Sunday, August 16, 2020

We Get the Government We Deserve

Or, to put it another way…elections have consequences.  Donald Trump is no prize.  I have written often about his character flaws.  But to trot out the obvious disclaimer once again: We do not elect a President because he/she might be a saint (they are not…any of them).  We do not elect them because they have a “gee golly wow” story that sends “thrills” down the media legs.  We tried that with Obama and that was a colossal failure.  We elect them because of a judgment we make, EACH OF US, about how they might lead this nation.  The policies and ideals that they promote should earn trust and we then vote for a “direction” that we would like to see our country follow.  This election is not about Trump versus Biden.  This election is about Republican ideals versus Democrat ideals.  This election is about that direction.

It is critical that we look at every candidate with a healthy dose of skepticism.  We might trust; but we should damn sure verify.  We have to appreciate that no matter how remarkable or unremarkable we think a candidate might be; they are only one-third of our government.  They must co-exist and co-execute the operation of our government with the Legislative and Judicial branches.  They will either have a life-long record of accomplishments that indicates leadership ability or they will have a life-long record of political expediency and evidence of going in the direction of the wind.  We must each come to a point where, after examining the resume of the candidate, we either believe them or we do not.

Words matter in this world.  What a person tells you they intend to do if elected is important.  A presidential candidate is the leader of their political party and the platform that the party puts forward following their nominating convention should serve as a roadmap to anyone curious about their agenda.  The candidates are telling us what they believe in and how they intend to implement those beliefs.  It is rather foolish to knowingly vote for a candidate who plainly supports certain policies and then complain when they do all within their power to promote those same policies.

As the election approaches, it is important to study the records of the candidates.  It is important to watch how they handle themselves when they campaign.  It is important to listen to what they say in their speeches, interviews, and debates and then compare those words with their past deeds.  Washington, DC is full of politicians who can “talk the talk”.  What we need in the White House is a President who we elected because we liked the “talk” and we trusted them to “walk the walk”.  Words matter.  Records matter.  Accomplishments matter.  Lack of accomplishments matters.

How a national Party actually governs when it is put in a position of power matters.  It is no mystery how Democrats with consolidated power run the cities of Chicago, New York, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, and San Francisco.  Look at life as it exists in the states ruled by Democrat Governors and compare that to life in the states ruled by Republican Governors.  It is no mystery what Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want to see in Congressional legislation.  Look at how Pelosi runs the House and the legislative products it produces.  It is no mystery what Mitch McConnell wants to see in Congressional legislation.   What you see is what you get.  WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE. 

In a later blog, I will address key aspects of Donald Trump.  I have done so quite often over the last three and a half years.  This piece will deal with the man, and the person selected as his second in command, that the Democratic Party will next week christen as their 2020 Presidential Nominee.  Meet Joe Biden. 

Telling tall tales and stretching the truth a bit is a vice that all of us fall into occasionally.  But being a serial plagiarist is another thing entirely. .

Victor Davis Hanson might be a Republican, but he is undoubtedly a gifted journalist with critical insights into the political world.  His introspective take on Joe Biden is quite interesting. .

Joe Biden’s basement campaign strategy is working pretty well so far; or so it seems.  The intriguing thing to watch is what will happen if the polls begin to tighten. .

There is an old saying that implies that if a lie is told often enough, it eventually becomes the truth.  It is a devious and Machiavellian practice often employed by the mainstream media, politicians in general, the Democratic Party specifically, and Joe Biden in this particular instance. .

Trying to frame President Trump and Republicans as racist is dishonest and shameful.  If there is a racist history to be ascribed to either national party, the Democrats clearly lay claim to that dishonor.  Read your history.  Here is an interesting perspective regarding the ongoing discussion of race in America. .

Here is a blast from the past; a 2016 article about Kamala Harris and her pursuit of a Senate seat that is extremely well-written and strikingly objective. .

Read this document carefully; it is the original Green New Deal.  It is not the Democratic Party’s platform document; but it is unquestionably the source document for it.  Think about how these policy changes would affect you life, your career, your family, and your community. .

If Joe Biden is elected President this November, it is quite likely that the Democratic Party will simultaneously gain majority status in the U.S. Senate.  If that happens, it is a foregone conclusion that they will hold on to the majority status in the U.S. House of Representatives.  With the clear choice that will have been before the voters in this election year, the Democratic Party will enthusiastically embrace from Day One of the first Biden Administration a full-blown, no holds barred, wide open liberal re-invention of the United States of America. 

