Saturday, December 26, 2020

Making the Sausage and Other “2020” Notes

Our President and Congress have completely become immune from any dilatory effects emanating from deficit spending.  What had become a significant and increasingly serious problem in our pre-pandemic times has now become a full-blown monstrosity that lies in waiting to devour the economies of future generations.  The only things that make it tolerable is the attitude that any amount of federal money spent on COVID relief is money well spent and the fact that the carrying cost on the federal deficit is mitigated due to bargain basement interest rates.  Woe is certain when those interest rates once again begin to escalate and the tax man comes to call.

The irresponsible process we are witnessing in the crafting of the current COVID relief bill in Congress is so very typical of how our legislative system has devolved.  In order to achieve sufficient support from both parties to insure passage, they have thrown everything but the kitchen sink into the bill.  And on top of that, there are the added dynamics of a lame duck President wanting to go out with a bang and the pending special elections in Georgia that might very well determine the direction of our nation’s future. 

The intersection of the COVID relief bill, the defense department appropriation, and the FY21 fiscal year budget has created a mishmash of legislative shenanigans that is somehow appropriate in this strange and bizarre year we have just experienced.  Here are some very good insights into exactly how this legislative theatre (tragedy, satire, comedy?) is playing out.  Please…inform yourself.  This is what your tax dollars have wrought.

The voice of reason:

The voice of the absurd:

On top of this Congressional spectacle is the unfolding transition from the Trump Administration to the Biden Administration; which is dramatically illustrating the Democratic Party’s nearly complete detachment from reality.  The memory chords have apparently all been severed in the liberal community and the incoming new year of 2021 (according to them) is the beginning of a nirvana such as we have never before experienced.  What other explanation could be adequate?


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Have you had the feeling lately that something in our world was just a bit…out of wack?  Well, don’t be concerned about your mental state; you are correct.


The election is over and done.

Reality demands that we must move on.

But the question remains…was it a fair fight?

There were certain things about it that just don’t seem right.

If you enjoy that particular genre of entertainment, the FX series “The Americans” is a fascinating show.  It is based on the premise that the Soviet Union (now known as Russia) embedded spies into American culture by seeding our society with seemingly innocuous citizens that were normal Americans by day and scheming espionage agents by night; all the time under the guise of being the family next door.  As entertainment goes, I find it quite interesting and fascinating. 

It is one of those shows that makes you wonder how far it might be removed from reality.  Does this stuff actually happen in the real world?  Well, apparently this stuff does actually happen in the real world:

Is this the future of international warfare?  If so, then it might actually be a step up from where we have been thus far in history.  After all, hacking into personal identifiable information and state security secrets is far preferable to slaughtering humanity on the battlefields.  Engaging our enemies with our minds might be a better way to settle cold war disputes.  No doubt, the little secrets of our bank accounts and spending habits are far less precious than the lives of our children.

One additional note regarding the coronavirus madness…can there be any doubt that at some point in the foreseeable future, we will all wonder: Why in the world did we lock ourselves away in our illusory cocoons of false security when simple observation demonstrated how futile and damaging these actions were? Read this:

Finally, and as we approach the end of a year that can best be described as “the other side of the looking glass”,  I will end this piece with a good article that presents our soon-to-be past year in review:


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Welcome To America…Today’s America

The older I get, the less I know.  Things that I used to take for granted are not so certain anymore.  Many of the lessons I learned in my life are either foreign to many people or, if I dare to exhibit them or mention them publicly, are ridiculed.  I always thought of myself as just a regular guy; normal to the point of boredom.  There are now times when I venture outside of my small circle of friends and family that I feel much like a stranger in a strange land. 

No doubt, the pandemic is much to blame for this situation.  Not only have the shutdown practices disrupted everyone’s lives; but the fact is that we are all (well…most all of us) wearing masks in public that cover about fifty percent of our face.  And it is further isolating when we consider that the part of our face that we cover up might very well be the most expressive part of our face.

I visited my doctor yesterday for my annual checkup and he told me a funny story about masks.  I have been struggling the last few years with an increasingly annoying loss of hearing.  As he and I were discussing the possible remedies for this problem, my doctor mentioned that a large number of his patients had experienced hearing loss and had become quite adept at reading lips.  He said he had noticed how much more often he had to repeat himself in conversations with these patients.  The masks don’t just hide us physically; they hide us emotionally.

