Sunday, May 27, 2018

For Obama, Aloof was Analogous to Asleep at the Wheel.

The nefarious group of deep state, Obama Administration bureaucrats who have conspired to sabotage the Trump Administration are becoming increasingly desperate as their Machiavellian ball of twine continues to unwind.   It is nothing short of hilarious to watch Brennan, Clapper, and Comey try various word craft tricks to talk around getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  It is especially rich to watch them spin political spies as human resources for the public good; yeah…good luck with that one.   Aside from the continual drip, drip, drip of lurid details about their political espionage, the emerging detail that seems most interesting is the fact that this effort was initially organized not in the late fall of 2016 as an insurance policy or reaction to Trump’s unexpected election victory; but was apparently begun in the spring of 2016 as a exercise of pure, political hubris.

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. was a chameleon of immense proportion.  He was a pathological liar who escaped conscious realization of that fact by his self-inflicted unawareness regarding his own untruthfulness.   This somehow allowed him to be boldly untruthful without the accompanying guilt that most people with a conscience would feel.  The further we get from his two terms as president and the more details we discover about the actual facts surrounding his actions in office, the more we discover about exactly what he knew, what he did not know, and what he chose not to know too much about.  When he made the infamous Obamacare statements about keeping your doctor and keeping your health care plan, he obviously knew that these were false statements.  How in the world could a man stand before people and repeatedly tell such bald faced lies?   Somewhere inside, somewhere in the DNA that made this person tick, there was a process in place that actually allowed him to believe his own foolishness.  His aloofness and arrogance betrayed a self defense mechanism that was actually little more than being intentionally asleep at the wheel. 

All the stuff that Lois Lerner was doing over at the Internal Revenue Service; all the stuff that idiots Hillary Clinton and John Kerry were running around the globe and pumping out as wise foreign policy initiatives; all the corruption and shameful abuse that was taking place in the Veteran’s Administration in their unforgiveable treatment of our nation’s heroes; and all the idealistic zealotry that Holder and Lynch were conducting in the DOJ were not just liberal ideologues run amok on their own initiatives.  They were politically motivated warriors who had found a willing idiot in their boss who put them in positions to do their business.  He enabled them through the fact that there were never any indications that their abuses of power were unacceptable, and then had the results of their inexcusable actions defended and celebrated by himself and his Administration, top to bottom.  All the while, his stammering, never-ending oratories and fawning press provided a cover for the aberrations that were occurring in our government departments and agencies just below the surface. 

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And now that the disgusting facts about how governmental ethics took a backseat to political ambition during Obama’s eight years are coming out, are we to believe that all of this…activity…took place without his knowledge?  Whether he had his hands on the wheel and was directing traffic or was asleep at the wheel and simply going where the vehicle took him, he was the president and is responsible for the business that took place during his tenure.  If he was truly the genius that his admirers make him out to be, he was guilty as sin.  If he was fully unaware of the overwhelming degree of unethical behavior taking place by his underlings, he was hopelessly clueless.  Either way, he was pathetic.

I believe the reality of Obama lies somewhere between these two extremes.  I am convinced he knew exactly where his political special forces of civil servants were going, while being intentionally unaware of exactly how they were going to get there.   His willingness to accept this rot and decay in the Executive Branch of our government makes him as culpable as any person who served beneath him.  When you see Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Yates, Rhodes, Power, Rice, and Holder making the rounds on the mainstream media outlets, just remember that their daddy was Obama.  They are what he made them and allowed them to become.

The real story of Obama is that he was an extremely lucky man who was in the right place at the right time and will never want for money because of that circumstance.  He was a very unremarkable individual who was promoted to inflated status by an adoring following that fell in love with what he represented and not what he was.  He came into the Presidency wholly unprepared for the job that he was expected to perform; an unserious man in an extremely serious position.  He irresponsibly allowed his personal and political ideals to rule his pragmatic judgment and thus set back this nation for decades in many cultural and civil areas.  If the process we are currently witnessing with this whole Resist Movement hopefully concludes with a full disclosure of its origins and details, it could be a “chickens coming home to roost” moment of classical proportion.  And justice served.

Friday, May 18, 2018

The Very Real Threat of Liberal Arrogance.

