Monday, June 21, 2021

One Thing Right and a Half Dozen Wrong

Not that long ago, I wrote a piece praising the non-interventionist foreign policy of President Trump.  I followed that one up with another piece that promoted a new approach to the projection of America’s military might in today’s world.  With this piece, I want to revisit those two, comment a bit on the current Middle Eastern situation, and praise our President Biden for perhaps the single foreign policy initiative he has authored that I can agree with.  To set the table, here are the two past pieces:

I don’t care if it is Trump or Biden that pulls our troops out of harm’s way in the Middle East; I will support him in that effort.  It goes without saying, however, that while the ultimate conclusion of these incessant conflicts must be determined by the people who live in those countries; a certain amount of intelligence and deliberation should be exercised in deciding how and when we extract our forces. 

The fact is that power in an anarchic environment abhors a vacuum and it is oftentimes the most evil and brutal forces that fill that vacuum.  We must not permit recognition of that fact to anchor us with an open-ended commitment of U.S. troops in these regions of unrest.  We must make the hard choice to pull out; we must do so in a way that minimizes, to the greatest extent possible, innocent bloodshed and U.S. national security threats; and we should do so in a deliberate and expedient fashion.  If the Biden Administration means what they say and they intend for their actions in Afghanistan to match their rhetoric…then I will applaud their policy.

Having paid appropriate homage to Biden for his One Thing Right in foreign policy, let’s now take a look at the hot mess he is creating in all other areas.  Our current President shares one common characteristic with our previous President; they both run off at the mouth irresponsibly.  Based on his actions thus far, Biden thinks he can peddle whatever storyline he likes on China and Russia, the press will faithfully parrot that storyline, and it will all turn out swimmingly.  He’s got the first two correct.  Unfortunately for the third premise…China ain’t Mexico and Putin ain’t Cornpop. 

As if to put emphasis on his denial of and his refusal to adequately recognize the serious threat posed by our global adversaries, Biden continues to regurgitate this global warming pabulum.  You can call it “whistlin’ past the graveyard” or “fiddlin’ while Rome burns”; but there is little doubt that the Biden Administration gives the impression that it is “asleep at the wheel” when it comes to the national security risks posed by China and Russia.  Read this:

How secure do you suppose South Korea or Japan feel while Kim Jung-un is lobbing rockets in their direction and Joe Biden is running around worrying about the oceans rising and the icecap melting?  Are the leaders in the Ukraine, who live every day in the dark shadow of the Russian bear, more worried about global carbon emissions or the Black Sea filling up with the Russian Navy?  Israel stands alone, surrounded by hate-driven hostilities, sees their chair at the U.S. dinner table being slowly pulled away, and then witnesses Biden at the G7 obsessing with a global tax rate?

I fear that Putin has now sized up our President for the walking zombie that he is and is preparing to initiate some global misadventure.  Having witnessed the Biden Administration caving on the Nord Stream pipeline, Russia’s longing looks towards the Crimea and Ukraine will now likely morph into aggressive action.

As for China…one can understand why Joe Biden, given his history with that nation, might not want to dwell on anything having to do with China.  Unfortunately, China is not going away.  Just like Russia, China is eyeing its neighbors with envy and calculating expansionist dreams.  The empty suit in our White House will not deter Chinese President Xi Jinping.  More likely, he is laughing at our President.

In 1884, these words were first recorded by politician Gabriel Manigault… “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.   This philosophy is apparently helping to form the unholy alliance of China/Iran and Russia/Syria.  You think I exaggerate?  Consider this:

President Trump had effectively put Iran in a box both militarily and economically.  Satisfied that Iran was sufficiently weakened, several of Iran’s neighboring nations set aside their own fear of the mullah’s terrorist tendencies and executed landmark agreements with Israel.  Iran was well on its way to becoming a pariah in the Middle East.  Then Joe Biden was elected President.  With current American policy towards Iran reeking of weakness, Iran’s neighbors are now losing their willingness to stand strong against the terrorist promotions of Iran.  They fear Iran more than they believe in Biden.

In their infantile rush to dismantle all things Trump, the Biden Administration has brought back the Obama Middle Eastern foreign policy and has re-embraced Iran.  It is appeasement, plain and simple.  Simultaneously, they have unceremoniously cast aside our historical ally Israel who was more than willing to act as a governor on Iran’s terroristic tendencies.  At a time when our southern border is as porous as chicken wire, we are once again freeing up Iran to generate billions in oil revenues in order to fund international terrorism; not to mention fulfilling their dreams of becoming a nuclear power.   What could possibly go wrong with this strategy?

