Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Democrat’s Tiresome Game of Arbitrary Obstinance

When the President says right; Senate Minority Leader Schumer says left.  When the President says day; House Speaker Pelosi says night.  When the President says dry; Joe Biden says wet.  When the President says straight; the Democratic Party Leadership says crooked.   Schumer does not say this because of a sense of direction; he says it because of political calculation.  Pelosi does not say this because of policy disagreement; she says this because of pure spite and malice.  Biden does not say this because of a weather condition; he says this because….well, who knows why Biden says what he says.  And the Democratic Party does not say this because of basic political disagreement; they say this because of their lust for power and authority.  This is what our nation’s partisan divide has come to.  A senseless, non-productive, dis-incentivizing approach to governing that has been adopted wholesale by the Democrats and their soulless minions in the mainstream media.  Their shtick is becoming painfully tiresome.

Gone are the days when a loyal opposition stance by one national party regarding the other party took a sometimes partisan, sometimes childish, and sometimes debilitating toll on our governmental function.  It ultimately resulted in a compromise situation where the desires of the majority ruled; but the desires of the minority were given consideration.  We are now in the throes of a Democratic mania that demands total and absolute disdain for all things Trump, knee-jerk opposition to literally any proposal that emanates from him or his Administration, and plain disregard for the welfare of our nation if any Trumpian civic initiative can possibly be construed to be constructive or of a positive nature.  The bile and hatred that the Democratic Party and the Mainstream Media hold for this man has possessed them to a point where not only have they lost all sense of political or journalistic ethics; they have also lost all grasp of common sense and reason.

In the midst of what will historically be labeled as one of the greatest crisis eras in American history, the Democrats and the Media have shamefully coordinated in an effort to either neutralize, minimize, or downright eliminate all efforts made by the Trump Administration to combat the coronovirus pandemic.  A prime example of this attitude is the Democratic blockage of additional funds for the stimulus small business loan program.  Do you think that perhaps I overstate this and am giving in to hyperbole?  If so, do this for me: Tell me ONE thing that any DEMOCRAT in Washington, DC has done to assist the President in his efforts to mitigate this health threat.  Once this nation gets through this terrible chapter, history will record that the means to survive this monumental attack on the very foundations of our society and culture were executed in spite of the Democratic Leadership in WDC; certainly not with their support.  While blue collar Americans worry about feeding their children; Nancy Pelosi is creating bizarre videos of her mega-frig full of fashion ice creams.

Due to his arrogance and ego, it is difficult to embrace President Trump even in his greatest moments of success.  You have to stand behind him in the congratulatory line and the wait is oftentimes insufferable.  But through this time of crisis, our President has steadfastly stood before the American people and led this nation through words and deeds.  He has done this in a stoic and purposeful fashion.  He has done this under the glare of constant judgment and criticism.  He has done this with every Democrat in this country praying for him to fall flat on his face in the effort.  And he has done this while commanding a ship of state through waters that have never before been navigated.  Give the man some credit.

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All things considered…our President has stood tall and led admirably during this true test of national courage and stamina.   This pandemic chapter in U.S. history has yet to be completed; but the end is in sight.  Donald Trump brought this nation back from the abyss of Obama’s delusionary era and restored not only our economy, but also our international consciousness and respect.  He had earnestly begun the arduous task of bringing our government back to a position of effective and efficient operation; once again standing up the principle of accountability through public service.  He was a successful Chief Executive in good times. 

We have now seen him perform during a time of crisis.  We have seen how he leads when there is no established path of recovery.  We have seen him stumble and err; yet correct himself and once again get back on the right path.  We have seen him…albeit reluctantly at times…recognize the wonderful federalist nature of our country and work with the Governors of our states in a unified quest for national stability.  We have, in fact, seen him be a successful Chief Executive in bad times.

Whether the Mainstream Media can overcome its senseless and stupefying resistance to President Trump is yet to be seen; but surely those who grasp the pens that write the record of this episode in American history will reflect on the fact that our President showed up when the chips were down.  They should correctly write that our national salvation was not in the infallible nature of our President; but rather in the innate instinct of all Americans to bind together in a time of threat and survive this unique challenge as a community.  They should recognize the things that were done right and analyze the things that were done wrong.  We will all learn from our mistakes and hopefully do better the next time a pandemic rolls around.  One thing is for certain; our President was not carried along during this battle on the winds of public opinion or group-think mania.  He led in a fashion that was sincere; motivated and ruled by what he thought to be best for ourselves and our families.  He was true to his best instincts.  At this time in the course of events, America was fortunate to have Donald Trump as President.  This was his moment of truth.  This was the Democratic Party Leadership’s moment of shame.

In November, we as a nation will make a choice that will have an inestimable impact on the future of our country.  We will consider an aging Democrat who cannot speak coherently for five minutes; a man whose personal history demonstrates no principles, no substance, and no accomplishment.  A man who during one of America’s most serious health dilemmas, hid away in his basement and lobbed unfounded and cheap criticism at a President who was trying to lead our nation through this crisis.  A man who stands for nothing and simply regurgitates babble designed to gain political traction.  A   man whose ambition has always exceeded his reach and whose capabilities have always trailed his position.  This is what Democrat Joe Biden will offer this country.  If Joe Biden is elected to the Presidency in November, the odds are very good that not only will the Democrats hold the House, they may very likely gain control of the Senate.  Can you imagine the shape of our world two years after Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer run America?

Our other option will be to retain the Presidential services of Donald Trump.  I gave up long ago on the hope that Trump might mature and grow in his role as President.  He has not.  But what he HAS done is recognize that our government serves the people and not the other way around.  He understands the value of personal freedoms and a private sector economy, unfettered by heavy-handed restriction and regulation.  He has typically appointed people who support a minimalist government and respect the Constitution upon which the nation was formed.  His re-election would mean four more years of arrogant bloviating from the White House.  But it would also mean a good likelihood of a Republican Senate; one which will insure federal judges that respect the law as it is written.  It will create the possibility of a Republican House; which will in turn create the possibility of constructive and common-sense legislation passed by a functioning government.  It could usher in a Congress that legislates rather than investigates; one that assumes its own duties and allows the Executive and Judicial branches to conduct their own.

This pandemic deal has not completely played out yet.  We are hopefully past the darkest days and are beginning to carefully and thoughtfully work our way back to some semblance of normal.  But American voters should all pay very careful attention to the performance of our national political parties and their leaders during this time of trouble.  Which side practiced partisan politics instead of public service?  Which side chose to sit by and criticize while the other side chose to lead?  Which side pursued private agendas while the public needs went unaddressed?  Which side sowed discord among the nation while the other side tried its best to unify our people?  Which side embraced a broadening role for the government and demonstrated a clear inclination to retain that increased control?  Which side reached out to the private sector for the innovation and creativity required to help us through this battle?  The answers to these questions should inform us as to who might best lead our country into the future.  It is a choice between a group that wants to run our lives for us and a group that respects our freedom to choose for ourselves.  The choice will soon be before us.  We should choose wisely.

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