Friday, March 13, 2015


Embarrassed... Really?  Our president says he is embarrassed for the 47 Republican Senators who signed the recent letter that went to Iran’s leader(s) about the ongoing nuclear talks between Iran, the U.S., and several European nations.  The Republicans who signed the letter say that it was necessary due to the fact that they had been cut out of the negotiations, kept in the dark about the details of the deal, and basically had a constitutional right to be involved in the process.  The president says he was…embarrassed?

When this president looks into the media cameras and tells differing stories about his differing positions on differing issues depending on his differing agendas, proving himself to be utterly devoid of principle, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president and his ex-secretary of state use the infamous “reset button” to ridicule past relations with the Soviet Union and then watch as Putin gobbles up the Crimea and initiates the same action in the Ukraine, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president campaigns as a dove, and then ramps up the war in Afghanistan, while simultaneously ceding the hard-won independence of Iraq to anarchy, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president supervises a foreign policy that alienates our allies, emboldens our enemies, makes interested and invested third parties wonder what the hell we are doing, and treats our only true friend and ally in the middle east with shameless disdain, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president decides that the U.S. healthcare model should be completely and instantly overhauled, notwithstanding its premier position in the international universe, and replaces it with what is quite possibly the biggest legislative boondoggle in history, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president presides over the most anemic economic recovery since the Great Depression and repeatedly, and shamelessly, labels it as robust and growing, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president sees the unemployment numbers, after six years in office, come down to moderate levels, for the simple reason that his policies have forced people either into part-time work from full-time work or to have quit pursuing full-time work altogether…and then claims that his economic policies have created the decline in unemployment, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president implements policies that result in record numbers of citizens on food stamps, a dramatic flow of people from the employed-and-independent sector over to the dependant-on-government sector, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president, along with his legally-challenged and biased attorney general, pursues policies and positions that have resulted in the largest racial divide in decades, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president chooses to spend his political capital on himself, preening and posing before the American public like some partisan sophomoric peacock, rather than doing the hard work of running a government in a bipartisan and efficient manner, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president repeated demonstrates through his words that his grasp of American history is severely challenged, and demonstrates through his deeds that he has absolutely no respect whatsoever for our Constitution and the model of government it represents, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president fills his administration with partisan hacks and fawning lackeys, rather than competent and objective civil servants and political appointees, sacrificing the very function and efficiency of our government in the process, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president does not have the common decency and character to look people in the eye, admit when he is mistaken, discuss issues in a civil fashion with respect for opposing views, and constantly ignores the intelligence of the electorate that put him where he is today, he is NOT embarrassed.

When this president looks back over his life, at the false authorship and text of literary efforts, at the unethical methods used in winning elections at every level, at the secretive and disingenuous ways he has shielded information from the public that the public should have every right to, and his entire life of suckling the public teat while never holding a real, full-time job, he is NOT embarrassed.

My friends…I must admit to you that after cutting Congress out of the negotiating process and leaving them little or no alternatives towards fulfilling their constitutional duties in this area, I am rather shocked that this letter has embarrassed our president.  He certainly appears to have a pretty damn high threshold for embarrassment.


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