From the moment the liberal nexus in America first conjured up the concept of putting marionette Joe Biden in the White House as a useful idiot to implement their radical agenda, they have been living in a fantasy land where reality is obscured by notions.  The mainstream media and the Democratic Party have joined in to make this a truly clueless coalition.  Domestically speaking, the jury is still out on how far this radical transformation will proceed in our country. 

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But even more alarming than this quest to change the very nature of our Constitution, our government, and our culture is the apparent fact that this same Pollyannaish naïveté is now extending into the realm of foreign policy.   The disjointed nirvana foolishness that is the liberal Woke Nation of today’s Democratic Party might very well do epic damage to our nation’s government.  But that damage…if we can preserve a sufficient amount of constitutional principle…will be mitigated and overcome in the long term. 

The consequences that might result from the oblivious nature of the Biden foreign policy have no such firewall.  The threat they pose to our national security holds the potential to create global chaos at levels yet unseen.  We might let our child learn to ride a bike in the backyard; understanding that a fall on the grass or a tumble in the open space has a small likelihood of serious damage.  But we should know better than to let that same child take that same bike out into the middle of the street to begin their training sessions.  The potential for harm is far more ominous.  The Biden Administration has taken the bike out into the street.


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Circus Goes on the Road

Not content with royally screwing up America’s southern border security by childishly deconstructing all things Trump (which, by the way, were working quite effectively), President Biden and his band of Rainbow Warriors have essentially applied the same principle to foreign policy. 

Let us list a few of Biden’s genius moves thus far: treating our allies (Israel) like enemies; treating our enemies like friends (greenlighting Nordstream while deep-sixing Keystone); meddling in business where we have no business (the great Sausage War between England and Ireland and Europe); dropping sanctions and making life much easier for the terror-loving mullahs of Iran; sending the Veep to South America to make silly threats about not coming through an open door after being invited in; and of course, there is the bonus…being China’s BFF.   Where to begin?

If there was ever a time that begged the answer to the question, “Which do you prefer for President, an Effective Egomaniac (Trump) or an Ineffective Idiot (Biden)?”…now is that time.  Can you just imagine the snickering and ridicule that took place behind Biden’s back on this little European trip?  It is not difficult to assume that our enemies have been paying close attention also.  I cannot imagine our American press sinking any lower in their bootlicking ways towards the Biden Administration.  What do you suppose some of the journalists from across the pond have to say about our President?

How foolish and petty does our President appear to our global neighbors when he stands before an international gathering of allies and takes petulant potshots at his predecessor?  Does he think he is still in high school or maybe addressing his frat buddies in college?  Is this the time and place to rip and tear at your opposition party back home?  This is NOT leadership.

Do you think Putin is “intimidated” by Slow Joe?  Will he quake in his boots when he stares across the table into those vacant, desperate, “what day is this anyway” eyes of our President?  Not likely.  Here is how he set up his meeting with Biden:

Speaking of NATO and national defense, how has the Biden Administration gone about continuing our former President’s positive moves towards strengthening and modernizing our military?  Let’s just say President Biden is taking a different approach.

Wrapping up foreign policy and defense, here is an absolutely fascinating look inside what is likely the most lethal and efficient national intelligence agency in the world today, Israel’s Mossad:

After reading about this interview, one has to wonder what might be going through the mind of President Biden in his foreign policy approach to Israel.  Why would you NOT want these guys on your side?

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H.R.1 – For the People Act of 2021 is the attempt by the Democrats to “lock in” most of the hinky stuff they pulled in last November’s national election.  It is chock full of stuff that you would not permit when electing PTA officers, much less federally-elected leaders.  Here is the actual text of the bill:

Take some time to read over this proposed legislation and then read some of the following critiques of it.  Heaven forbid this stuff ever becomes law.  It is a bald-faced power grab by the Democrats and WDC to federalize and autocratically control all future elections.

Racism!  24/7…52 weeks a year…everywhere all the time…in your face…in your job…in our schools…in your life.  Discriminating in an attempt to address discrimination remains discrimination in fact.  There has to be some common sense injected into this discussion.

With this Biden Administration, the hits just keep on coming.  Here is quick glance at budget, energy policy, and yes….the Democrats are still obsessing about Covid.  No mystery here; it is all about control.

