Monday, March 23, 2015

Oh Really...O'Malley?

Oh Really…O’Malley?  Oh yeah…might be the best thing that could happen to the 2016 election cycle.  Hillary Clinton puts a pall over the entire upcoming presidential contests.  The Republicans don’t have a lineup of saints running, but they do have several interesting candidates that have actually governed, dealt with the realities of bipartisanship, and authored real notions about how to run a government.  Hillary is like an old relationship that ended badly; do you really ever want to meet that person on the street again?

O’Malley would present a fresh approach to liberal government because, if for no other reason, no one has been paying any attention to him.  Ole Liz up east has been garnering all of the far left love and Uncle Joe has been occupying space along side of her.  But I cannot believe that any rational Democrat (yes…they DO exist!) could actually imagine either of them carrying the party’s nomination into the 2016 election.  Hillary runs on a contrived resume that is as thin as tissue paper and conveys an air of corruption that is palpable.  While O’Malley might not be the life of the party, his reliance on analytics is a good approach to governing when considered alongside what we have seen for the last couple of decades.  My God…efficient and effective government based on careful consideration of the facts…What a novel approach!

Here’s hoping that Hillary’s latest travails continue to fester and she makes the intelligent choice NOT to run for the Democratic nomination. That decision would be good for the Democratic Party.  It would also be good for the tone of politics to come in the next election cycle; and ultimately good for this country.  A presidential contest between Rubio and O’Malley would lay the groundwork for a serious and civil (I know…what a foolish thought…but hope does spring eternal) discussion of practical conservative principles versus practical liberal principles; THAT is a debate we should we should be having. 

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