Another emerging phenomenon that I have noticed is the herd mentality tendency of our society that has been pushed into overdrive by the demands of political correctness.  There have always been, and there will always be, stupid people.  Some of us may not be quite stupid; we just act that way on occasion.  Anyone from the south is familiar with the famous last words of a redneck… “Watch this!!”  They are the words we dramatically shout just prior to doing something incredibly stupid.  But there are some among us who are truly and authentically stupid.  There was a time in my life when people recognized stupidity for what it was, called it out if it got in their face, and simply avoided it whenever possible.  Typically, those who were simply acting stupid and were not truly stupid would be sufficiently shamed by this declaration so that the stupidity would either cease or they would just go away.

Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to tell the difference between those who are behaving stupidly and those who are truly stupid.  The reason is that people have stopped being embarrassed by their stupid behavior.  They have no shame.  And to make the issue even more prominent, and this behavior even more acceptable; that herd mentality I mentioned earlier emboldens people who are simply behaving stupidly to wear their stupid behavior like a badge of honor.  At times, it gets so absurd that a sane person will ask themselves... “Are they stupid, or is it just me?”  This world that we live in is making it more and more difficult to retain any degree of personal conviction.

We have seen history be irresponsibly re-written and embraced as enlightened truth.  We have seen abhorrent behavior become normal based on specious motivation.  We have seen immoral acts become perfectly acceptable by not only the persons performing them; but by those we have chosen as leaders in our culture, society, and government.  In fact, it has become incumbent upon those who might personally disapprove of such behavior or acts to openly endorse the behavior of which they disapprove lest they be labeled as ignorant, bigoted, biased, intolerable, or racist.  The entire conception of ethics has become quite antiquated and oftentimes literally ridiculed for its “puritanical” approach to working, living, and simply existing in our nation these days.    

I have not done justice to the “old school” tenets for living that were ingrained in my psyche by my parents, my grandparents, and my older mentors.  But my failure to fully abide by the virtues of honesty, accountability, courage, sincerity, honor for fiscal obligation, willingness to sacrifice one’s wants and desires to help another or to gain a worthy goal, ethical behavior in all walks of life, and respect for others…that does not diminish their value whatsoever.  These seemingly antiquated aspects of working and living, much like the Christian ideals of Jesus, are things that we reach for but seldom grasp completely.  The value is realized in that reaching; we become better people, a better culture, and a better society by simply trying.  We don’t seem to try much anymore.

Regrettably, in many instances, this disdain for the traditional expectations associated with ethics and morals has bled over into a gathering resentment of religion.  We should not be surprised that once the foundations of such virtues were sufficiently weakened in a general and cultural sense, it would only be natural to attack the ideals of those whose faith is premised upon such virtues.  Condemnation of those ideals flows naturally to the condemnation of a belief based on those ideals.  The ongoing attacks on religion that are increasing in number and intensity are an insidious threat to the decency of our nation.

The upshot of these growing tendencies in American society and culture is leading us to a coarsening of ourselves.  In today’s America, the substance and depth of a person or a statement is not nearly as important as the flash and width of that person or statement.  Put another way, we are becoming people who are paper thin and a mile wide.   There is little conviction to our words and deeds and that lack of commitment allows us to broaden our support and tolerance for all else to the maximum degree possible.  Without making a righteous or value judgment, I would say that we are certainly not as durable and reliable as we once were.  Put another way, we have become hard to trust.

I’m not sure where this evolution leads us; but it is troubling to think about what we are losing and have so carelessly devalued.  Perhaps the technological roller-coaster we have been riding for the last few decades is simply outrunning our ability to outfit it with some sense of moral value and decency.  Maybe at some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, that adjustment will occur and we can have a healthy balance of fundamentally sound values and principles coupled with the wonders of our modern world.  Hey…we might even get back to the point where when someone behaves stupidly in public, they will be sincerely embarrassed about it. 