The journalism and media communities continue to belittle themselves shamelessly.  Here are a couple of recent examples.  I have always loved Pink Floyd and am typically on the other side of Roger Water’s policy rants.  But this time around, I have to give old Roger an “atta boy”.  I now love Pink Floyd even more:

In my last post, I briefly discussed how liberals try to bring back and resurrect their fallen celebrities when they are exposed for the pathetic individuals they are.  Then it was Andrew Weissmann I was writing about; now it is Jeffrey Toobin:

Here are two closing notes for this week’s post.  First is a piece of optimism from one of my favorite writers, Victor David Hanson.  The earth and its incredible ability to heal itself is no mystery to anyone who has lived in rural America.  Our Heavenly Father must have known how harshly we might treat our environment and designed it to flourish in spite of us.  Hope truly springs eternal:

Of all the difficult jobs in today’s world, can any be more difficult than that of a police officer?  In spite of being disrespected, defunded, shot at, spit on, unappreciated, ridiculed, and scapegoated…they continue to put their lives on the line every single day to protect each of us and our loved ones.  Here is a beautiful rendition of an old Bob Dylan song by Randy Crawford that reflects, not only in words but in mood as well, how many of our dedicated police officers must feel these days.  Thank you, Blue……


Thursday, June 10, 2021

New Day, Same Madness

Coming soon to a school near you (probably there already)….a race to the bottom for America’s education standards.

The idiocy of President Biden’s foreign policy blunders continues…as does the idiotic media coverage of his idiocy.

A touch of refreshing honesty from an emerging world power; President Biden…are you listening?

I own guns; several of them.  If I had more trust in the government, I would certainly entertain the notion of registering all of my guns.  The question is: Why should anyone trust the government?

The fact is that our government in general has proven unworthy of citizen trust and the Biden Administration/Democrats, in particular, have proven exceptionally unworthy of any trust whatsoever….choose your topic.

President Biden and the Democrats are unwisely emboldened by their journalistic parrots in the mainstream media that provide them cover for all of their foolishness.  Biden’s crew, the Democrat Party leadership, and the Liberal Elite all circulate in a bubble where they exist in a monolithic state.  They never seriously consider opposing viewpoints; therefore, they are fully self-unaware.  They can preach “the emperor has new clothes” all they want.  For most people, it is plain to see that the emperor is “quite naked”.

Consider the journalistic gymnastics that Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post went through in crafting this piece for his paper.  Methinks thou dost protest too much:

The utter shamelessness of the media is obvious through their common practice of publishing incorrect/biased/misleading/blatantly untruthful items in bold letters above the fold on their front pages and then….weeks/months/years after being exposed for their incompetence or deceit….they occasionally publish a back-handed correction/retraction, which might be found in about three lines of text, buried at the bottom of page 4, in the section D area of the paper that is typically reserved for cooking delicacies designed to enrich your marriage. 

Not to be outdone by their pseudo-journalistic companions who are engaged in propaganda and agenda promotion, the big tech industry is continuing it bold and unapologetic censorship on what they constantly proclaim to be “their platforms for free speech”.  It’s free if its content suits them; it is deleted if it does not.

The magical formula for achieving the ultimate in journalistic nonsense is realized when we combine the mainstream media with one of their exposed charlatan rock-stars from days gone by.  Past characters who, in their calculated opinion, have been out of the news for a sufficient length of time as to permit their re-emergence with no fear of public recall about how pathetic they truly are.  A perfect and current example of this is the featuring of Andrew Weissmann and his role in the Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s (does that name sound familiar?) ongoing investigation of ex-President Donald Trump. 

Weissman is the Democratic political hack who was a federal prosecutor in the Obama Administration; is rumored to have been the power behind the throne (aka Robert Mueller) in the fraudulent and politically-driven Mueller Investigation; and is best remembered for having had most of his best known prosecutorial victories thrown out of court on appeal.  This guy was shown to be nothing more than an unethical, partisan, legalistic hit man for the Democrats and is now making the liberal news circuit woofing about what the Manhattan DA’s office is going to do to Donald Trump.  We Americans are certainly famous for our short memories; but surely to goodness we haven’t forgotten the stunts this pitiful huckster tried…and failed…to pull off not that long ago?

And then we have these pillars of journalistic integrity and excellence that preach to us about how we are all racists and our nation was built on shame and hate.  They write for the print media and they pop up on the television news shows.  They are promoted as “knowledgeable experts”.  Who in the world is making the decision to put these people on television and hiring them to represent their companies?

Then again, I suppose it is silly to be surprised by the characters who report for the liberal media when we see the same type of characters being appointed to positions of authority and responsibility in the Biden Administration.  These idiots are actually running our government and impacting our daily lives.  By the way…what in the world has this gender discussion business got to do with the Office of Management and Budget?

