Saturday, March 30, 2024

He Is Risen

You want hope?  You want change?  You want salvation for this messed up world that we all live in?


Look not to WDC.  Look not to your state capitals.  Look not to the UN or the various alliances of different global nations.  Look not to your mayor, or your judges, or your neighbors.


Look inside yourself.  Look to the heavens.  Look to God.  Therein lays the solution.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Closing Out March, Looking to Spring and Beyond

Mayhem rules supreme not only in America, but all across our planet.  Evil is out in the open in the Middle East as the beasts of Hamas clothe themselves in the gowns of victims; China schemes openly about world domination while publicly playing our President for a fool; Russia continues to invade its neighbors while ignoring civilized nations and norms; America’s southern border remains wide open to the dregs of humanity from all parts of the world; the incredibly stupid Wokening of America continues apace with no letup in sight; and we are hurtling off a high cliff into an election abyss with no clue of what awaits us at the bottom.  What manner of “spring and beyond” could possibly be awaiting us in the next few months?


Our national political parties are in a tragically-comical contest to see who can be the shallowest, most dysfunctional, hypocritical, and pointless group of wannabe flavors du jour in the history of government.  These people are mortgaging the lives of our future generations with their irresponsible fiscal performance in the area of federal budget management.


Are you enjoying college basketball during March Madness?  Here is some great parody of the true madness that is loose in our nation’s capital… 


The Madness is also loose in our schools.  If you are not watching your local education organizations and entities, you are facing a harsh future morning when the progressive chickens flying all over academia finally come home to roost…at your house.


However…there is some good news here and there if we can just look a bit harder…


Our courts are being used and abused; but in the midst of the turmoil, monumental decisions are being made that will help to define our future in this country.


The epic fail of the Green New Deal lunacy continues to play out as the cluelessness of the progressive elitists is showcased on a daily basis.


This is how our energy sector can evolve naturally through the channels of supply and demand:


Our President shames our nation on the international stage by renting himself out to the highest financial and political bidders.  His foreign policy initiatives are based on dangerous and naïve idealism, favoritism and bias that has been bought and paid for, and a desperate hunt for domestic votes among the political divisions that he himself has helped to create.


Joe Biden’s presidential malfeasance regarding his management (or lack thereof) at our southern border has damaged our nation in ways that will continue to plague us for decades to come.  The tragic cost in human lives that these policies will accrue cannot be estimated.



Friday, March 22, 2024

A Tale of Two Politicians

The prosecution of Donald Trump by New York Attorney General Letitia James is nothing short of a tragic, abysmal farce:  Through the use of a foolishly-founded New York law, a partisan hack of a judge in Arthur Engoron, and the support of the American Progressive Cabal that includes the National Democrat Party, the mainstream media, most all of academia, and a large swath of our most rich and powerful citizenry…this woman has made a mockery of justice and a laughing stock of New York.  Let us dwell for a moment or two on exactly what we are witnessing in today’s political arena.


Joe Biden has spent his entire life in elected office.  Up until the time he once again failed to obtain his party’s presidential nomination and decided to retire from politics, he was obviously a man of very modest means.  He had not acquired a great deal of wealth, respect, or credibility.  Then he was inexplicably selected by Barack Hussein Obama to be vice-president and remarkably…his financial fortunes changed.  His political career had always reeked of subtle influence-peddling and low-grade corruption, but not of sufficient level to raise the hackles of law enforcement.  But when he was presented with the platform of the vice-presidency to “hawk his wares”; Slow Joe kicked his Biden Family Enterprise into high gear.


Thinking that this eight-year tour with Obama would likely be his political swan song, Biden made the obvious choice to “get all he could while the getting was good”.  His financial standing from these years in question paints a pretty plain and simple picture: He used his family, his son in particular, to pimp him out as a political harlot to anyone that might be interested.  He used his political office to gain personal wealth and influence with no regard for the compromises that might be inherent regarding his service to his elected office. 


And then, lightning struck Joe Biden one more time.  His party, bereft of any other viable candidate to put up against incumbent Republican President Donald Trump, chose him to run a basement campaign for the White House.  The rest is history.  While serving as Obama’s vice-president, Biden never dreamed that he might one day be put under the microscope for his corruptive actions in public office.  But then, after ascending to the presidency, he and his party are now being forced to defend his record of political prostitution as they approach a quest for the third lightning strike…a second term as president. 