Our nation is split on a partisan and politically philosophical basis.  The reality of that split can be readily discerned anytime a question is posed that has a binary choice between a clearly liberal or a clearly conservative response.  The poll (if conducted fairly) will invariably come out with relatively hardcore support on either side of around 40-45 percent.  These are people who will support their party’s candidate or position regardless. By that, I mean regardless of quality, regardless of reason, regardless of concern for country.  This partisan divide must be mitigated in order for our government to again function in the fashion as envisioned by our founding fathers.  Even though both the right and the left are subject to blind allegiance for their respective causes; it is the Liberal Left, supported wholly by the mainstream media and Democratic Party leadership, which is taking this crusade to dangerously high levels with potentially devastating consequences.  Let us consider some points…

It is now becoming more obvious on a daily basis that the whole world, the entire country, and both national political parties expected Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 Presidential election.  Had that come to pass, we certainly would not have spent the last year and a half discussing Russian Collusion.  When Donald Trump shocked the world by defeating Hillary Clinton, there were certain Democrats in the Obama Administration and National Party Leadership positions that refused to accept the will of the American electorate.  Quite simply, they decided to proactively implement a covert plan to subvert the duly-elected President in an attempt to (a) retain as much Obama Administration policy as possible and (b) run out the clock until the 2018 mid-term election and the 2020 Presidential election, at which time they would surely regain effective control of government.  Obama’s Justice Department, undoubtedly with the wink and nod approval of Obama, politically-weaponized federal agencies and existing FISA laws designed to protect our nation against terrorism.  It appears increasingly likely that spies were surreptitiously placed into the Trump Presidential Campaign.  Think about that for a moment; our government was using federal agencies and federal laws to conduct political espionage on the opposing political party during a Presidential campaign.  This is the kind of crap that Putin is continually guilty of and is rightly condemned for practicing.  This same core group of Democratic loyalists then proceeded to commandeer the FISA process (noting once again; it was designed to protect our nation from terrorists) with documents that were wholly unproven and funded by the Democratic Party.  They used these fake documents to apparently hoodwink selected federal judges into permitting secret surveillance on American citizens associated with Donald Trump.  The FISA process, which demands a likely crime commission at the front end of the process in order to proceed, was turned on its head.  It was an elaborate investigation and coup in search of an unspecified crime.  It was nothing less than the high jacking of federal institutions and laws for pure political purposes.  Once again …shades of the Kremlin.  A final thought revisited…if these people are this corrupt and unscrupulous when they are defeated and out of power; can you imagine the stuff they pull off when they control the government?  As flawed as he is, we may never fully appreciate the damage we avoided to our form of government by electing Donald Trump instead of Hillary Clinton.  Update: View this to get a good idea of equal justice under the Obama DOJ...

Another battleground of Democrat-enabled liberalism is the Congressional obstruction we are witnessing.  The partisan and political delay tactics being implemented by Senate Democrats is unprecedented and it is doing serious damage to the ability of our government to function.  It is no doubt essential to have a vibrant and healthy political opposition to our Executive Branch and Congressional majority.  No single Party can long rule both branches of government without being corrupted by that awesome power and authority.  But there are limits to reasonable opposition and there are systems in place to implement that opposition.  The open warfare being declared by the Senate Democrats in bringing legislative progress to a halt through cloture, by using dilatory tactics to slow down normal Senate operations, and being unreasonably obstinate in approving obviously well-qualified political appointees is nothing short of disgusting, childish, and it borders on blind stupidity. 

There is no place in our society and culture where Liberal thought run amok is more apparent than in the Federal Judiciary.  These robed, self-righteous fools that are appointed for life and consider themselves judge/jury/executioner are cancers in our judicial system and threaten the very foundations upon which our nation was established.  The sad and plain truth is that these men and women are peppered throughout our court systems.  Lawyers or groups with a crusade know exactly which Judge to look for when they want to promote their cause du jour.  And no matter how ridiculous and unfounded their rulings might be, by the time the decisions work their way up to the SCOTUS for an overturn, the damage from the implementation of these personal liberal philosophies has already been realized.  Our Congress exists to author the laws under which we live and work.  It is the Judiciary’s role to rule on the propriety of that law; not to rewrite it to match their own liberal ideals.

