Friday, April 24, 2020

MORE of Some of What Makes Life Worth Living

I got a great response from previous posts featuring music.  I love the tunes and apparently, a lot of you do too.  As we hopefully approach the end of the corona lockdown, perhaps a few tunes will ease the quarantine blues.  Here is some more good stuff offered up for your enjoyment.  Find some time to kick back and run through this eclectic playlist…

This one is dedicated to the United States Congress!   Go ahead and spread that dough.  For a lot of bands…this might be over the top.  But…Not…For…This…Band:

He’s still on my bucket list to see live before I check out.  So laid back…so smooth…the great ones make it look so easy:

One who left way too soon…great catalog of hits…be sure to check out the band for some familiar faces:

Great country song…a story we’ve heard before…easy to listen to:

Such a great entertainer…so many hits…what a great song:

Ahead of their time….the Eagles before there was the Eagles:

What a voice…great old song…her life was way too short:

Power to the music, baby...turn it up:

Two great talents…haunting melody…true lyrics:

Great with the band…great by himself…so versatile:

What a feeling…they never seem to last long enough…that highway song:

Don’t miss the next post!
 Follow on Twitter @ centerlineright or Just Google centerlineright.

BIG sound…go ahead and test your volume:

After all these years…Motown still sounds soooo good:

Gift those roses while you are still alive!  We all wait too long to say it…say it now:

So much talent in this band…so much good music…a great show:

 A man in tune with his instrument…liquid music:

In his younger days…you could see the talent even then:

One part of CSN&Y…when he was just beginning:

What a voice…what a song…what a great way to close it out:

A final tribute, if you will, to those who have fallen prey to the pandemic among us.  Every lost life is a tragedy and represents an ocean of pain and sorrow.  For those who have passed:

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