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Looking ahead, .....       

It is currently being re-considered how durable this “change America for the better” agenda from the Biden Administration and the Democrats is turning out to be.  It appears that the “liberal engine that could” might not be firing on all cylinders.  The razor-thin Democratic majority may not be reliable in Congress:

The “empty suit dementia” concerns about Biden might also be applied to our U.S. Senate:

The monster that is lurking in our nation’s financial darkness might be gathering itself to pounce:

And then there is concern at the Babylon Bee about Circle Back Psaki’s ability to keep up with her boss:

We should all be possessed by deep and serious trepidation as we watch the future of the Biden Administration unfold.

I will close with an item from the world of college sports.  The (mis)adventures of the NCAA in recent years has been…shall we say, interesting.  Taking its lead from the excessively-woken professional sports leagues, the NCAA has displayed…through its socially-conscious malarkey, its arbitrary rulings, and its capricious operations…a level of incompetence that, given the resources and favorable environment available to it, simply defies common sense and reason.

Perhaps trying once again to get it right (whatever that might be), the NCAA is reported to be looking at new options for crowning a collegiate football champion.  I am linking first an article which reports on the recent NCAA developments and then linking what I still consider to be the best option of all for addressing this issue, courtesy of Dan Wetzel and Yahoo Sports.  In between these two, I am inserting a link from a prior post that comments on this subject.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Reason Over Woke

A day does not go by anymore but what I find myself shaking my head in wonderment at the things I am witnessing in America…and the world.  Common sense, pragmatism, civility, rationality, ethics, morals, courtesy, respect…these are all lost arts in today’s culture and society.  In order to regain some semblance of grounding…retain ties to some certitude of fundamental principle….we as a people need to come face to face with reality. 

I would like to think that I am a reasonably open-minded, tolerant individual.  I embrace my own fallibility and realize full well that I am oftentimes wrong about things I believe.  The standards and values that I apply in my life and sought to instill in my children are not necessarily right for everyone else.   My wisdom and experience quotient is certainly inadequate to author a model for our culture, our society, and our nation.  But as Forest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does”.  My friends, there is a lot of stupid going on these days.  

We need to assert Reason Over Woke.  When we see it propagated it through sheer repetition of the lie, we need to call out dishonesty for what it is.  We need to pull the sheets back on the shameless practice of redefining wrong as right when we know full well it is a contradiction.  Wokeness has become the practice of tolerance to the extreme; tolerance for the sake of tolerance where anything goes.  For fear of being branded unwoken, we too often fail to call out injustice or nonsensical rhetoric and behavior.  We have forgotten the wisdom in the old saying… “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything”.  Well, we have fallen pretty hard.

The option of standing by in non-judgment and allowing individuals, within reason, to think and act of their own volition has somehow been forfeited.  In the current state of political correctness, silence is opposition.  Failure to openly and enthusiastically agree with something that you might personally disagree with is the equivalent of condemning it outright and branding it as improper.  There is no tolerance for “to each his/her own”.  There is no “gray area”.  There is no place for “honest disagreement”.  There is only “victory at any cost”.  The goal is “absolute domination”.  The quest is for a “monolithic world that preaches inclusion but practices persecution”. 

I am an Independent who tends to be conservative.  And even though I view the Republicans as conservative and the Democrats as liberal, this ideological tilt does not filter my view of the GOP through a rose-colored lens.  The Republican Party is not a bastion for correct policy and perfect principle.  They are dysfunctionally bureaucratic and are owned body and soul by big government concepts.  They have, however, managed to retain a faithful connection to a constitutional government and the individual rights associated with that blueprint.  The Democratic Party, on the other hand, has gone nuts. 

By turning practical control of their Party over to the unions, the Black Lives Matter organization, race hustlers in general, the entrepreneurial pirates of the so-called Green Industry, and the lunatics of the far left…the Democrats have allowed their Party to become detached from reality.  They are on an apparent mission to redefine our country through the inexplicable leveraging of a razor-thin majority in Washington and a tide of irrational “anything goes” mania that is sweeping across the land.  The Democratic Party of today bears no resemblance to the Democratic Party of President Bill Clinton. 

Lest you question my objectivity and catalogue me as a closet Republican, let us take a quick trip through the land of current events.  If you can read about this foolishness and see it as anything less than the lunacy that it is; then you are tuning into a frequency that is beyond my comprehension.  And for what it’s worth…I view Donald Trump’s insistence on remaining center-stage as a large part of that crazy stuff I mentioned earlier.   As long as the Donald is in the conversation, he will be a convenient form of subterfuge for the Democratic idiocy and an effective governor on any chance the Republican Party has of restoring some balance to the ideological equilibrium of this nation.