There is a delicate balance between the rights of the Nation and the rights of the States.  This is a vital ingredient of our nation’s creation and must be constantly discussed and debated by men and women of good conscience.  But once again, there are limits beyond which the State should not extend its authorities above the Nation; lest the Nation crumbles.  There are several states, most notably California, who are pushing these limits to the max.  It is a process that has played out before in our history; but this time around and in our smaller, better connected culture, it seems to be more significant than ever before.  The aforementioned subversion of the Federal Judiciary by rogue Judges has complicated the resolution of this dilemma; but it will nonetheless play out in a proper and deliberate fashion.  There are few easy answers, many gray areas of right and wrong, and the final decisions must somehow preserve State’s rights while maintaining the Nation.  The greatest thing that can be done to enable this ongoing process is the return of the Federal Judiciary to its role as a swift, reliable, non-partisan arbiter of the balance between Federal Law and State Law.

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There exists in Congress the need for a supermajority vote in order to pass certain legislative actions; a vote that requires 67 percent or more of the vote for passage.  The wisdom of this practice is that half plus one of the people should never impose their will over the other half minus one on issues that dramatically impact our nation’s fundamental principles and practices.    Liberal America has lost sight of this supermajority principle.  Like these Anti-Trump fevered Democrat holdovers from the Obama Administration that think they have a right…even an obligation…to subvert a new President’s initiatives, many Liberals are certain that they know better than each of us what is best for all of us.  They may be only two or three of ten, but the important point to them is that our world be fashioned and molded into their vision.  It does not occur to them that at some point, they do not have the right to change every single thing with which they disagree.  Some things are intrinsic to America and serve as the pillars of our country…or our culture…or our society…or our individual liberties.  In their minds, they are so damn smart that they must seize every opportunity to save the country and this world from itself.  They really do need to come to terms with the fact that if they cannot achieve something akin to a supermajority or an overwhelming confluence of public opinion, they need to accept one of two choices; either embrace their oft-espoused trait of tolerance and allow others to live according to their own values or simply find another place to live and work that better conforms with their personal inclinations.

Insidious is generally defined as working or spreading harm in a stealthy, subtle, cunning, or treacherous fashion.  The rabid form of Liberalism that has led to the phenomena that I have listed above is insidious to our nation.  It is dedicated to reshaping and redefining the very things that led people to American shores in search of personal, religious, and political freedom.  It is anathema to individual rights, accountability, and independence.  Liberal thought has a proper place in the United States as a ying to Conservatism’s yang.  It has no place or standing in any semblance of reasonable thought to dictate as a minority of thinking to the majority of American people how they should exist.  There are forms of government, and nations that practice them, that adhere to those liberal principles.  When the provisions and methods that are provided for in our democracy to espouse a point of view and implement orderly change fail to accomplish the national transformation that these uber-Liberals desire, they should exercise their freedom to export themselves to confines they might find more amenable.   

Saturday, May 5, 2018

A Tragic Perversion of the Justice System.

Whether you are a Trump supporter or a Trump opponent, you should be very concerned about the developments that have occurred in Special Counsel Mueller’s Trump Campaign/Russian Collusion investigation.  As reflected in my writing, I am increasingly inclined to believe that the whole Steele Dossier Fantasy is a house of cards that is beginning to crumble.  Time will tell.

Notwithstanding the twists and turns taken by Mueller’s escapade over the last year or so, we are now at a critical moment in this nation’s history.  The NYTimes is reporting that there are several questions that the Special Counsel wants to present to the President.  And per that report, and if the President refuses to comply with his wishes, the Special Counsel is prepared to subpoena the President to force his deposition.  Contrary to some reports, there is no precedent for this situation.  This is an attempted abuse of power, a blatant demonstration of unequal justice, and a shameful example of placing personal politics above national concerns.  There have been presidential subpoenas in the past; but not involving the circumstances that we are witnessing with President Trump and this Special Counsel.  If this test of wills is brought to a head, there can be little doubt that the SCOTUS will eventually decide this issue.  And based on some SCOTUS decisions from recent years, that outcome is dicey at best. 

Two current articles by two of the most able observers available have addressed this most recent issue.  I would urge anyone interested in this episode to read them.  Victor Davis Hanson @ and Andrew McCarthy @  These are men that are objective, intelligent, and well qualified to comment on this subject.

