Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Too Big To Heal?  Over the last few years, a popular phrase has been “Too Big to Fail”; the implication being that the wide-ranging effects of failure outweigh the costs of saving the entity, even if saving requires extraordinary and preferential methods.  To put a different spin on the phrase, it is entirely possible that our government has become “Too Big to Heal”; the implication being that it is too massive and complex to clean up and it must be downsized to make it “manageable”. 
The recent explosion of scandals involving this Administration seems to add credence to this theory.  To his credit, Obama never made any pretense that his intention was anything other than a nanny state, replete with an ever-expanding government; any person who was paying attention knows this.  Unfortunately, he has followed through on his intentions and has only been marginally slowed by a Republican House of Representatives.  Obama’s masterful use of executive power and action has largely accomplished by fiat what he could not accomplish legislatively.   Only now, with the sheet being pulled back on the AG, the IRS, HHS, etc. are we beginning to realize how widespread the tentacles of Executive Power have spread throughout our society.  But let us be honest here….Our burgeoning government with all of its layers, redundancy, and hidden compartments didn’t just get that way with Obama’s election.   Every administration since Reagan has contributed, in varying degrees, to this decay.  For all of his talk about compassionate conservatism, the size of government exploded under George W. Bush and has only accelerated under the tutelage of the One. 
The fact is that the corruption we see with the combination of past (and current) administration employees/appointees, retiring Senators and Congressmen, Wall Street, corporate America, and international banking has been strengthening for decades and has become so commonplace that a large portion of it is hidden by the sheer bulk of government.  Until we can shrink the government down, eliminate some of the dark nooks and crannies, bring every single department under some type of scrutiny and accountability, and eliminate the opportunities for corruption that exist today, it is doubtful that we will ever have anything faintly resembling a government worthy of respect, trust,  and praise.  We need to trim out the brush, consolidate the missions, eliminate the trash, and bring in the healing effects of sunshine.   Only then will the corrupt individuals from both parties realize that there is no place to hide and they will either serve honorably or get out.

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