Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Certitude of Liberal Genius.  The overriding principle of liberal thought in America today is the certitude that they know better what is good for you than you know yourself.  As a general principle, this would not be so dangerous.  There are many very intelligent people in the liberal universe and the fact is that in many cases, they may very well have some good ideas about how society and government should work.  There can be no question that in these struggling economic times, there are many people who need a helping hand in our country; there is a place for compassion and heart.
But here is the rub: Liberals have elevated this principle to the very top of their concerns.  By definition, that means that all other concerns are subordinate to this.  Concerns such as the rights of the individual, the free market nature of our economy, the impartiality of government, and the right to have a chosen religion set guidelines for how we live our lives.  Liberal thought has arrived at a point in its evolution where any means justify the end.  This, I contend, is the culture that has led us into the many scandals that are currently percolating throughout this Administration.
I have always thought that Presidents get far too much credit when times are good and far too much blame when times are bad.  But there can be no question that they do in fact set the tone for those they choose to help them run this government.  Any person selected through the patronage system will understandably think that they are to emulate the philosophy espoused by their patron.  Now you and I, as regular citizens, can factor in the nuance of the politician saying one thing to one group and an entirely different thing to another group, many times on the same day.  But these political appointees don’t really have that latitude.  They are soldiers on the front; they are defending the holy grail of thinkspeak; they are charged with the task of transforming this nation.  We have never been surprised to find these political handmaidens behaving in an overzealous fashion and we never should be.  But it has also been understood, up until recently, that when this exuberance occurs, it is admitted and those excitable parties take their abundance of energy to another, more appropriate cause that is outside of the public trust.  That has not been happening with liberals over the last decade or so.    They have become quite shameless in their quest for “the principle” and have basically accepted that anything… and I do mean anything, goes in pursuit of that goal.
Conservative thought can be just as wrongheaded as liberal thought.  It can, and does,  lead to the very same abuses and corruption.  But the conservative wing of our political spectrum has undeniably done a better job of calling out its radicals than has the liberals.  Obama came into the White House in open and unabashed intention of not only pursuing this principle, but actually ingraining it into our government to such an extent as to make it intractable.  Until the leadership of the liberal wing in this nation reverts back to placing the principle to a proper position below more central and important concerns, I fear that the arrogance exhibited by Obama and his ilk will continue to run amok in our government; to the detriment of our nation.

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