Rather than the law enforcement departments and agencies of our nation, states, and communities using their resources to investigate Biden’s blatant abuse of power in political office, they have instead been arrayed in a complex system of cover-up, damage control, and self-defense to protect him and somehow enable him to grasp that Holy Grail …a second term as president.  That prize would keep them all in power.  In this effort, not only has the Department of Justice been shamelessly politicized in its scheming, but the mainstream media has been complicit in doing everything in their considerable power to support those efforts:


Now contrast Biden’s story with that of Trump.  From the time he publicly announced his pursuit of the presidency…from Trump Towers which just happens to be a central element in the Letitia James case against him…he has been attacked  and  bedeviled by his opponents within his own party, from the opposing political party, and from the partisan deep state element artfully entrenched within our government. 


Please do not misunderstand me…I am no great fan of Trump.  He is an unprincipled, crude, narcissistic, egomaniacal, blowhard of a man.  Much of the troubles that have fallen upon him since his political career began are of his own making due to his rhetoric and inexcusable behavior.  But all things being equal, we would like to believe that American justice is equal for all and applies evenly across the board.  How strange is it, therefore, that all of the aforementioned forces that were (and are being) assembled in DEFENSE of Joe Biden are being utilized in an overly-zealous and politically motivated LEGAL PERSECUTION of Donald Trump?


Regardless of what you might think of each man, the contrast between them is remarkable.  Trump and his family before him built an empire in the real estate arena through buying, selling, and building.  Were their business practices always pure and holy?  Not likely…not likely at all.  But they operated within the confines of existing law and regulation.  The records speak for themselves.   The fact is they generated economic vigor through the production of goods and services…they built something…with bricks and mortar…they accumulated something.  That something is represented by Trump Towers and their other real estate assets.


On the other hand, Biden and his family profited personally and immensely from the blatant selling of political influence and power:  They built nothing, they profited no one but themselves and their cohorts, they created no jobs or commerce, and Joe Biden spits in the face of all the voters who put him in office for lo these many years with his capricious attitude towards what he has done and his accountability for those actions. 


This is NOT how justice should work in America.  In the months ahead, Biden may be held accountable for his abuse of power and political-profiteering.  The lawfare strategy of Joe Biden and the Democrats deployed against Trump might implode on the gravity of its own ridiculousness, as we are beginning to see in Atlanta.  Representative James Comer may continue to peel away the onion layers of the Biden Family corruption and expose it in some undeniable fashion that will crystallize Biden’s corruptive nature.  Letitia James might eventually marshal the foreclosure of Trump’s New York properties and preside over his financial ruin.  But at some point in these sad and regrettable episodes, we can only hope that the contrast between the two flawed politicians at the center of these affairs and how their actions were treated by our civic authorities, both local and national, will be brought into a much greater focus. 


Consider this: The Department of Justice (DOJ) is under the auspices of the Executive Branch; all of the patronage appointments within that Department, from Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on down, serve at the pleasure of the President.  They also have significant power and influence over state law enforcement officials, such as Attorney Generals…especially the Democrat ones like we find in democrat states like New York and purple state Georgia. 


Both Biden and Trump have now acquired sufficient delegates in the primary process to be considered their respective party’s presidential nominees.  While the DOJ is running a full-force, lawfare blitzkrieg on Donald Trump, Joe Biden is making jokes during public speeches about Trump’s financial difficulties….stemming mainly from the previously-discussed Letitia James, New York Attorney General, lawsuit. 


So with seven months and change to go until our next presidential election, President Biden’s Executive Branch (which includes the DOJ) is going all out to legally and financially hamstring his chosen opponent in the upcoming election.  In what universe does this smell right?  The Atlanta judge spoke of the “odor of mendacity” surrounding Democrat District Attorney of Fulton County/Georgia, Fani Willis.  Do you suppose there might be some back-channel communication between Ms. Willis, the DOJ, and President Biden?  Same question for Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.  Same question for Democrat Special Counsel Jack Smith, appointed by our Attorney General Garland.  There is a different type of odor emanating from the Biden Administration that has its roots closer to that of organic fertilizer than it does that of honesty and truth.



Without a doubt, the Biden-created immigration chaos at our southern border will be a major factor in this year’s presidential election.   As the Supreme Court grapples with the rights of Texas to protect its own border when the United States government refuses to do so, illegal immigration across that border continues to spiral out of control.  Where will this escalating crisis lead us and how much longer can it proceed on this basis?



There is a clear effort, under the false moniker of “protecting democracy”, by the progressive elements in our nation to seize further control of speech and the sharing of information.  It is a slow, deliberate, and effective process of chipping away at the constitutional rights of Americans and it is proceeding at an alarming pace.  These efforts, through an incremental process, hold the potential to transform the very nature of country and can very easily result in an authoritarian government that tramples the basic rights of its citizens.  We should all pay close attention to these efforts as they work their way through our civic and judicial institutions.


