Monday, March 23, 2015

Our Petulant President.

Our Petulant President.  Senator John McCain recently scolded our president for throwing a temper tantrum about Israel and its leadership and not keeping a proper focus on ISIS, AQAP, and other dangerous factions in and around the Middle East.  I am not now, nor have I ever been, a large McCain fan in any fashion; but the man is spot on this time around.   This time around, he has nailed it.

From the moment Obama made the fateful decision to blow his political capital account on Obamacare, he has shown himself to be little more than a sophomoric, thin-skinned, insecure, intolerant, arrogant, dismissive, self-centered, little man concerned about little more than his narcissistic and fanciful views of how and why this country and world should operate.  Over more than six years in office, he has not one time made an effort to negotiate in good faith with the Republicans in Congress and time after time takes the easy way out on issue discussion through the use of rhetoric, demagoguery, deceit, and outright untruths.  Blinded by his personal view of his own vastly overrated intelligence, he has been convinced all along that he knows best what is good for this nation and the world and that the ends he imagines will always be worth whatever means are necessary.

This perpetual snit of behavior has led this country’s leadership down a path of unprecedented (at least in my lifetime) conflict, division, stalemate, and partisan anarchy.  Now it is undeniable that the Republicans in Congress have not been blameless in this process; but history always has, and will in this case, recognize that the leadership of this country flows outward from the presidency.  The Executive branch is in a unique position to serve as a catalyst for change in our government.  While the constitution clearly mandates that the president is not to be the sole arbiter of that change (news to this Administration?), the highest office in the nation offers a beginning point for changes in every aspect of our society and culture; they don’t call it the bully pulpit for no reason.  Obama’s laziness and refusal to negotiate in good faith has atrophied our normal legislative process and allowed him to pursue his ill-advised and illegitimate pursuit of Executive rule.

Much of the acidic erosion in our nation’s well-being perpetuated by Obama has focused on his actions that have set back race relations in America; which thanks to he and Holder are now years behind what they were prior to his residency in the White House.  But I believe that time will show us that the regression in race relations that he has wrought are simply a microcosm of his greater impact on this country.  A true caricature depiction of this president would illustrate him as a triangular piece of steel, narrowing from top to bottom, with signs of terrible hammering on top resulting in a thin lip of pounded metal around the perimeter of a rectangular flattened top.  He is a human wedge.  And to be fair, his splintering effect on our lives and this world are self-inflicted.  Elections…do…have…consequences.

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