There are two incredibly important points that I find are repeatedly ignored in the discussion of this business.  The first is that the DOJ is subordinate to the Chief Executive; they work under his supervision.  The patronage appointments in the Department and its Agencies serve at the pleasure of the President.  Based on the behavior of Mueller’s team and many of the deep state holdovers in the DOJ, that is a fact that is either lost or ignored.  The simple truth is that our President is elected by the People; while DOJ appointees are elected by…nobody. They are appointed by individuals.  If you are a government employee and disagree with the President’s policies, it is not an option to subvert department and agency operations in order to sabotage the President’s initiatives.  The choice is to either do your job or resign; choosing instead to strongly oppose the President in the public sector as a private citizen.  Secondly, it remains absolutely remarkable to me that this entire Special Counsel carnival has no stated crime at its nucleus.  It is the very definition of an investigation in search of a crime.  It is based on a questionable document that was funded by the President’s political opponents.  It has been kept on life support by a rabidly anti-President media, a recalcitrant Democratic portion of Congress, and deep state renegade holdovers from the Obama administration.  It has crippled the legitimately-elected President of our nation for his first year and a half in office and shows every indication of doing so well into the future. 

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If actual crimes have been committed by President Trump or his campaign; then justice must be served and those guilty should be held accountable.  But if, as seems increasingly likely, this entire charade proves to be nothing more than the vindictive and treacherous strategy of a defeated Democratic presidential effort…it will surely go down in history as the greatest perversion of the justice system that has ever occurred.  And if that is the case, it is to the everlasting shame of those Democrats who have stood by in silence, and their media cohorts who have sold their souls to the Resist Trump Devil, while this mockery was committed in their name.  Also, there can be little doubt that it will be to the eternal detriment of our nation and its system of government.  If the will of the People, as expressed by their votes, can be supplanted or subverted by a handful of well-placed bureaucratic ideologues and a partisan and unprincipled press; then we no longer live in the country our founders envisioned. 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Throwing Away Our Treasures.

As all of those who have come before me, I grow older and I reflect on my life and the times that I have experienced.  It is a very natural and proper thing for our society and culture to experience change; to evolve and reflect the myriad attitudes and ideals of those that comprise our nation.  I suppose, therefore, it is inevitable that as we go through the cultural process of deciding what to throw out and what to keep, there will be many disagreements about where true and lasting value lies.  Some things that we as a society dispose of will lie dormant for a while and then reappear at a later date; the wheel being reinvented to the joy and amazement of many and the chagrin of others.  Every time this happens, especially in the area of fashion, I am amazed at how this Lazarus effect bestows upon the modern day participants the notion that they are the true discoverers and inventors of the phenomenon.  They somehow revel in the notion that even though this experience has been around the block a time or two, it is so uniquely new and different this time around that no one could possibly have ever done it quite as well before them. 

While this attitude demonstrates a careless ignorance of history, a possible disregard for tradition, and the arrogance of self importance; it also reflects the basic fact that every time an old idea is resurrected, it is typically done so with a new and personal twist that can arguably make it a new idea.  Perhaps the arrogance lies with the originators of the concept; us old school practitioners who resent our old habits being reworked and redesigned.  We live with the thought that it was just fine the first time around and there is always that old adage…if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.  We are, of course, wrong.  There is no law that prevents an old idea or concept from being reintroduced in a new, improved fashion.  However, it is also very true that the simple reintroduction itself does not always represent any improvement whatsoever.  Sometimes, the old ideas are basically trashed in their newer versions. 

Whichever the case may be, this recycling has been going on since the beginning of time and will continue into future generations; such is life.  My subject today is not the ideas that are brought back around to us from time to time; but rather those rare and unique items that we tend to casually discard and are then lost forever.  We seem to think that bringing stuff back around at a later date is an eternal option; but it is not.  Some things, when once discarded, are forever gone.  And most of the time, we do not realize this hard truth until that later date arrives when we would like to reclaim that old thing and suddenly discover that it is beyond our reach.  Things of this nature may be that relationship decision we made at one time in our past and the pages of life have turned well past it now, rendering the once in a lifetime choice nothing more than an ephemeral what if conundrum.  It might be the date we passed over in school, the job offer we turned down in our early life, or something as elementary as taking the day off to go fishing with a child or friend, rather than going in to work.  Our lives are all intertwined in this complex world that we inhabit and the six degrees of separation that connects us all can result in some pretty unpredictable situations.

