Friday, August 21, 2020

Democrats, Mail, Coronavirus Madness, and Senate Illusions of Grandeur

I will confess to not watching one…single…moment of the Democratic National Convention (DNC/ aka: Obama, the Sequel).  Life is too short to have your stomach turned, your anger boiled, your deepest fears enhanced, and your frustration level shoved through the roof all at the same time.  I read somewhere that the best way to know exactly what the Democrats are up to is to pay attention to what they are accusing the Republicans of doing; that is what they are doing.  I believe there is some fire in that smoke. 

Considering the list of Convention speakers, foremost amongst the keynote klowns was Obama.  After eight years of a failed presidency that put race relations in America back 20 years, essentially destroyed America’s standing in international affairs, decimated our Justice Department through corruption and agenda-driven idealism, and dumbed down our economy to a state of subsistence…he has the gall to deliver the speech he gave on Wednesday night of the Democratic Convention (I did not hear it, but I read it).  This is the man who orchestrated the politicization of the Internal Revenue Service and whose party used government agencies and personnel to spy on and sabotage political opponents; even his duly-elected successor.  Read about Obama’s damage here: .  The man is absolutely shameless.  If a person could buy him for what he is worth and sell him for what he thinks he’s worth, they would be set for life.

The man has no principles other than those that serve his self-aggrandization.  Can you imagine what might have been if the pandemic had occurred during Obama’s terms in office?  No doubt, he and his band of merry Democrats would have seized the opportunity to exert full blown executive control on the basis of emergency action.  The federal government would have taken extraordinary control of our everyday lives and the current shutdown environment would have seemed like a fraternity party in comparison.  The subsequent result would have been a recession that rivaled the great depression and would have inexorably shoved our nation ever closer to total government dependence.   In other words, it would have served his agenda well.  As the Democrats always say…never let a crisis go to waste. 

And today, after colossal failure at the Chief Executive level, he critiques Trump as divisive, narcissistic, ineffective, political, and lazy.  Did he write this speech about himself?  And his wife, the Beyonce wannabe who promoted that particular performer as a role model for young black girls, stands up and lectures our nation on morals and dignity?  Really?  I will grudgingly admit this much, however.  Even a broken clock is correct twice a day and Obama nailed Trump pretty accurately with these words… “I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care.  But he never did.  For close to four years now, he’s shown…no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.  Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t.  These words are not that different from much that I have written in this blog about Donald Trump.  But in this particular instance, the problem with Obama’s words is not their veracity, but rather their source.  Once again, Obama’s accusations towards another are more accurately reflective of him.

As is quite obvious, I have difficulty containing my contempt for Barack Hussein Obama II.  It is the primary motivation that spurs me to oppose the election of Joe Biden as President.  As I mentioned earlier in a link above, I fear that a Biden victory this November will simply usher in a repeat of Obama’s sad chapter in American history.  And even worse, the next chapter will be more accelerated, less subtle, and far more effective at achieving its agenda-driven aims.

The best thing for undecided voters to have done this week was to watch the Democratic National Convention.  Filter out the hypocrisy, the venomous hate for all things Trump, the ridiculous claims about how they would handle things better (as if they had no power whatsoever and had never been in the White House), the Hollywood glam that was so conspicuous, and then simply listen to what their specific policies are.  What?  You didn’t hear them speak about that?  They were sure full of criticism about what had been done; but were pretty damn vague on what they would have done.

Allow me to fill in the blanks…with their own words.  Here is what they will do if they win.  In a previous post, I mentioned the joint committees set up by Biden and Sanders to formulate a blueprint for governing in the case that Biden was elected.  Here is the result of that collaboration: .  Read it carefully and pay particular attention to the signatures attached to each part of the report.  Do some research on these folks and get a true feel for what they believe in and promote.  And then, understand completely that this is what a Joe Biden presidency would look like.  Ask yourselves why, with four nights of exclusive television and media coverage of their national convention, they failed to promote these policies they use to promote enthusiasm in the left  wing of their party?

As I have stated before, this upcoming election is not about Trump versus Biden.  If it were that simple, a coin flip might be appropriate.  It is far more impactful and critical than the simple comparison of these two politicians.  It is about the ideals and agendas that reside with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.  It is about the future of our country.  Think carefully about your choice.

The latest hoax being promoted by the Democratic Party and their allies, the mainstream media, is the controversy surrounding the U.S. Post Office (USPS) and mail-in voting.  But like most things in today’s world, the words and images that you hear and see do not accurately address the issues at the heart of the matter.  There are really two different issues in play here.  First, there is the question of whether or not the USPS is equipped to effectively handle the extraordinary task of an increased level in mail-in voting.  The clear answer is…YES, of course.  The actual numbers involved in this proposition support the notion that the uptick in mail volume that new levels of mail-in voting will usher in is in fact a modest increase in the daily volume routinely handled by the USPS.  The Christmas Holidays pose a greater challenge to the USPS than would an increase in mail-in voting.  There is clear and intentional intent by Democrats, the media, and the postal unions to conflate the subjects of USPS mail-handling capabilities and the wisdom of mass mail-in voting.  These are two clear and distinct issues that really have no influence on each other.

