Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Chaos versus Chasm

It is a dirty damn shame that we are faced with the choice we have for our upcoming presidential election.  Both national parties have conceded control of their organizations to elements, both collective and individual, that simply do not have the welfare of our nation and government foremost in their minds.  When the domestic and global need for sound, principled, and strong American leadership is so great…we must choose between TwiddleMe (Trump) and TweedleDumDum (Harris). 


As time goes on, it becomes more and more painfully apparent that Donald Trump is incapable of venturing outside of his egocentric universe.  This man has such a high opinion of himself that he instinctively filters out all advice and counsel that might come his way; regardless of its value and presentation.  In his mind, he obviously feels that offering himself for the presidency is a gift to the Republican Party and the American people.   He is not interested in being a man of the people.  He is not interested in being a statesman.  He is not interested in working with opposing parties in a fashion that results in sound and productive compromise.  For him, it is the ultimate gift to give himself over to running for public office.   As far as he is concerned, he will always be the smartest one in the room and he simply cannot fathom having someone give him directions that do not originate within his own mind.  He is the only politician I can think of who can come close to rivaling Obama for being a self-indulgent egomaniac.


Donald Trump will never be the leader of the Republican Party.  Oh, he may be the titular head of his organization due to the fact that he holds the highest political office; but he will never be the universally-supported, acclaimed leader of the Republicans for one simple reason: He will never put the Party ahead of Himself.  Trump has failed two major tests that would have disproven that statement.


His first colossal cave to self-importance is when he was confronted with losing his last presidential race.  Rather than focus his energies on the time before the outcome, he instead became serious after the outcome was determined.  By then, the ballot drop-boxes had been emptied and the cemetery ballots had been counted.  The horses had left the barn.   Rather than taking his lumps and learning from his errors, he continued his infantile election steal rant and helped the Republican Party lose Senate control in the post-election Georgia Senate races.  Senate control meant nothing to Trump; it was simply all about him.   Just imagine how much of the Biden Administration damage to America might have been prevented had the Republicans held the Senate at that moment.


His next exhibition of self-indulgence occurred in the September 10 debate with Harris.  Faced with the opportunity to deliver a serious coup de gras to his presidential opponent by demonstrating a small degree of self-control and humility; he instead gave in enthusiastically to the baited trap of once again re-litigating the last presidential election and glorifying the January 6 WDC protests.  Even though a small sacrifice of self-effacement might have easily tilted the election his way and exposed Harris for the bubblehead that she is, his monstrous ego could not tolerate even the hint of ridicule or question.  His self-image was more important to him than the critical task of removing the Democrats from the White House.  


Kamala Harris is an empty vessel.  I doubt that this woman has ever had an original thought or notion.  It does not take a blowing wind to change her mind; a gentle breeze will do just fine, thank you.  She is not bound by principle, or belief, or conviction, or even instinct.  She is not even a chameleon; because a chameleon actually controls their visible changes.  Harris is not a source of her shifts; she is the personification of someone or something else changing her existence.  She has found her perfect niche as vice-president to a man who seeks nothing from her and expects even less.  It suits her well to flit about in a meaningless public office frolic that is detached from responsibility, accountability, and substance.   If she is victorious in November, her presidency will likely be conducted in the same fashion.


This November, America will be faced with a ballot for president that simply does not offer a good choice.  How do you choose between the poor offerings put before you? 


If Trump is elected, he will govern per his own instincts.  Given the fact that he has already served one term as president, it is patently ludicrous to imagine that he will entertain anyone’s opinion other than his own in regards to leading our government.  He will have many good people to choose from to populate his administration…but how many will be willing to serve under his rule or be able to function in that environment?  If he is elected and enjoys a Republican Senate and House, will that Congressional leadership be sufficiently independent to serve as a governor on his lesser instincts?  Based on his prior term as president, we can only expect that his return to the White House would usher in four years of mostly-positive policy with a healthy mix of chaos blended in.  By and large, his policy instincts were sound.  By and large, he is still an arrogant ass.


If Harris is elected, she will be a marionette in the same vein as her mentor and predecessor Joe Biden.  She will be a useful idiot for the liberal progressives who now run this country.  She is an empty, bottomless, chasm of nothingness.  She has never accomplished anything of merit and seems not to be motivated by opportunities to accomplish anything of substance.  Is there anyone out there who honestly believes that Kamala Harris has anywhere near sufficient gumption to mitigate or overcome the radically-woken elements that have been calling the shots for President Joe Biden?  It is easy to see a president Harris approaching the presidency similar to the way she approached the vice-presidency.  She could allow other, more agenda-driven operators to steer her administration through a four-year period that would ultimately serve as a third sequel of Obama’s Hope and Change odyssey.   Obama had the vision and broke the ice with his ideology.  Biden took it a good leap forward with the implementation of that vision through extraordinary executive actions.  Given the opportunity with vacuous Kamala Harris as president, is it really so difficult to see where the next four years would take this country with essentially the same leadership in place that we’ve had for the last four?


As a conservative Independent, I personally believe that the potential upside to Trump greatly exceeds the relatively certain downside of Harris.  I get no joy from saying that; but it is what it is.  I am worried that the poor quality of our presidential timber is overshadowing a concern that should be of equal, if not greater importance.  That concern is…who will rule our Congress?  Whether it will be President Trump or President Harris…critical administration nominees and appointees (think SCOTUS) will still need to acquire Senate confirmation.  If nothing else, President Joe Biden has clearly demonstrated the catastrophic harm that can be done to our government in short order when it is seeded throughout with radical and incompetent ideologues.  Regardless of who wins the upcoming presidential race, a Republican Senate is absolutely critical to the health and well-being of our nation. 


And if you are willing to accept the fundamental need for a Republican Senate, then we should not be misled by the false promises of how a divided Congress might lead to Kumbaya bipartisanship and a new era of meaningful legislative action.  Given the gigantic divide between our two national parties and their leaders, a divided Congress will lead to nothing…actually, less than nothing is more likely.  Therefore, I will submit that the most critical choice in the upcoming election is not the Executive Branch decision, but rather the Legislative Branch decisions. 


Republican congressional control will serve as a mitigating force on a tempestuous Trump Administration.  It would also serve as a critical firewall to contain and limit the constitutional damage that would be generated from a Harris Administration.  So as entertaining, dismaying, disappointing, and depressing as our upcoming presidential contest might be; it would be wise indeed for all voters to think seriously about those down-ballot Senate and House races and how they might serve as an all-important stabilizing influence for the foreseeable future.  Now let’s move on to the news of the day.


All things “Upcoming Election”:


All things “Harris/Walz”:




Foreign Policy…


“Open Borders” and Immigration…


Harris/Walz in General…


Yes Virginia…there is life beyond politics:


The international trade and foreign ownership dynamic is complex:


Never forget how important education is to our future:


Parents…do you know who is teaching your children?


The top law enforcement individual and department in our government is a freaking joke; controlled and populated by a bunch of clowns…dangerous clowns:


Inflation is insidious and hits the most vulnerable among us the hardest.  It is so difficult to find an article that discusses it seriously.  Here is one:


A somewhat closer look at Republican VP nominee J.D. Vance:


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