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In my part of the country, I see this loss in the passing of huge, old barns that once graced the landscapes of my state.  As recently as thirty years ago, there were no fewer than a dozen grand old barns scattered throughout my home county of 500 square miles.  Going back to that time thirty years ago, some modest investments of time and labor could have preserved these treasures for future generations to view, utilize, and marvel upon.  But once that renovation window of opportunity passed, once the cornerstones settled and the beams rotted, the revitalization of the structure became a pipe dream.  These icons of a time past were then condemned to either the match or the bulldozer; either one an unworthy fate for such a marvelous achievement.  This same storyline plays out with lots of other articles of history and practices; some being preserved and perpetuated by concerned individuals and organizations that demonstrate appropriate respect for the dignity and importance of these treasures.  But the fact is that the old barns are mostly gone; very few people know the practice of crushing the cane and boiling up a mess of sorghum molasses; the beautiful, hand stitched quilts of the olden days are very rare and few seamstresses now possess that precious art.  We are a lesser people because we have lost many of these things.  The loss is not a criminal offense of which we should be prosecuted.  Rather, it is a tragic loss in judgment that we will all someday regret.   Just as we have failed miserably at the task of honoring and respecting our elders; we are equally failing to preserve many of the unique treasures of articles and practices bestowed upon us by our predecessors.

To my point…one of those things is cursive writing.   I do not know national statistics about this subject; but I do know that in my county, a decision has been made by school administrators to cease the teaching of cursive writing.  Now there are two areas that, due to my substantial lack of experience or expertise and the tremendously challenging aspects of the subjects, I strive (not always successfully) to avoid.   One of these is national foreign policy and the other is education.  Clearly, there are many more that I should consider taking a similar approach to, but that is fodder for another discussion.  The art of cursive (and it is, at its finest, an art) has been a staple of our nation since its inception.   Is the fact that the signing of a check will soon be obsolete or the fact that we now communicate through technology sufficient reason to issue a death sentence to the art of writing?  Do we fully realize that if our youth are not schooled in the practice of cursive, they will be unable to read the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the very Constitution of this nation?  And what happens when on those rare and unpredictable occasions, technology becomes unavailable to us?  Are we willing to simply accept that communicating in hard copy fashion is not an option when the system goes down?  Are we willing to embrace the idea that all our adult population will someday in the future be constrained to the practice of awkwardly printing individual letters when authoring a piece of correspondence?  Is it not somehow perversely devolving to set our scripting standards to crude print when it was once a pride of accomplishment to possess beautiful penmanship?  There is an undeniable elegance to fine cursive writing that print, no matter the theme of the font, will never approach. 

Please understand me…I readily acknowledge and am sympathetic to the time constraints placed upon our education administrators in today’s schools.  I realize that every single minute of every single school day is a precious commodity and must be utilized to the fullest extent possible in the preparation of our youth for their futures as productive citizens.  But I also am intimately aware of the many school activities that take up much of that precious time resource; such as band, athletics, many types of clubs, and other various non-curricular subjects.  Each of these endeavors has some merit on their own and can certainly contribute in some fashion to the healthy educational development of the kids.  But having acknowledged that, I also submit that a few minutes of each day, perhaps not even every day and perhaps for just one quarter or semester of each school year, could be found to teach our children how to read and write properly. Whether or not they choose to use it in their adult lives, the possession of cursive writing and reading skill is a tool that every child should have in their toolbox when they enter into the journeys of post-education.  It is arguably an integral part of this nation’s, this society’s, and this culture’s fabric and the wholesale loss of it would be a decision that we will ultimately regret. 

It is critically important…essential…that we focus on where we are going in this world; but we should never lose sight of where we have been.  I fervently hope that the mistakes and misdeeds or our past make us wiser and more responsible as a people in our futures.  I would also hope that we can somehow stop and give careful reflection on the wisdom of casually discarding many of the skills, practices, and items of our history that have made us who we are.  At the very least, there must be a few amongst us that carry the sparks of historical embers just in case a future generation wants to rekindle those flames.  That is an option that we must strive to make available to our children and their children. 

Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...