Sunday, December 10, 2023

Tis the Season…to be Stupid

All of us are flawed creatures…we all do stupid things on occasion.  But for most of us, these stupid actions entail a degree of embarrassment or shame.  The best example of that is when we slip and fall…and the first thing we do upon recovering is to look around to see if anyone saw us fall.  We feel kinda silly.  I fear that many amongst us have lost the capacity to feel silly.  The truth is that there are people today who have lost the capacity to be embarrassed or ashamed.


We have reached a point in our society, culture, and government where the term stupid has been dumbed-down to a test not based on reality and common sense, but to a test of wishful thinking.  If one is bold enough to claim a foolish action or a silly phrase is rational and then sticks to their guns, there will be occasions where they are praised for genius or ingenuity…even if the phrase or action is clearly stupid.  And if enough people join together to endorse a certain type of stupid rhetoric or behavior as positive and redeeming, then that rhetoric or behavior can become blindly accepted as wholesome and will escape a fundamental test of reason.  This is the world we live in. 


As I was once told by one of the best bosses I ever knew…sometimes the train has to wreck in order to fix its problems.  Perhaps the train wrecks stemming from these stupid actions are becoming more prevalent.  Perhaps the chickens are beginning to come home and roost.  Perhaps people like the presidents of elite colleges are starting to wake up and realize how incredibly naïve and foolish their attitudes have been.  We can only hope that the pushback against some of the most incredibly dumb things around us is beginning in earnest.  If so…the relevant question is whether or not that awakening will extend to our selection of government officials next November. 


In fact, that reinstitution of common sense needs to be extended deep into our culture and society, become a virus in our communities and churches, once again find a place in our regimen of child rearing…and become a staple of the American way of life.  We have to get back to the point where we can all agree that “stupid is as stupid does”.  And just as critically, we all have to rediscover that essential human component of feeling foolish when “we say or do something stupid”.  Needless to say, we are far past the point where we need to stop putting stupid people in charge of our affairs.


Now I am being quite "liberal" (no pun intended; OTOH…why deny reality?) with the term “stupid”; but we are where we are.  We have reached a point where when we oftentimes do something dumb, those around us…our friends, our family, our peers…either refuse to call out our foolishness or sometimes even applaud us for it.  Why do they do this?  Do they lack the common sense, the courage, or even the decency to let us know how silly we are behaving?  Or, do they have an inner fear of being the one person in the group…the lone soul in that particular bubble…that is actually tethered to reality?  Are we so indoctrinated in group-think that we have become incapable of independent opinion?


If we continue to become desensitized to ignorant behavior and flawed logic, then at some point in time, stupidity will replace common sense as the “norm”.  We will then live in a bizzaro world where stupid is good/common sense is bad, up is down/down is up, dumb is rewarded/smart is penalized, and most tragic of all…evil is acceptable/goodness is reviled.  Perhaps I am over-reacting to things that I perceive around me.  Read along with me here and see what you think…


Schools should be for learning and preparing our children for gainful employment as a functional American citizen.  They should not be social experimentation labs or substitutes for parents.  They are not training seminars for progressive thought.


Are we seeing the beginnings of the pushback?


Our government does not need to be picking winners and losers in our economy.  They should not permit their personal agendas and ideals to dictate national economic policy.  They should plain and simply insure a stable and reliable currency environment, a fair and transparent playing field for all consumers and business, and an incentive for ambition, innovation, and hard work that is to be rewarded when it is displayed.


Our government should be “by the people and for the people”…not “over the people and dictating to the people”.  The astronomic growth in the sheer breadth and depth of government is breathtaking.  It is becoming dangerously autocratic in nature and is rapidly abandoning the fundamental citizen liberties granted to us by our Constitution.  There are people who want to reinvent this government in their own “new and different” vision and many of these people are today in positions of power and influence within our government.




“This” is what happens when our government departments and agencies become politically-weaponized and then we have what can only be described as a “two-tiered” system of justice.  January 6 was irresponsible and tragic; but how much worse was it than the George Floyd and Black Lives Matter riots?  Was the consequent  justice equivalent?  Who was punished and who was rewarded…for the same actions?


Why oh why do we pick from amongst us the most flawed and corrupted individuals to serve in our government?  Time after time we have done it…we learn nothing from our mistakes.  Even now, we are hell-bent on giving ourselves a presidential choice next year between dumb and dumber, zigzag and squiggly, decrepit and senile, and known quantities that are nowhere near the standards we should be setting for our chief executive.


We can all, in good faith, debate politics, morals, ethics, government function, foreign affairs, the weather, and most any other topic that might get thrown our way.  What we cannot debate, in good faith, is the fact that one of the fundamental problems with American culture and society today is the failing of the family unit; the fact that too many kids are growing up with parents that either are not there or parents that simply do not care.  Here is an outstanding podcast that addresses that issue directly and honestly.

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