Saturday, June 8, 2024

No One is Clean in This Deal

Let us be clear and direct about the inflation problems that are currently roiling the U.S. economy:  BOTH Republicans and Democrats created this problem; both presidents Trump and Biden presided over its genesis.  But the larger issue is this: Once the fire was started, Joe Biden took the easy and irresponsible way out.  Instead of taking difficult, thoughtful, sensible approaches to the glut of bipartisan federal spending that created (and sustains) this problem, he instead started giving away the store in a cheap plea for votes and a transparent catering to the progressive elements of his party.  He has literally poured kerosene on the inflation inferno that is now raging.  And, sad to say, there is absolutely no indication that he intends to change this approach.


Neither national party nor the men they have put in the White House have shown any inclination towards seriously addressing our nation’s ongoing and worsening debt problem.  The plain and simple fact is that since the time of the Bill Clinton Administration and a Republican Congress in the mid-90s, no elected official in our government has had both the courage to openly challenge the irresponsible federal spending that is running out of control and the power/influence to initiate real and effective administrative action to mitigate this problem.  Our government has essentially run up the white flag in the challenge of federal spending restraint and has lost all concern about the number of zeros added to right side of spending appropriation figures.  The only real difference between Republicans and Democrats is the areas where they choose to overspend.


An honest discussion of inflation demands that blame be assessed to both parties when we consider the cause of inflation…i.e. profligate federal spending.  It is inherently a Congressional problem more than an Executive problem.  But when we move the discussion to the management of inflation and its consequences, there is little doubt that the empirical evidence available tells us that the Republican Party and Donald Trump have done a far better job keeping inflation at tolerable levels than have the Democrat Party and Joe Biden.  If we broaden out that discussion to general domestic economic policy, Trump’s record of performance is far preferable to that of Biden.  You do not have to think about this or check the history records; simply reflect on your economic health during Donald Trump’s recent presidential term and compare that to your economic health today under President Biden.


Once again I make the point: The issue is not how much tax revenue the federal government is receiving; tax revenues are at historical highs. The problem is how much money the federal government is spending.


Unfortunately, gross mismanagement is a disease and not a symptom of the Biden Administration.  The damage associated with this performance in the domestic area of policy is terribly consequential: it directly affects a citizen’s quality of life.  However, when this inherent mismanagement extends itself into the area of foreign policy, it threatens the citizens’ very lives themselves.


This is the way it once was and the way it could be again:


Governmental mismanagement has been and continues to be the hallmark of the Biden Administration.  I view the Biden Administration as quite simply the third Obama Administration...with one very important difference.  Obama filled his two administrations with bad policy-makers; but they were intelligent (in the main).  Biden's people are not just promoting bad policies; they are also idiots.  Obama's group pushed the envelope to new limits, but there was always a red line of reason that kept them from going over the cliff.  There is no such red line...for the Biden group.  

Biden is clearly incapable and incompetent to serve as president and the lackeys who are actually running our government are naïve, egotistical fools who are emboldened by the fact that they are truly unaccountable for their actions.  Their actions hide behind the skirts of President Biden and they escape attention through cover conferred upon them by the mainstream media.


But keep the faith; there are some signs of pushback against this type of Democrat-administered progressive madness…


Say what will you will about the obvious flaws of Donald Trump; the simple fact is that unlike his opponent Joe Biden, he does possess the physical and mental competence to serve as Commander in Chief.  Joe Biden does not.  Watching the Biden Administration, and their partners in the progressive mainstream media, attempt to hide Biden’s pathetic incompetence is both a sad and comical affair.


There can be no doubt that given a choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump as our next president, the clear and better choice is Donald Trump.


If anyone doubts the fact that the Biden Administration has corrupted our government, they need look no further than what has occurred in the Department of Justice.  Take note that the Department of Justice is NOT an independent federal department.  It exists under the purview of the Executive Branch.  Its head, the Attorney General, is a patronage appointment of the president.  True oversight of the Executive Branch lies with the Legislative Branch in the political sense and the Supreme Court of the United States in the legal sense.


To clarify this corruption and the dual justice system it is administering, simply compare how it has handled the lawfare strategy against Donald Trump with the way it has handled the legal issues surrounding Biden’s son, Hunter.  It goes without saying that the biased and partisan coverage of these issues by the mainstream media has significantly deepened their damaging effects on our government’s chief law enforcement entity, and the entire government by extension.


Consider the handling and coverage of Trump’s legal problems…


Now consider the handling and coverage of Hunter Biden’s legal problems…


This short video does an excellent job of illustrating the simple fact that the mainstream media has become an appendage of the Democrat Party:


Check the source and date on this article; the past does come back to haunt us…and holds us accountable:



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