Saturday, June 29, 2024

Two Big Hits and Some Loose Ends

Well…it has been quite an eventful week, hasn’t it?  From the collection of happenings, I want to draw out the Big Debate and the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decisions.  After that, we’ll season the mix with some various articles about the world we are living in. 


CNN staged a rather balanced and responsible debate for our presidential candidates.  I like the new protocols and hope they will remain in place.  For anyone who has been paying attention, the pathetic performance by President Biden was no surprise.  This is what he is and it was a colossal miscalculation on his handlers’ part to put him on that stage.  What the hell were they thinking? As for Trump, he showed about as much discipline as he could possibly muster.  In spite of all his misstatements and bluster, he won hands down by just showing up and staying in control.  I have been on record as saying that Trump could not win this election, but that he could surely lose it.  He did not contribute to the “losing it” cause.


Miracles do happen and the future is certainly uncertain, but it is hard to imagine any scenario under which Biden’s political image could be resurrected in the next four months.  It strikes me that the Democrats are now faced with two choices.  I do not believe that they can force Biden to step down from the nomination against his will; that is simply a bridge too far.  If he remains the nominee, I expect the Party will go through the motions of supporting him during his campaign, but they will shift the majority of their resources (money and people) towards maintaining a Senate majority and an attempt to gain control of the House.


If Biden does withdraw from his nomination, it is difficult to see how the Democrat Party can select anyone except Vice-President Kamala Harris.  The plain and simple fact is that their bench is thin and she is entitled.   She was likely placed in her current position through the auspices of Obama and the Democrats have clearly painted themselves in a corner.  The polls seem to indicate that either Harris or Newsom would be weaker (if that can be imagined) against Trump than Biden…but I don’t buy this. 


I have to believe that if Biden were to step down, the liberal/progressive cabal would throw all they have and all they can mortgage into reinventing Kamala Harris as the new image for Hope and Change: .  If this were to occur, it would be a huge mistake for the Republican Party and Donald Trump to underestimate the potential for them to sneak her across the finish line in first place.  They should never forget: They are ahead not because Trump is that good.  They are ahead because Biden is that bad.


Many people were kept unaware of Joe Biden’s actual physical and mental deficiencies leading up to this debate and the liberal/progressive elements can, over a fairly short period of four months, pretty effectively shelter and reinvent Kamala Harris into something she clearly is not.  Do not kid yourself.  They did it for three and a half years with Biden; they can do it for sixteen weeks with Harris. 


Two more quick thoughts on the debate… I doubt very much there will be a second debate, unless Biden is replaced as the Democrat nominee.  The only possible gain in a second debate between Biden and Trump would lie with the Democrats and the Republicans would be crazy to give them the opportunity to recover from this week’s disaster. 


Secondly, I must still wonder what if that had been Ron DeSantis… or Nikki Haley…or Glenn Youngkin up on that debate stage instead of Donald Trump?    If that had occurred, you could pretty much rest assured that the results of this November’s presidential election would be chiseled in stone foretelling a resounding Republican victory.  It would appear that is likely anyway, but with Donald Trump…the threat of internal implosion is always a possibility.  For all of his entertainment value, Donald Trump remains a pompous ass.  Is he a better choice for president than Joe Biden? ...YES, absolutely.  The Republican Party could have done better, they should have done better, and the lost opportunity will cost them dearly in the long run.  The Republican Party and Republican voters have made their bed and they will now sleep in it.


Both of these candidates are simply too old to serve as our nation’s Commander in Chief.  Our government is riddled with individuals who have overstayed their productive terms in public service:


This week, the SCOTUS announced a series of decisions that move our nation dramatically closer to the Constitutional foundation upon which it was built.  It reined in outrageous legal mission creep with its January 6 decision.  It helped to restore a balance of power and called out autocratic Executive Branch overreach with its Chevron decision.  And with a third decision, it further recognized the fundamental rights of communities to pass and enforce reasonable laws that insure a safe and secure environment for its residents.  It is cause for celebration when these SCOTUS decisions come down in multiples that make you want to stand up and cheer.  We can only hope that if Trump wins, the conservative majority on this court will not only be preserved, but will likely be enhanced.  Here are three decisions worthy of celebration.






Also this:


Now we can move on to some other stories making the rounds these days.  It seems that when the liberal/progressive appendages pull one of their corruptive schemes and they are finally exposed for their dishonesty, they somehow and invariably escape any accountability whatsoever.  Such is the case with the infamous Hunter Biden laptop letter that was released just prior to the second-most recent Biden/Trump debate in an effort to aid Biden.  By the time the truth came out, sufficient time had passed for most folks to forget about it and all those involved simply skated away to further mischief.  The damage was done. 


I thought it was revealing that just prior to this week’s Biden/Trump debate; a similar ploy was initiated by some liberal/progressive economists in an effort to provide Biden some cover for his disastrous economic policies.  It seems that perhaps insufficient time had passed since their last effort for this most recent one to have any effect. 


The truly frightening thing about these shenanigans is not that they get away with it and that the mainstream media provides support for them; it is the fact that much of this bullshit is actually sanctioned and administered by people who are part of our existing government.  This is federal corruption at its most extreme and these people should be condemned, punished, and never again allowed within ten feet of a government office.


The Obama administrations were among the most corrupt in the history of our nation.  It should therefore be no great surprise that The One’s protégé, Joe Biden, would follow suit when given his turn at the Executive Branch.  That same corruption… that same incompetence…and the woken idiocy that is woven into it…it all lives on today in the Biden Administration.


Who in their right mind would vote for this to continue for another four years?


Here are two fundamentally wrong things about our world that…tragically… are not likely to change in the near future…


Mainstream media bias and politicization:


The irresponsible, inexplicable, and absolutely unforgiveable way that our Congress and our Presidents handle our federal budget…


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