Perhaps in a strange, reverse psychological kind of way, what I’m trying to express in this blog was illustrated by the American people in this last election.  This recent election was not about Donald Trump versus Joe Biden; the election was about Donald Trump versus Donald Trump.  To a great extent, Donald Trump was the personification of the tendencies I have mentioned thus far.  His extremes in his personal behavior, his radical rhetoric, his over the top reactions to each and every provocation…his very Trumpness wore away at people until he had no good will left to draw upon. Trump did not lose because people voted for Joe Biden.  Trump lost because people voted against Donald Trump.

Americans do not expect their President to be perfect.  That’s a good thing because it is the impossible dream.  What Americans DO expect is for their President to exhibit in some form or fashion the fact that they realize they are not perfect.  That is how they get away with some of the ridiculous things they do.  Mea culpas are far too frequent in our political realm; but they happen so often because the simple truth is that they are effective.  They work.  The American voter has a remarkably short memory.  Donald Trump could never bring himself to acknowledge in the least way that he was less than perfect.  In fact, he harrumphed time and again about how perfect he thought he was.  It turns out that no matter how exemplary a President’s policy achievements might be, he will ultimately be judged on his character. 

The adverse effect Trump realized due to the pandemic notwithstanding, his main stumbling block to re-election was his inability to convince a small number of disaffected Republicans, offended Independents, and open-minded Democrats (rare creatures, indeed) to vote for him in spite of his Trumpness.  Those who say that the presidential election was stolen by fraud and illegality must come to terms with a simple reality:  Had President Donald Trump been capable of toning it down just a few degrees, the good will he might have earned would quite possibly have overcome the votes gained by Democratic election shenanigans. 


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Just as Americans tired of President Trump; perhaps they will eventually tire of the senseless and careless way we have abandoned simple humility, pride, accountability, and decent behavior in our daily lives.  And if those folks who used this abandonment to full advantage in their quest for political gain continue to leverage that behavior in their administration of political power; their fate might prove to be quite similar to that of Donald Trump.  America, its citizens and its leaders alike, must rediscover the ability to feel embarrassment. 

In a perfect world, this rediscovery would be led by a newly self-aware mainstream media; a media that has lost all credibility and respect because of their absolute surrender to the Resist Trump Movement.  But before they can begin the soul-wrenching process of coming to grips with that fever-pitched mania; they can simply seize a convenient opportunity to step up and say… “I was wrong”.  We can accept that a fully honest and sincere explanation of why they were wrong can wait.  

I believe that most people readily understand the reasons why they behaved like an adjunct of the Democratic Party rather than a responsible and honorable Fourth Estate.  That “Come to Jesus” moment can arrive at a later date when they tire of the pitiful and impotent warhorse they have helped to place in charge of our nation.  For now, they simply need to acknowledge that they did something stupid, exhibit some degree of embarrassment, and try to put this behind them with some modicum of humility: .  As the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu said… “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.  For the mainstream media, it will indeed be a long journey back.

Welcome to America....Today's America.  Let's close it out with a classic from the "Hardest Working Man in Show Business", the "Godfather of Soul", the "The One, the Only"....the one who will never be replaced....James Joseph Brown....let it roll..... .




Friday, December 11, 2020

The Future Looks…Not So Bright

With Election 2020 nearing settlement, Georgia notwithstanding, it might be time to gaze a bit into the old crystal ball.  As it turns out, we don’t really need the old crystal ball.  The future was laid out before us in fairly specific terms months prior to Election 2020.  Now it is simply a matter of watching the words move from the paper into our lives…..

As we approached the final stages of the national party primary campaigns for the 2020 presidential nominees, it became clear that Joe Biden was going to become the Democratic nominee.  In an effort to cement that probability and unite the disparate wings of the Party; the Democrats came up with their Unity Task Force plan.  This plan served two fundamental purposes.  First, it established a 2020 Democratic policy platform because one was not publicly discussed during their 2020 convention.  Carefully read this document and it will become apparent why it was not publicly discussed.  Secondly, the plan was a concession to the liberal wing of the Party (read that “AOC and Bernie”) to gain their support for the general election effort. 

Significant points can be made about this report.  Pay close attention to the authors of each section (listed at the end of each section) and watch how those same names might re-appear as members of the new Biden Administration.  If the Senate races in Georgia go the Democrat’s way, this is the future.  And if these people are the ones inhabiting the key influential roles of U.S. government, it should come as no surprise to anyone that this plan will be the Biden Administration agenda.  Think about what you and your family members do for a living; think about the parts of our culture that impact you significantly.  Then read the section of this plan that pertains to those areas.  Here is the report: .

