Saturday, April 11, 2020

Fowl Coming Home

As I have written many times…President Donald Trump is obnoxious, arrogant, and occasionally crude to the point of disgust.  He does and says things that are really inexcusable.  But in my lifetime, no elected official has had more reason to be frustrated than this man.  And there can be no doubt that this frustration is the reason for much, not all, of his abhorrent behavior.  What the Democrats began in the Obama Administration, with either his wink or his nod, and then burrowed into the Trump Administration in order to carry the despicable effort forward is without a doubt the most serious abuse of power in American political history.

Here are two articles that simply put the status of those actions into current context.  Take the time to follow the links in the articles and judge for yourselves how you view this type of unethical civic misbehavior.  IF…THERE…IS…ANY…JUSTICE in this world, many of the scoundrels involved in this escapade will be paying for their actions with serious legal penalties.

First off, listen to what Attorney General Barr has to say about this episode: .  Between DOJ IG Horowitz and Federal Prosecutor Durham, we can only hope that the sheet is pulled all the way back on this atrocity.

The biggest elephant in history has been sitting on the living room couch since this whole thing started.  Only the implicit involvement of the mainstream media has allowed the Democrat Party leadership to perpetuate this farce for so long.  And what lies at the root of this entire circus?  Only this: .

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It would be a terrible mistake for the American people to view this story through the lens of a partisan or ideological glass.  This is a story of corruption that transcends politics and policy philosophy and it must be exposed for what it is.  If this type of malfeasance is allowed to be swept under the rug, then we might as will burn our Constitution on the courthouse square.  This is NOT the way our nation’s government was designed to run.

There are two big problems with what has occurred here.  The first is the fact that a news story based entirely on false information and continually nourished by unfettered partisan passion was permitted to not only severely hamper the legitimate efforts of a duly-elected President to lead this country; but it also ripped open a partisan divide in our entire society that paralyzed a functioning Congress and Executive effort at governing.  It scarred the very essence of our people’s civic opinions and those wounds continue to fester to this day; the cost is inestimable.

But a far greater atrocity than this exists.  False tales about politicians and their misadventures spring up every day and soon fade into the past.  Most are rapidly exposed and forgotten.  Unfortunately, a few linger because they are so very convenient to the political agenda of powerful forces.  This is no different than our common culture, where the mere accusation is oftentimes the equivalent of actual guilt.  False impressions are hard to forget.  We cannot unring a bell or fully remove the breaking news bombshells and juicy gossip from our minds.  We cannot effectively obliterate the false images that are oftentimes planted in our consciousness.

But the people who cooked up this particular story about Donald Trump, the Russians, and the 2016 election knew from the very beginning that this whole deal was nothing but a fabrication and hoax.  Their constant nourishing of this fairy tale extended over a three-year period that split the United States of America in two.  The fact that these people, who were elected and/or appointed to serve in positions of public service and trust, continued to promote this circus while full well knowing the terrible costs of their subterfuge is beyond contempt.  FOR…THREE…YEARS they not only stood by while these lies tortured the very soul of American politics; they continued to throw fuel on the fire to keep it burning. 

If there is not meaningful accounting for these actions to the Department of Justice, then future presidential administrations of both national parties can only take one message from this chapter.  They must conclude that the ends justify the means.  They must feel they can bend or break the rules to achieve their personal/political goals and agendas.  They can assume the right to simply ignore the legitimate choices of the American citizens at the voting booth and run this government as they see fit.  If they so choose, they can literally pursue anything they want in any fashion they choose and do so with the comforting thought that if they are exposed, there will be no consequences.  Is this how our government should operate?  Is either national party worthy of this wholesale power, authority, and trust? 

An Easter Prayer: Almighty God...we thank you for this day and the privilege of this life.  Walk with us each day, through the light and through the darkness.  Keep your hand on our shoulders and help us to prove worthy of your promise...the promise of salvation purchased by the blood of your son Jesus on the cross.  As he was resurrected; may our lives also be lifted up.  Amen.

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