Friday, January 12, 2024

The Irresponsible Misapplication of January 6, 2021

First off, let us acknowledge that President Donald Trump should be ashamed of how he handled his job on this date.  The irony is that if he had simply accepted defeat, while reasonably airing his concerns about election irregularities, he would likely be 10 points ahead of Biden in today’s presidential polling. 


But he did not.  Like all things Trump, everything has to be about him.  On this particular occasion, he pushed the envelope too far and the crowd simply got out of control.  Was it an insurrection?  Was it as bad as the Democrat Party has made it out to be?  Was it the outrage that the mainstream media has reported on?  No, it was not.  It has been blown up to serve the “useful idiot” role for all those anti-Trump forces…specifically Democrats and mainstream journalists.  The fact that Trump, in defense of his actions on that date, has led with his chin has not really helped him much.


The bigger tragedy is the lessening of integrity that the event’s reaction has brought to the Presidency, to Congress, to the Department of Justice, to the mainstream media, and to the Democrat Party.  Not content to allow Trump to stew in his own juices, they have “dumbed down” history, weakened federal institutions, and literally destroyed the lives of hundreds of innocent protesters who participated in the event.  One can only hope that history will finally report this story in objective and truthful terms; thus allowing us as individuals to assess the blame where it should lie.


Having run the cost of living through the stratosphere during his first term, Joe Biden now runs around bragging about the fact that it not rising quite as fast as it was.  Wow…that is good news!  Now…how do we get rid of the record increases that have occurred over the last three years?  Democrat Party economic policies will destroy our economy if they continue.


Not a day goes by without witnessing more evidence of the immense damage done to our nation and its people by the incompetence of Biden Administration appointees.  From top to bottom in our government, people have been placed in positions of power, authority, and influence for every reason other than being the best-qualified to do the job.  This nation is not being administered by a clown car; it is being administered by a clown BUS. A strong case can be made that international affairs are as dangerous today as they have ever been and America is absolutely rudderless.


The woken madness of DEI, Critical Race Theory, and out of control progressive virtue-signaling has infected essentially every aspect of American life, society, and culture.  Nowhere is this more obvious than in our national education system.


The ongoing and timely…crucial…political debate between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party could not be more important.  Given four more years to continue what they have begun, the Democrat Party, through their marionette Joe Biden, will render this government and this nation into something that no sentient American will recognize.  We should have better choices.  It is pathetic that we should choose Republicans over Democrats because they are the lesser of two evils.  But choose we must…and we had best choose carefully.


“THIS” is the type of behavior that threatens democracy!  It is truly “banana republic” government…


We now have what can objectively be labeled as the most corrupt Administration in my lifetime of 70-plus years.  But the most frightening aspect of it is not the depth of its nefariousness; it is the unabashed attitude in which they execute their actions with no shame, guilt, or shadow of conscience.  And all the while, they are fully supported in these efforts by the progressive cabal of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the uber-liberal elements of our nation.  Is it even conceivable that the voters of our country would return people of this ilk to leadership positions in our Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government?  Yes it is; quite so.


It is surely impossible to contemplate the collective outrage of the progressive cabal if roles were reversed and we were considering similar behavior of Donald, Jr. or Ivanka Trump.



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