The consequences of government censorship:



Here is an assortment of articles that aptly illustrate the gross level of incompetence and foolishness that is so prevalent in the Administration of President Joe Biden.  These people live in a fantasy land full of rainbows and unicorns and are truly divorced from reality.




Influence Peddling:


Foreign Policy:


Abuse of Power:



I mentioned before the lifelong tendency of Joe Biden to use his political office for personal gain.  The House of Representatives, through Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, is attempting to pull the sheets back from some of this contemptible behavior.  Much has been made of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with President Biden and how it might reflect on his abilities to effectively serve as our president.  To put it bluntly: Is he mentally competent?  Remember …Robert Hur was selected by Merrick Garland, who was selected by Joe Biden.  Here is a transcript of that interview.  Read it for yourself and consider whether this man is fit to be President.


Victor David Hanson’s opinion is always worth your time:



Joe Biden, his Administration, and the progressive elements that control him from behind the scene are destroying the very fabric of our nation.  If you need convincing, simply pause a moment or two in your life and look around yourself.



Soon we will stand on the cusp of a decision in choosing our nation’s leader for the next four years.  Quite simply, the last seven plus years tell the story.  Consider your life under the Trump Administration and then consider your life under the Biden Administration.


The Democrat Party has lost its way and has sold its soul to progressive elements that have no concern for people other than themselves.  This is not your parent’s Democrat Party:


The voters of America will control our nation’s future.  What will that future reflect:



Three quick hits before closing…

A tribute to a man who I consider to be one of the great political leaders in American history:


A thoughtful perspective on the death penalty:

A rare moment of political courage, uncommon common sense, and a glimpse of deliberate consideration from an unexpected source:



Thursday, March 14, 2024

It’s the Economy, Stupid

Well-known Democrat strategist and smartass superb James Carville coined the following phrase in 1992: It’s the economy, stupid.  At that time, Carville’s candidate du jour Bill Clinton was running against George H.W. Bush for the presidency.  Clinton defeated Bush in November of 1992.  In August of 1992, Bush’s approval rating was around 36 percent.  Some polls are currently showing Biden’s approval at 37 percent.  The old “lipstick on a pig” trickery is hard to pull off when the swine is in the bank account. 


Joe Biden, his Democrat Party, and all of their progressive allies across America and this planet are going to be applying the lipstick in heavy doses over the next few months.  Will the lacquer thickness be sufficient to mask the feeble old man that Biden has become, the mess that he has made of our domestic situation, and the peril he has fostered in the international geopolitical theater?  Only time will tell….


Having destroyed the foundations of our national economy with his airhead economic policies, Biden has now submitted his new wish list to Congress in the form of a federal budget.  One would think that a bit of self-reflection upon past mistakes would be in order, but no….in Biden World, it is full steam ahead into economic oblivion.


Please read what I wrote about the House Select Committee on January 6 some time ago: .  It is one of the saddest chapters in the history of our Congress and the damage it has done to many, many lives is incalculable and irreparable.  Now reflect on what we have learned since then…


No issue is more intentionally distorted than that of abortion in America.  The flamethrowers on both ends of the abortion debate spectrum have no conscience when it comes to pursuing their agendas.  Chief amongst the dishonest is our President:


Obama taught Biden to love Iran…and he learned well.  Why … WHY… does our government treat the number one terrorist supporter (they kill Americans!) on the planet like this when they treat one of our greatest historical allies like that?   In what universe does foreign policy like this make sense?






Teacher unions and the administrative elements in our national education segment have commandeered the process for their own benefit and they are not going to turn loose easily.  School choice is beginning to make some inroads into their systemic and ruthless destruction of our children’s education, but at some point…these lunatics must be reined in.  Wipe off the lipstick and educate yourself on the facts:


I wrote recently about what I believe to be the critical importance of reforming our Social Security system.  Neither national political party has any moral standing in this argument nor do the candidates they have each selected to put before us this November.  They each accurately reflect that spineless and irresponsible reality.  Wipe off the lipstick and educate yourself on the facts:


Saturday, March 9, 2024

Lord…Deliver Us from Lunacy

Our national political parties have apparently set the table for this year’s election buffet and the entrees are somewhat less than desirable.  The majority of Republicans are dead-set on making a point about the last presidential election; thus forcing Donald Trump down the throats of all those who diss him badly.  The Democrats got crossed up by their place-holder Biden and by the time they realized he was not going to ease on off to the old age home, it appears it might be too late to move on to Plan B.