The second issue in play here is the efficacy of the USPS as a government entity.  As a retired federal employee, I spent a career in envy admiring the benefits package that postal employees enjoyed.   Through the effective efforts of their labor unions, they maintained a unique autonomy amongst government entities that allowed them to have overly-generous benefits packages as compared to other federal employees.  This fact, coupled with poor management and the evolution of technology in their industry, has led us to a point where the USPS is a bloated, inefficient, dinosaur in an industry that requires a nimble, innovative, and business-driven approach to success and survival.  They must reform or perish.

So don’t be misled by the confusion of mail-in voting with the status of the USPS business model.  Here are some very good articles on this matter that help to shed some light on the real issues at hand:

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Next up, here are a few comments about the ongoing pandemic.  Now I am not a scientist or a medical professional; the closest I’ve come to doctoring is taking care of my farm animals, my children, and my grandchildren.  I have, however, survived 67 years on this earth.  Through the grace of God I have managed to overcome a lifetime of challenges not dissimilar to what most people face.  I have managed to find sources I trust and respect when I need to augment my personal observations and notions about issues that impact me and my family.  I have come to understand that personal accountability is way undervalued in our world and I need to pay great attention to what I can see with my own eyes and how those observations jive with my life experiences.  Does what people say make any sense?

Over the last several weeks, and after reading statistic after statistic and advice after advice from all of the pandemic experts out there, a troubling thought has formed in my mind.  Is it possible…just possible…that at the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, had we taken the Sweden approach and simply continued with our lives and had our responses centered on personal accountability and not reliance on governmental edicts; the net effects of this plague would have been basically the same without all of the terrible costs that shutdown efforts have placed on our economy, our society, and our culture?  Perhaps we would have the same number of infections and the same number of deaths; just compressed into a smaller time frame and not stretched out over a longer period? Am I the only one who has considered this proposition?  I doubt it.

Here are a couple of very good articles that bring out interesting perspectives on how we as a nation have reacted to this adversity:

I am feeling a bit (not really very much) guilty about my harshness in discussing the Democratic Party and their notions about how our country and our government should operate.  I included a disclaimer earlier about Trump’s fallibilities and Obama’s insincere missives in his direction.  I will close today’s blog with a similar shot at the Republican Majority in the U.S. Senate.  For all my criticisms of her, I will acknowledge that Nancy Pelosi has a laser focus on achieving her political aims in the House.  Oh, she is clearly very fond of herself, despises Donald Trump and all associated with him, and is far more motivated by political power than by effective policy; but she always brings that trusty pistol to the knife fight.  She is intent on winning.

As a registered Independent, my support for the Republican Party is pretty much limited to their ideals and their agenda.  In many respects, especially their approach to fiscal governance, I do not see a lot of space between the Democrats and the Republicans.  In the case of the U.S. Senate, the Republicans have been in charge for several years.  There are two observations I will venture about their extended leadership of the Senate.  First is the fact that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should go down in history as having had more impact on America than Donald Trump.  His consistent, concerted, and effective efforts to appoint exceptional federal judges to the courts across our nation have been above and beyond anyone’s expectation. 

To any person of a conservative bent, a primary concern about the direction of our country has been the tendency of our Judicial Branch to create law instead of adjudicating law.  The explosion in the number of rogue federal judges and the impact their irresponsible actions have on the American way of life is inestimable.  The placement of textual, constitution-driven, conservative Judges in our court systems is the only solution to the dangerous liberal tilt that has been increasingly present in our justice system.  We have Mitch McConnell to thank for the incredible progress made in this area.  If he does nothing else for the balance of his political career, his efforts in this area should be considered monumental.

Unfortunately, while admirably succeeding in judgeship placements, the Senate has utterly failed in its function as a legislative body.  Without going through a list of their actions motivated not by statesmanship but by ego and visions of nobility, I will simply state that the Republicans in the U.S. Senate have utterly failed their country, their party, and their President. 

Just this week, the Senate Intelligence Committee released their so-called final report on the infamous Trump/Russia Collusion non-affair.  Read about it here: .  The plain truth is that this is all old news to anyone who has been paying attention over the last three and a half years.  This lukewarm bowl of mush report is pretty thin gruel for a body that has awesome powers to oversee, regulate, and investigate the Justice Department (DOJ) of our government.  While Obama and his cronies were corrupting the DOJ, where was the Senate?  While Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff were conducting their collusion hoax circus in the House, where were the balancing measures that should have been presented in the Senate?  Why did Republican Senators allow their personal, and understandable, dislike for Donald Trump to override their obligations to expose corruption in the Executive Branch; their obligation to respond to the reprehensible actions in the House; their responsibility to defend the proper authority of the Executive Branch as it relates to the Legislative Branch; and their political requirement to loyally, within reason, support the recognized leader of their national Party? 

Out of overriding concerns of self-preservation, Senate Republicans have always treated Donald Trump with coolness, detachment, and subtle contempt.  This late-to-the-party report dealing with the worst political scandal in American history is emblematic of how pathetic our politicians can be.  I have often said and will now repeat…the U.S. Senate is the closest thing this nation has to royalty.  Every single one of them believes they would be a better president than the one in office…whoever that might be.

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