They will do this in a deliberate, shameless fashion knowing full-well that they have a license to do so.  They will know this because they will have won a national election during which they made no substantive pretense about exactly what their intentions would be in the event of victory.  They are not shouting it from the mountaintops (at least not the candidates nor the Party leaders); but they subtly acknowledge it with a wink and a nod.  No doubt, they are practicing a good deal of strategic subterfuge; but the facts are there for anyone who is paying attention and wants to know.  WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE.

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

During this campaign season, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are practicing the strategy of “plausible deniability”.  They are not fools.  They get the fact that if they openly announce their intentions to implement a left-wing government in America, it will be extremely difficult to get enough votes from Independents, moderate Democrats (yeah…I know…you thought they were extinct.  They’re out there, just real quiet), and disaffected RINO Republicans to win this election.  They need your votes to gain the power.  But once the power is in hand, you will either toe the Party line or become demonized.  If you doubt this, pay attention to how the liberal movement treats black conservatives and conservative women.  How do they treat race hustler Al Sharpton compared to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas?  How do they treat VP-select Kamala Harris compared to the way they treated VP-select Sarah Palin? 

The Democratic Party is today driven and controlled by the liberal segment of their Party.  One of the first things Biden did when he became the apparent nominee was to huddle with the Bernie Sanders camp and develop a strategy to (A) get Bernie and his people on board with huge concessions to their leftist policies and (B) do this quietly and behind the scenes so it is not highlighted at the convention and prominently disseminated to the public.  The Biden and Bernie camps formed several committees to formulate a blueprint for change in case they were successful.  Each committee had co-chairs; one selected by each camp.  The product of this unholy alliance should be evident in the Democratic platform document.  Read it.

As we are seeing with the Hide-A-Joe game, his scripted and rare remarks about policy specifics, and the media co-ordination in attempting to label Harris as a moderate, the Democrats are seriously downplaying their agenda.  The real substance of their ideals is there.  But you will have to look for it, read about it, and listen very carefully to what they say if you are truly interested in its content.  AOC is not the nominee and the Democratic platform coming out of their convention may not be word-for-word like the Green New Deal.  But do not be fooled.  Trust your ears and your eyes.  Look at what Democrats in power do; not what they say when they are campaigning for office.  A Mayor or a Governor can do serious damage to our culture, our society, and the way we live our lives.  But those changes are temporary and will eventually pass with the next Mayor of Governor in line. 

A President with a same-party Congress will dramatically change this country; and the potential for those changes to be transient is small indeed.  WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE.  Today’s Democratic Party is a Trojan Horse with a falsely-painted façade of moderation on the outside but a pure left, pure liberal, and outlandishly irresponsible agenda hidden on the inside.  The mainstream media is totally complicit in this deception and they will parade this plug of a horse as a true Triple Crown Winner.  Do not be fooled. 

If this occurs and is successful, it will not be the end of the world.  It will not be the end of America.  Life will go on; the sun will rise in the east every morning and set in the west every afternoon.  But make no mistake about it; things will not be the same.  The ideals and foundations that have held this country together for over 200 years will be shelved in an inglorious fashion.  They will be replaced with a new set of ideals and notions that can today be previewed in the realities faced by New York or California.  But those are simply mild versions of what might come.  They are simply liberal-lite.  With unmitigated control of our government, national transformation will be in high gear, full throttle, and moving at breakneck speed. 

If, in fact, Biden is elected President; then the prerogative is with he and the Democratic Party to move this nation in the direction they support.  They will have earned that right.  But make no mistake about it….the United States of America is a perfect storm that was built on the faith, the courage, the sacrifices, the ideals, the very souls of its founders and defenders.  A constitutional miracle such as the one that we today live in and enjoy the benefits of will not easily re-form once it is unseated as the working model for our democracy.  The changes that Joe Biden and his Party tell you about and the policies they promote, especially the ones they WON’T tell you about, will change America forever.  It will be the type of revolution from which there is no return. 

Oh, it may eventually play itself out.  It may, and likely will, eventually become obvious to all involved that the “ideals” of socialism are far more appealing than the “realities:” of socialism.  How can we know this?  We know this because it has been proven true time after time after time across the planet and through the ages.  Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  If we do not learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it.  America was born and rose out of a fierce desire for freedom, liberty, equality, and independence.  If that essence of our nation’s soul is ever removed, it will be lost forever.  WE GET THE GOVERNMENT WE DESERVE. 

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