It should be noted that in both instances, major change could yet occur.  Given the geriatric nature of the candidates, health and infirmity is always a primary concern.  In the case of Biden, the deterioration in the man is so obvious that the Democrats might seriously consider a candidate switcheroo right up until their convention.  In the matter of Trump, the Republicans certainly won’t replace him… but the Department of Justice might.  On both sides, it is highly unlikely that any change takes place and it appears the contest is pretty much set for this election.


Neither candidate can win on merit; both are bereft of presidential fiber. Neither candidate has much to say about the other that cannot be hurled directly back at them.  Both candidates run off at the mouth like high school smart alecks.   Both candidates are known quantities that many, many voters simply do not like.   Yet here we are…one must win and one must lose.  Just guessing here, but it is really hard to see how a man like Joe Biden can be elected president…again.  His administration is an abysmal failure; he is a broken down, senile, incompetent, old man; and he is surrounded and served by simpletons who are clueless as to the realities of their environment.  One has to believe that the only way Donald Trump loses this election is if he somehow self-destructs.  Biden cannot win it; Trump can only lose it.  However, given the man that Donald Trump is…one would be extremely foolish not to consider that possibility.  Buckle up, friends…the show is about to start.


Can Donald Trump muster sufficient self-control to allow the voters of America to reluctantly and inescapably reach the conclusion that he is indeed the lesser of two evils? …or… Will Trump allow his ego to go the full monty and unleash his arrogance and crude nature for all to see, thus opening the door for a combination of Democrat election shenanigans and voter disenchantment to deliver a squeaker of a victory to Biden and the Democrats?


Joe Biden has taken the Executive Branch of our government into a realm of dysfunction neverbeforeseen in my lifetime.  Through a combination of personal and official corruption, personal and appointed incompetence, just plain stupid policy promotion, and a hypocritical form of leadership that is devoid of character and integrity…this man has put upon the presidency a pall of shame, buffoonery, ridicule, and disgust.  By selling his soul to the progressive elements of his party and our society/culture in general, he has placed the stewardship of government’s role in our lives at the hands of foolish people who quite simply do not have the sense to get in out of the rain.


And then…after clearly demonstrating how truly incapable of governing he is…this man stands before Congress, our nation,  and the world to deliver a State of the Union speech that is simply an incoherent mix of political venom, bald-faced deceit, shouting and spittle, and mixed up verbiage that borders on incomprehension.  The gall of this man to say the things he said this week is proof positive that he has no shame, no self-comprehension, and certainly no ethical or moral content.


Joe Biden is a verily dishonest man; but in no area does his dishonesty seem more obvious than in his approach to our national economy.  As demonstrated by the previous facts, Biden inherited an economy from Donald Trump that was on the verge of a robust and widespread recovery from the pandemic setback.  Had he done NOTHING at all, that recovery would likely have continued.  Instead, he literally SABOTAGED our economy with pure spite by dismantling any effective policy that was Trump-related and then proceeded to implement his own ill-conceived and farcical progressive policies.


In a perfect world, a reckless and incompetent president like Biden would be somewhat counterbalanced by a sober and responsible Legislative Branch of government.  NOT!  The Senate Democrats are focused on trying to create an environment that will permit Biden to somehow slide into a second term…mostly by shoveling the maximum amount of tax dollars towards their supporters.  The Republicans in the House seem intent on re-enacting their own private version of the Civil War and bringing new depth and meaning to the term chaos.  Congress fiddles while our national economy burns!


The state of America’s domestic politics is unsettled to the max…but that is not new.  We have endured episodes of political warfare before and come out of it intact.  We must trust in our Constitution and our government to somehow get past this spell of childishness and dysfunction and return at some point soon to a state of relative normalcy. 


On the other hand, foreign affairs are an entirely different kettle of fish.  This aspect of our government lies almost exclusively under the purview of the Executive Branch and…to put it mildly…that branch is currently asleep at the wheel.  It was nothing short of shameful to listen to Joe Biden’s anti-Israel rhetoric in his State of the Union address.  This is no way to treat an historical American ally and there is no way that this type of behavior by our leadership can assure our other global allies.  Joe Biden would sell out his own mother or children for political gain and his fawning over Hamas clearly demonstrates that fact.


Simultaneously, the question of American support for Ukraine continues to be debated on a daily basis.  I understand that there must be limits to all things…how much money can we actually afford to send in foreign aid when there are so many needs begging for the same dollars?  But we must never forget that we ourselves would not exist today but for the foreign support we received during our war for independence.  We do not have to bleed for Ukraine;  but we should damn sure give them all the tools they need to fight for themselves…against what is likely our most serious enemy on this planet.  The amount of American support that should flow to Ukraine is a complex issue that has many aspects, both pro and con.


Here is my  nomination for the official 2024 national elections theme song...rock on:








Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...