There is so much to talk about in our nation and the world at large; it is truly one crazy time to be alive. I want to hit two main topics in this piece. First, I want to look at the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump and expand it into the increased incidence of violence we are seeing throughout our culture and society. Next, I want to take a close look at the specific factors that will likely determine who our next president will be. For all of the hoopla, drama, and angst…it really boils down to a fairly simple proposition. At the end, we’ll check out some miscellaneous articles that reflect a bit more of what is happening around us. Let’s go.
I discussed in a recent post the
desensitizing of America and how we as a people have become somewhat numbed to
the impact of hate speech and overt violence.
It is fair to wonder: Where did
this begin? Why has this happened? How did we get to this terrible place? These are simple questions, but there are no
simple answers. It is a complex issue that
reflects the natural evolution of our nation and its citizenry, the supersonic
transformation of our communication and awareness quotients with each other
based on the internet and associated technological achievements, and the
coarsening of ourselves based on our over-indulgent tolerance of baser
instincts along with individual and collective cowardice to boldly stand up for
the right things in life.
recent spate of school shooting/bombing threats, combined with the attempt on
Trump’s life in Florida, are just two of the most recent reflections of how
violent and malevolent our country has become.
The inflammatory and irresponsible rhetoric that is flowing in the
political arena does nothing but throw fuel on this already exploding maelstrom
of hatred and violence. There will
always be loose screws out there amongst us that do crazy things for crazy
reasons; there is no way to prevent all of
these things from occurring. It is one
of the costs of freedom and liberty. But
it is fair to say that the leadership we have received over the last couple of
decades from our elected officials, our court systems, our educational
establishment, and our journalistic community has not only failed to stem this
tide of brutality, cruelty, acrimony, and antagonism; it has in many ways
encouraged it. In fact, it is equally
fair to say that many of the main players from these various groups have seized
the opportunity to self-aggrandize themselves by playing into the very
ingredients that spawn this type of destruction and harm.
of the many causal elements that have led us to this situation, I want to
highlight two that, to me…reflect a turning point for our people. A turning point where we abandoned the principles
of morality, right and wrong, and simple justice for the sake of political
expediency. In the summer of 2020, the
CHOP/CHAZ occupation occurred in Seattle, Washington. That same summer, there were Black Lives
Matter riots in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region of Minnesota. Both of these events were largely reactions
to the George Floyd controversy. Both of
these events occurred in areas that were under the political control of
liberal/progressive Democrats.
episodes reflected abandonment by controlling governments of the justice system
and official responsibilities for the sake of political and woke
correctness. In my humble opinion, these
two events…while certainly not the only
causes of our slide into hatred and violence…were two of the primary
catalysts for the insidious environment we find ourselves immersed in
today. When the forces of law
enforcement choose, either willingly or forcibly by their leaders, to abandon
the rule of law and justice and become bystanders to blatant disregard for our
legal systems of right and wrong…then this is what will naturally happen.
This is
the best, most objective account, of the
BLM Minnesota riots that I have found.
Take the time to watch, listen, consider…and then wonder how much
influence this event had on where we stand today as a nation:
The CHOP/CHAZ occupation in Seattle
was an absolutely surreal event. It
seemed to be a virtual demonstration of the post-nuclear apocalyptic movies
that have been released over the years.
You know the ones…churning anarchy, rank violence and brutality, barren landscapes
of destruction, survival of the fittest…a true “wild west” environment where only the most ruthless elements
to these two events, there had certainly been episodes of hatred and violence
across our nation. But when people
witnessed the willingness of controlling authorities to accept, abide, and even
encourage these two extended periods of pure anarchy while assuming the roles
of acquiescing overlords…I honestly believe that it had a significant impact on
the willingness of people to not only accept the reality of these events, but to also consider the possibilities of
supporting and actually participating in these events. These were transformational moments that rapidly accelerated the ongoing
desensitization of us to hatred and violence in America.
salient point must be made here, and it is supported by the facts and by journalists
far more accomplished than me: This
political and cultural violence is not politically symmetrical. Do both political sides bear blame? Yes, of course…both parties and their
representatives have been irresponsible in their rhetoric; chief among them is
Donald Trump. But let us be clear about this…The Republican candidate Trump has
experienced two assassination attempts; the Democrat candidate Harris has
experienced none. Let us hope and pray these numbers remain
static. It was the Republican’s
baseball game that got shot up; not the Democrat’s. Both of the aforementioned events in Seattle
and Minnesota are bastions of liberal/progressive thought and are essentially
ruled by Democrats. It is the anti-abortion
clinics that are being burned down; events being celebrated these days by
progressive/liberals on their tee shirts.
Yes…Jan 6 was a disgrace and uncivil; but contrary to the mainstream
media’s presentation, only one person lost their life that day and she was one
of the protestors. Compare that to the events in Seattle and Minnesota and then tell me it
was the worst day since Pearl Harbor.
the Democrat Party furnish the guns for these tragedies? No. Did the Democrat Party pull the trigger on
those guns? No, they did not. But did the Democrat Party, along with their liberal/progressive
members and their associated cabal in education, media, and society influence
and nourish the motivation that led to these events? Yes; I believe they did.
