Monday, June 17, 2013

Mr. Boehner… Time to Man Up.  The so-called “Hastert Rule” that prevents a floor vote in the Republican controlled House unless a majority of the Republicans favor the bill is wrong.  Even in the case of terrible legislation (which I believe the Senate immigration reform bill is), it is a convolution of our legislative process to use this type of procedure to prevent a House vote on a bill.   I will even go so far as to say that if the Republicans pull this stunt on the immigration bill (assuming Senate passage), then their action is just as irresponsible as the one(s) pulled by the Democrats in the passage of Obamacare.  It is unfortunate that this bill may ultimately end up being as bad as Obamacare, but it is what it is.  The battles on the great questions of our day must be fought with ideas and reason, not with slick and twisted perversions of our legislative process.
There is only one right way to deal with the Senate bill if it comes over to the House.  That way is to pass a House version of immigration reform, go to conference, and fight hard for the best possible legislation that can be had.  Then, and only then, when the legislative process has run its course, let the votes fall where they will.  Elections have consequences.   The party that wins gets the advantage of leadership and leadership translates to advantage in legislating.  The only way to effectively deal with bad Senate legislation is with good ideas and a good House bill to use as compromise leverage. 
It must be a terrible thing to sit in the Senate or House and witness the manufacture of bad law.  I can understand that the temptation to derail the process in any way possible is great and can easily be rationalized.   However, the ends do not justify the means.  People deserve the government they elect.   Without consequences, there is no basis to judge the power and wisdom of one party’s policies.  Play the game by the rules, stay true to your principles, and fight hard for the best package you can get. 

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