Next, take some time to read the original version of the Green New Deal.  Here is a pretty good summary from NPR: .  Now take a look at the official Congressional records that list the sponsors and co-sponsors of this proposed legislation.  These are people that are publicly endorsing this plan.  First the House of Representatives: Now the Senate:

Compare the names from all the documents listed above and it is pretty plain that the same people are involved at every stage of this promotion.  Those same people will now be running the big show in WDC, occupying the White House, and calling the shots all the way up and down the Departmental and Agency ladders of our government.  Read this article for some illumination: .  This was all in the public record.  This information was available to everyone well before the 2020 elections.  And if you are expecting a new and refreshing wave of ethical purity in the White House, think again: .  You may celebrate this change in American governmental policies or you may look upon it with dread.  In either instance….We will get the government we deserve.


Did you go to school after graduating high school; attending college, junior college, technical school, or nursing school?  Did you work during your student years following high school?  Did your parents or some other mentor help you financially during this time?  Did you have to borrow money to pay your tuition and buy your school supplies; not to mention coming up with the routine cost of living expenses like eating, putting a roof over your head, and maybe even supporting a family?  Did you push to get your required courses completed because you simply needed to get done as soon as possible?  Did you and/or your parents work your tail ends off to repay those debts?  Well, here is a glimpse into the future that should absolutely light your fuse:

Once again, this idea is not being brought out of hiding.  The Democratic Party has pretty much endorsed this policy for the last several years and Joe Biden campaigned on it.  As a sop to the over-valued, self-aggrandizing, and thoroughly liberal world of academia; this is what the Biden Administration will be promoting in the near term.  I suppose that for those of us mentioned in the preceding paragraph, not only were we fortunate enough to pay our way through school and then pay our children’s way through school; we will now have the marvelous opportunity to help pay other people’s children’s way through school.  We will get the government we deserve.


Heather Mac Donald is one of the premier journalists working today.  Here is a recent piece by her concerning racial bias in our society: .  It is so very refreshing to find a journalist who begins with facts and then writes the story based on the facts; listing the facts and allowing them to shape the content.  This is contrary to the popular journalistic method of writing a story and then cherry-picking facts to support the story-line; or even worse, simply writing a story with no factual basis whatsoever. 

The simple truth is that our society is going through some strange type of obsession with various forms of discrimination and this obsession is leading us into some extremely unfair and carelessly arbitrary habits.  In fact, some of those habits are being codified by regulation and legislation.  Black Americans constitute approximately thirteen percent of America’s population; Hispanic Americans constitute roughly eighteen percent.  Yet based on the emphasis and tone we see in the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, and the Congress of our nation, you would think that Black Americans constitute eighty-seven percent of America’s population.  So exaggerated is our focus on racial discrimination and all of its cottage industries that the proverbial tail is wagging the dog.

Every…single…American…citizen…has…the…right…to…life…liberty…and the pursuit of happiness.  They have every right to expect equal treatment under the law and equal opportunities in all aspects of life.  What they do not have is the right to dictate to others how they should think, behave, or live their lives.  Minorities should be heard; minorities should be respected; and minorities should be represented.  But all of these aspects should take place with the clear recognition that we are talking about the minorities of our populace and not the majorities of our populace.  A rational discussion of representation cannot take place without the consideration of proportionality.


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The New York Times, the old liberal gray lady herself, recently published an interesting book review about how the general well-being of black Americans was perhaps gaining ground before the institution of government social justice programs: .   Following the implementation of those programs, certain aspects of that well-being began to lose ground. 

Human pride has no regard for skin color.  Human initiative and ambition have no regard for skin color.  People of every size, shape, color, gender, and whatever other identity you want to cite need to be held accountable for their actions on an equal and non-discriminatory basis.  Every American deserves and should receive a fair opportunity at a good education, a good job, a good life, and free rein to live in the fashion they desire…assuming it is legal and does not infringe on the rights of others. 

It is way past time for government to cease trying to mandate their own personal concept of fairness and equality and instead focus on creating a nation that provides an opportunity for all to achieve fairness and equality.  Reverse discrimination is still discrimination.  Government handouts that become institutionalized do not promote a better standard of living; that is accomplished by a hand-up.  And that support and encouragement, regardless of who is receiving it, should be delivered with respect, dignity, and sincere compassion.