Democrat Party that likes to demagogue and preaches to us about the evils of
intolerance and violence needs to take a good, long, hard look at itself in the
mirror. If they are so righteously
concerned with the directions these feelings are taking this nation, perhaps
they should begin to demonstrate that concern in their words and their
deeds. The Democrat Party is the party
of Antifa; an organization that embraces anarchy and thirsts for violence (Seattle). The Democrat Party is the party of Black
Lives Matter; a corrupt organization that profits from our racial divide, fleeces
its supporters financially, and foments violence as a means of action (Minnesota).
FWIW…Donald Trump needs to talk less, think more about what he is saying, quit
pointing fingers and casting blame, and begin explaining how he can help this nation
recover from the ruinous years of the Biden/Harris Administration. If I go to a football game and make an ass
out of myself during the course of that game, being obnoxious and a nuisance to
all those around me in the stands; I should not be surprised if I get my butt
stomped in the parking lot after the game…and there will be little sympathy
from the folks who were cheering for the same team that I was. Now please understand me…I am not comparing a
butt-stomping to being shot at. There is no moral equivalency between these
two instances. But at some minor level, there are similarities to the motivation
behind both actions. If Donald Trump
is going to talk the talk, he had better expect the consequences of walking the
walk. I am not excusing the action (there is no excuse); I am simply looking
at the causal effects of irresponsible rhetoric.
are certainly degrees between the instances of hatred and violence; some being
far more graphic, consequential, and brutal than others. But do we really want to get into the game of
grading out instances of hatred and violence?
Do we honestly think that we can regulate the passion therein once it is
ignited? I believe that some of us do. I
believe that there are those among us who, at some level, condone the use of
hatred and violence in the pursuit of their agendas while living under the
illusion that they can control the level of that hatred and violence. This is a very dangerous game; hatred and
violence are a Pandora’s Box that once opened, consume the opener and seize
control of the future.
The national election will be held
on November 5. As of today, a reasonable
assessment of the presidential race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris
shows it to be absolutely “too close to
call”. It remains
my personal opinion that the race is Donald Trump’s to either win or lose. The Democrats have a pitiful candidate in
Harris that is simply a younger version of placeholder Joe Biden. Plain and simple, she represents a
continuation of the last three-plus years of the Biden/Harris
Trump has the advantages of running against a weak candidate (the same stroke of luck that got him elected
the last time he ran for president), a palpable dissatisfaction by the
American public over the state of our national governance, and a strong record
of performance during his previous stint as president. His glaring weakness is the fact that he is
ruled by a monstrous ego that controls all of his thoughts, deeds, words, and
actions. He has no effective filter
between what his rational mind (yes…I do
believe that he has one) thinks and what he says and does. If he can narrow his focus and discipline to
the factual comparison of his
presidential term to the Biden/Harris Administration’s presidential term, then
he will be our next president. But can he do that?
of my favorite journalists is Jim Geraghty, who writes online for National
Review. I read this morning his most
recent assessment of the presidential race and it is the best I can find
anywhere. Jim has a gift for getting
straight to point and calling out the obvious.
I will link his article below and urge anyone to take the few minutes it
will take to read it. It is a marvelous and
superior substitute for going to the mass media to read about all things
presidential campaign 2024.
in mind that there are 538 electoral votes available to be cast for the office
of the president. It takes a simple
majority of 270 votes to win the election.
The national vote has no
material impact on the outcome of the presidential race. The number of electoral votes vested with
each state is the combined number of that state’s federal Senators (two for each state) plus their number of
federal Representatives (varying from
state to state based on population).
I am linking a listing of the states with their respective electoral
votes and a brief summary leading to that listing; it is a great resource to
have if you want to track the upcoming election.
this in mind: As we stand today, the overwhelming majority of states have
essentially decided which candidate they will support. As Geraghty so aptly points out, you can add
up those totals right now. The election
will most likely be settled by the voting results from the following seven states:
Arizona (11), Georgia (16), Michigan (15), Nevada (6), North
Carolina (16), Pennsylvania (19), and Wisconsin (10). Which states are most important and most competitive? Just pay attention and watch where the
candidates spend most of their time and money.
is informative to note that as Geraghty points out, Harris chose Walz from
Minnesota as her VP rather than Shapiro from Pennsylvania. Every…single…time
Harris has had to make a definitive decision about her political career, she
has made a questionable one. Most
pundits agree that Minnesota was a Democrat lock and Pennsylvania was a key state
(if not THE key state) in this year’s
election. If nothing else, this Harris
selection demonstrates her questionable ability to make sound, strategic
decisions. You know what I mean…the kind of ability we might prefer in our
reigning president.
election is a poker game. The Democrats,
with their sheltered nominee Harris, are standing pat and have shoved all of
their chips to the middle. It is now up
to Trump. How will he play the cards in his hand?
are some great articles from the other news that is circulating
about us these days…
All things Economy:
It seems that every aspect of our
government has been infected with politics.
Here is a good example:
All things Foreign Policy:
Man…when the shit hits the fan, I
want these guys on MY side:
All things relating to the Violence and Hatred featured earlier in
this post:
All things Harris/Walz/Biden:
Watch this video carefully. In the words of Pink Floyd … “Is there
anybody in there?”
All things Upcoming Election:
All things our Constitution:
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