beshear shamelessly used the tragedy of a young girl's pregnancy/abortion to obtain re-election in Kentucky.  This would not have been possible if the Kentucky Republican-dominated legislature had not established one of the most-restrictive abortion laws in the nation.  They basically tied Republican Governor Candidate Daniel Cameron's hands and handed Beshear a magic potion to use for re-election.  In Ohio, the voters passed an abortion initiative that is one of the least-restrictive in the nation.  I must believe that  many of the voters did not fully understand the fundamentals and predictable outcomes of this measure.  There will be tremendous pushback against it once those facts become apparent and the outcomes become reality.  These are two instances of how radical positions can influence the moderate voters in the middle of the political spectrum.  These folks in the center yearn for some reason and common sense...some tolerance and compromise.

While the raging global crisis in the Middle East continues to explode, America is undergoing a crisis in conscience in regards to expressions of anti-Semitic feelings.  From the streets of our large cities…to the campuses of our universities…to the halls of Congress…to the West Wing of our White House, there has arisen an inability on the part of some to condemn acts of pure evil and hatred such as the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel and the anti-Semitic rhetoric and activities occurring across our nation.  Not only has there been an effort to draw a moral equivalency between the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians and the act of self defense from open hostility; but now it seems that one cannot condemn the apparent and prevalent happenstance of anti-Semitic actions without also mentioning the darkness of Islamophobia.  Although somewhat similar in nature, these are clearly two separate and distinct issues.


To legitimize the actions of one hateful opinion by citing the existence of another is thin gruel indeed.  While both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are deplorable, it is obviously inappropriate to require the mention of both practices in order to condemn the one that is in our face at the moment.  It surreptitiously feeds the false moral equivalence mentioned earlier and provides cover for those who lack the moral conviction to stand on principle.  I am referring to those people who wish to appear moderate when, in fact…they are simply couching their radical views in diplomatic subterfuge. 


If one cannot find the backbone to stand up and call evil out...regardless of whom the players are and the roles they represent in the conflict…without blending it with a distinctly separate issue that somehow dilutes the veracity of the statement…then what have we become?  Once again, we see an example of the extreme elements in one party dictating the narratives of current events. 


Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are both odious practices, but make no mistake about it: There is a right side and a wrong side in the current Middle East crisis.  The best example of what I am trying to write about…this preposterous moral equivalency…is best illustrated by the inane words of its most infamous practitioner, Barack Hussein Obama… the number one American cheerleader for Iran.  After spending 8 years of his leadership tenure poisoning the Middle East environment with appeasement towards terrorist states, he now pontificates in a saintly tone…oblivious to the consequences of his own actions: https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/obamas-blame-everyone-comments-on-the-middle-east/


Another polarizing issue that has been largely controlled by radical political elements in our country is the issue of race.  As a matter of fact and foundation, a good place to start with any discussion of race in America is to look at our precise racial composition.  Here is the official data from the United States Census Bureau: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045222


While emphasizing the founding principles of our nation and the fundamental right of …dignity, respect, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL Americans, it is nonetheless reasonable to apply the facts of proportionality to this discussion.  For whatever reason, the issue of race in our country has been dominated by not only the extreme radical elements in our political parties, but also by extreme radical elements within the racial minorities themselves…and the professional race hustlers within those elements.  Once again, I turn to the most impactful and negative polarizer in my lifetime, Barack Hussein Obama.  It is a tragedy of historical proportion that a man who held such potential for positive racial change in America chose instead to waste it away on a self-aggrandizing ego trip.  He single-handedly perpetuated the bitter racial divide that still exists today and pushed any hope of positive movement in the reconciliation of that divide far down the road.  I wrote of this in July of 2015:  https://centerlineright.blogspot.com/2015/07/getting-over-to-get-even.html


We must become a color-blind society if we are ever going to rid ourselves of this discrimination stain.  We must eliminate wielding discrimination as a remedy for discrimination.  The moderate people of both parties understand this concept.  They embrace this concept in their daily lives.  Yet we continue to see the issue of race dominated by the radical political and social voices among us.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 got it right; we need to honor those words: https://www.eeoc.gov/statutes/title-vii-civil-rights-act-1964


These are just three issues in the myriad of confusion that is enveloping our nation and our world today.  If we are to continue the prosperity in this great country of ours, the voices and actions of the radical elements in our people…both left and right…must be mitigated and brought to heel.  For a much better assessment of the world, our nation, and the binds we find ourselves in, please listen to this great podcast.  It is spot on...intelligent conversation by thoughtful people: https://www.honestlypod.com/podcast/episode/e109401d/a-world-spinning-out-of-control



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