Whether it is a racial, gender, religious, ethnic, income, intelligence, nationalistic, or regional delineation; our American differences should be a cause for celebration and not a reason for division.   Unfortunately, our government does not adopt that theory and that situation is not going to improve any time soon.  We will get the government we deserve.


I see the main distinction between Independents and Libertarians in their differing views of government.  A significant number of Libertarians would shrink government down to a paltry status that would essentially give it little, if any, control over the states.  Independents, while certainly agreeing with Libertarians that government has become bloated and supremely invasive and that federalism is a critical part of our democracy, can clearly see an essential role for government in fulfilling certain security and social program tasks that are uniquely suited to our federal civic entity.  I celebrate the Libertarian disdain for excessive federal government; but they tread much too closely to anarchy when they begin whittling it down to a hollow figurehead.

You know…most folks in this world are decent folks.  But there is no denying that there are some indecent folks among us; and they do their damage and cause their hurt.  We need just enough rules and regulations to encourage decent folks to behave decently.  We need just enough law enforcement to protect the decent folks from the indecent folks.  And we need just enough military to protect the decent countries from the indecent countries.  Even though most of us would struggle with the task of writing down exactly what we mean by decent; we know what it is in our hearts and in our minds.  We DO NOT need a government to tell us what it takes to make a decent person.  We don’t need their lecturing and their instruction.  We just need the chance to prove ourselves and decide for ourselves.  We will get the government we deserve.


The economic gains that were so prevalent in America prior to the coronavirus pandemic were disproportionately lifting the lower income and working classes of our citizenry.  It is tragic that this hugely-beneficial and long-awaited trend will now likely regress and perhaps even be reversed by new fiscal policies that will shepherd our national economy in a different direction.  Just as the pandemic shutdown efforts have disproportionately and adversely impacted small business and lower-income workers in a negative sense; this same group of people will also be the last ones to regain their lost economic gains when we begin to crawl out of the coronavirus madness.  In the course of dealing with this plague, we have somehow managed to penalize those among us who work the hardest and contribute the most to our society.   We have hammered the most those who demand the least. 

If the liberal vision of nanny-state America is realized in the coming years, the percentage of those taking from our nation’s product will grow while those contributing to our nation’s product will shrink.  Government involvement in our lives will increase while the reliance of people on their own initiatives will decrease.  Overall dependency on government will spike as those who were crushed by the pandemic’s economic woes are either unable or unwilling to get back up on their feet.  And while all of this occurs, the people who control our government will do little if anything to slow down that motion.  The power of government will blossom and those who hold the power of government in their hands will prosper.  We will get the government we deserve.


And since we are to some degree discussing the future, what better way to close than a thoughtful article about one of the most prescient authors ever, George Orwell.  I have referenced and quoted him often in my years of blogging.  His best known book “1984” was published in 1947.  It is nothing short of remarkable to read it today and consider his foresight.  As this article by Mark Falcoff so well explains, his book “Animal Farm” presented some revealing insights also.  Enjoy: .  One might say that in his own way, Orwell was telling us…We will get the government we deserve.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Democrats Have No Clothes

The bald-faced hypocrisy of the Democratic Party is breathtaking; but the acquiescence of the mainstream media to their charade is even more shameful.  Who knows how history will look back on the elections of 2020; that will certainly depend on who is writing the history.  But there are some things that are beyond denial; election 2020 was a perfect storm of dynamics that resulted in an incumbent President who actually increased his vote tally from his previous election, presided over an historically-booming economy, had engineered historically-significant Middle East peace agreements and presided over a status of relative planetary peace, who had clearly energized the citizens of America with his rally-style campaigning, and who was opposed by a sentient-deficient doofus who chose to quarantine in a basement rather than actively engage him in campaigning…all of these things ultimately leading him to losing the election in a year plagued by an uncontrollable and universally-confounding global pandemic.  I should also mention that oftentimes, he was an arrogant and offensive ass.

Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 by a total of 77,736 votes in a handful of key states.  Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden in 2020 by 43,809 votes in a handful of key states (reference: ).  By any stretch of reasonableness, this election was decided by a margin small enough to have been influenced by election irregularities.  By any stretch of reasonableness, sufficient evidence has surfaced, along with the obvious realities mentioned in the first paragraph, to establish that election irregularities did quite likely occur.  What has not yet been, and not likely to be, determined is exactly where and how much of a quantitative impact those voting irregularities influenced the final vote counts in that infamous handful of key states.  For Donald Trump and the Republicans, the cold reality is that the overwhelming majority of Americans will have lingering doubts about the authenticity of his 2020 presidential election loss; but they will nonetheless acknowledge that the horse has left the barn and it is too late to close the door.  Now perhaps it is true that the horse should never have left the barn; but that is presently beside the point since he is out there in the field.

In spite of over four years of unified Resistance and active sabotage efforts by the Democratic Party, the Democrats in Congress, the mainstream media, selected and powerful Democratic Deep State holdovers in various governmental Departments, and a significant portion of the Republican Party; there is little doubt that in lieu of the coronavirus plague, Donald Trump would have been resoundingly re-elected.   However, the truth is that in the world that we inhabit, what-ifs simply don’t count for much.  Their pursuit is an exercise in futility. 

As so aptly depicted in the afore-mentioned link from Michael Barone (who, for the record, was clearly not an enthusiastic advocate for all things Trump), it is the absolute height of hypocrisy for Democrats to now plead for unity and reconciliation in the transition to the Biden Administration.  The fact that Democrats can stand before the public with a straight face and seek unqualified support for the sake of national security and stability is beyond farcical.  Whether it is productive or not, be it right or wrong; for Joe Biden and the Democrats, the cold reality is that pending the Republican effort to maintain majority status in the Senate, they are in for four full years of Resistance, the Sequel. 

That they can even pretend sincerity in seeking acquiescence to their agenda by those who voted against them is astounding.  And even though the ability of the mainstream media to influence and manipulate the thinking of the American voter is incredibly efficient; this pathetically-transparent effort by the Democrats to persuade the public of their new and humble style of dress is doomed to failure.  Any person, even loyal Democrats who have not become drunk with the liberal kool-aid, can now appreciate that the Democratic Party has been exposed for the cold-blooded, massively-hypocritical, unprincipled, power-hungry, ethically-challenged, and ruthlessly efficient political machine that it is.  They are remarkably similar to the Republican Party.  Even though they will soon occupy the pinnacle of the high political ground; they now stand before us naked to the world. They have no clothes.

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Just like the foolish people in the media, entertainment industry (ah…but I repeat myself…), sports world, and academia; the inhabitants of the liberal community live in a bubble where they only have meaningful conversations with each other.  They choose to avoid, tune out, or disregard any opinion or philosophy that is at odds with them or their community of thought.  They consider themselves to be superior beings in all ways to those that do not ascribe to their self-professed enlightenment.  They delude themselves into believing beyond any doubt that the way they view the world is reality; that the words they speak are without challenge; and that their agenda for America is wise beyond reproach.  They are so effectively detached from the real world that they are truly clueless when it comes to grasping the essential concepts of tolerance and diversity.  They are capable of total shamelessness because they have no inkling of self-concept.

Anyone of faith and even those who prescribe to alternative philosophies embrace the mantra that things happen for a reason.  Yes…it is true that the pandemic opened the door wide to Donald Trump’s vulnerabilities as a candidate.  It also created a fertile opportunity to set the stage for rampant ballot harvesting through the various mail-in initiatives that occurred nationwide; leading to a diluted and comprised national election process.  But at the end of the day, it is what it is.  While those of us who viewed a Donald Trump Presidency as a superior choice to a Joe Biden Administration will now inevitably move on to accepting political realities; is it really too much to ask that Democrats to drop the pretense that they won the White House because they are so pure and wise and benevolent and generous and well-intentioned and principled and scrupulous and ethical and genuine? 

They defeated the Republicans in a knock-down, drag-out, no-holds-barred political fight to the death and for that they stand to reap the rewards of the victor.  What they do not deserve is the right to magically and instantaneously transform themselves from the creature that wrought pestilence and destruction on President Donald Trump into an angelic figure that will now gloriously and nobly shepherd the United States of America into the future.  Come on, Democrats….Really?

Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...