Saturday, August 1, 2020

Chilling Realization, Bleak Future, and Corona Madness

As the Trump/Russia Hoax builds to its John Durham conclusion, we continue to learn more about the saga through the drips and drabs of leaks and news bits.  Each one brings the sad episode a bit more in focus.  But there is one inescapable conclusion that should give every American pause.  The pathetic legal persecution of Michael Flynn was the Democratic Party’s way to carry their Trump resistance and investigations forward from the campaign into his first term as President; it was their bridge.  Here is a good chronicle of the whole story and how Flynn’s case was the link: .

The infamous January 5, 2017 meeting held at the White House by Obama and his conniving crew is significant.  With President Trump set to assume office in just days, they were desperate to not only cover up what they had been up to; they also sought a passage to the incoming Trump Administration that would allow them to continue their mischief.  That is where the Flynn case comes into play.  Here is the point that I refer to in this post’s title: think about who was present at that meeting?  Let us focus on just one person from this small group of scheming scoundrels who were huddled up in an attempt (in the home of our President, no less) to circumvent the will of the American people and the Constitution itself.  That person is Joe Biden.

The chilling realization is that Vice-President Biden, in spite of his denial, was not only privy to the Flynn investigation but was quite likely a participant in its planning and execution.  Having done all within his considerable power as Vice-President to insure the election of Hillary Clinton and having failed in that attempt, he then throws down with his boss and fellow underlings in an attempt to sabotage the incoming President.  And now…nearly four years hence…he stands before us as the apparent Democratic nominee for President in opposition to the man he so despicably plotted against. 

Once indispensable as Obama’s useful tool; he has now come full circle to serve as the Democratic Party’s useful fool.  If he is successful at last in his quixotic quest for the Presidency, he will inevitably get the old Obama band back together and once again pursue the vile corruption of the government that has rewarded him so well for all of his adult life.  Perhaps old Slow Joe is not that slow after all.  That, my friends, is the bleak future to which I refer.

And in recent days, we have confirmation of what has been suspected all along; that the entire three-year-plus cavalcade of irrational hysterics was based on…what?  Only this: .  And should we be surprised to discover where this infamous source named “Iggy” got his training: .  Think about the costs to our nation of this entire farce.  Consider all the angst; all the venom; all the hatred and spite; all the wasted time and energy from our people and our government… all based on this?

The Department of Justice was politically-weaponized under Obama and his Administration.  Joe Biden was second in command of that group.  The entire premise for the Democratic and Mainstream Media pursuit of President Trump began with the Steele Dossier; a bogus political mishmash that was bought and paid for by the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton Campaign.  The hard and cold fact is that the very people at the heart of this escapade, including Obama and Joe Biden, knew with certainty from Day One that it was patently false.  Yet they continued for years to literally rip and tear at the very fabric of our government in hopes of regaining their lost power and influence. They were willing to do all within their substantial power to disrupt our government in their effort to overturn the 2016 Presidential Election and restore themselves to their former positions of authority. 

Here is a very good article that addresses the mood of the American voter these days: .  If our nation’s voters put Joe Biden in the White House this November, it will usher in a group of unscrupulous ideologues who will view his election as an open invitation to reinvent this country in their vision.  That vision is a liberal, unprincipled society ruled by a monolithic government entity that will seek total control over its constituents’ thoughts and deeds.  Do not be fooled by the simplicity of the choice that lies before you.  It is NOT Trump versus Biden.  These two men are little more than cardboard cutouts being used to fill in the blank spots on the ballot.  If only this were actually the case, Biden would be a far more effective candidate and Trump would be far more tolerable. 

The consequences of the upcoming Presidential election extend far beyond the foibles of these two sorry politicians.  It is a choice between continuing this nation as it has existed for over 200 years and the creation of a grand new experiment posing as an American version of European socialism.  The wages of Liberal Democratic Government are on full display in the states of Washington, Oregon, Illinois, New York, and California; you get a glimpse of it in Minnesota and Michigan.  High ranking Democratic prosecutors in Minneapolis, St. Louis, and Atlanta have shown us how the liberal approach to law enforcement plays out.  Here is a view behind the curtain at how minorities fare in California’s liberal nirvana: .  Choose wisely, my fellow voters.  Choose wisely.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Coronavirus is in our face 24/7 and I am certain that you, like me, are plenty sick and tired of hearing about it.  I believe none of the statistics that I read and hear about the pandemic.  It has been hijacked by politicians and media with personal agendas and any hope of a unified, non-partisan effort to deal with this illness in service to the public interest has been kicked to the curb.  Here is a very good description of what we have been witnessing for the last few months: .

I think a good analogy of the prevailing pandemic status is a situation where you are standing on your covered front porch looking at your car parked about 20 feet away.  It is raining and you are going out in dressed-up fashion to an important destination.  You are also running late.  You have no umbrella or newspaper to cover your head.  Your choice is simple.  You can continue to pace around and fret; making your later arrival at the event even more calamitous; or you can bite the bullet and run to the car.  Sometimes in life, you have to get a little wet in order to get the job done.  At some point, you gotta get off the porch.

You think I am being obstinate and foolish when I say I don’t believe the news reports about the virus numbers?  Read this: .   And then read this: .  At some point soon, we will have a vaccine and we will hopefully put this entire global malady behind us.  Perhaps that will usher in a time of thoughtful and deliberate reflection on how we can better prepare for the next pandemic and not be consumed with blaming others for its devastation. 

Pay attention to how different entities are spinning the pandemic to serve their own interests and then consider this: .  And while things seem pretty bad right now, it could be that the most difficult times lie directly ahead of us: .

Here is a closing note regarding an event where the corona madness comes to an intersection with the magical mystery tour that our SCOTUS Chief Justice has been taking lately.  This, my friends, is truly Alice in Wonderland stuff: .  Just to relish the ridiculousness a bit more, consider the perspective of a gifted journalist: .  For the life of me, I simply cannot understand how Democratic Presidents can consistently select reliably liberal SCOTUS Justices and Republican Presidents can’t seem to find a reliable conservative when a vacancy occurs. 

Bonus Link!  How about an idea that would cut the cost of a college degree by 25 percent?  Check this out: .  Now just who do you think might be opposed to this?

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