I realize that this is one looooonnnnng post.  But please read it.  Take the time to consider each article linked below.  Think seriously about how it squares with what you think and believe in.  Read it over several sittings.  There are various sources and a lot of factual reporting.  Taken in total, this is a fairly accurate picture of what is going on in America today.

So open your eyes, kick your brain into gear, allow your common sense and reason to seize control of your inner workings, and apply a simple test to these stories: Where does this all lead us?  Can this be good for our nation?  Will this improve the lives of our children and grandchildren?  Can we believe anything the Democrats or the Media tell us?  Are Republicans really as stupid as they appear to be?  And most important of all…how do we get out of this? 

We must begin by recognizing deception for what it is.  Hot is not cold.  Up is not down.  If there is someone telling us that it is, then they are not to be trusted.  If someone objects to a practice or a condition and yet prescribes some various form of that same practice or condition as a solution to the problem…then there is a good likelihood that they are the problem to start with.  Call out the rank hypocrisy that is being crammed down our throats.   Political and entrepreneurial millionaires are screaming “eat the rich” while living a life of royalty and privilege.  They practice “discrimination for me, but not for thee”.  In their “upside down world”, they will not only take the fruits of YOUR labor to create THEIR vision; they will strive to indoctrinate you into their vision or else.  The “or else” part is when they brand you as a disposable commodity, a throwaway interloper whose opinion is worthless, and label you as a scourge of society who has the audacity to think independently for yourself.  They will kick you off the train.

No…I am not anti-Democrat.  In fact, I have written many times on this blog about the essential importance of a vibrant two-party (maybe three?) system in American politics.  I heartily endorse a robust debate between the right and the left that might result in a fiscally conservative and socially moderate government.  Both sides needed to be pulled back from the extreme edges.  But the plain and simple fact is that while the Republican Party is certainly ailing and trying to find its own identity while enduring its Trumpian crisis; the Democratic Party has lost its soul and is careening out of control into a lala land of foolish virtues, hollow platitudes, and simply irresponsible policies.  It is jumping off a cliff without thinking and taking America with it.  Are we all going to simply follow these idiots off the cliff or are we going to stop and say…LOOK DOWN FIRST!  Just as the Republicans need someone to step up and knock Trump off of the pedestal upon which he resides; the Democrats need someone to grow a spine and call out the imbeciles that are running their Party. 

This is not about winning or losing.  I’m talking about people who are screwing things up so badly, they might not get straightened out again.  Be objective.  Be reasonable.  Be sensible.  Take a stroll through the streets of America and across the globe and ask yourself….Is this normal?

President Biden and the Democrats are spending money like drunken sailors.  They have lost all sense of fiscal reality.  There is a case to be made for government programs; even when it requires deficit spending.  But the Democrats have taken deficit spending to levels that will no doubt threaten the fiscal foundation of our nation in the foreseeable future.  When we as private citizens throw money around foolishly, we go bankrupt.  When the Democrats throw money around foolishly, they are supposed to be….what?...compassionate, caring, benevolent?  Tell that to the generations to come that have to deal with our national debt.  This is REAL money…YOUR tax dollars…and PERMANENT debt.

Not to be outdone by the Dizzy Spending Dems, the Republicans are part and parcel of this irresponsible federal gluttony; they just throw our tax dollars at different spending priorities.  This is a mutual embarrassment shared by both National Parties.  As usual, the Babylon Bee hits the mark on this one: .  As sad as it is, the fact is that the Republicans in Congress are the only firewall between Biden Democrats and total fiscal surrender.

Our journalistic community continues to embarrass themselves with their lapdog attitude towards liberal causes and the Democrats.  They are shamelessly biased, they edit the news to support their agenda, and they cross the line into clear untruths…they lie.  They are pathetic.  In addition to this media carnival, a handful of incredibly rich yuppies are running big tech under an umbrella of legal insulation that is permitting them to exercise expansive influence with extreme censorship.  Why are we allowing these self-proclaimed “emperors of the internet” to manipulate our freedom of expression and speech?

President Biden and the Democrats have filled our government with radical ideologues that have no regard for civic responsibility or agency boundaries.  They are wildly and openly pursuing their liberal visions for our culture without regard to reasonable restraint.  Joe Biden has put them on a generous allowance and they can spend all of their time thinking about what color they want to paint the sky in this universe.  They are like children with a new box of crayons and a big, new sketch pad.  You and I are simply the stick people on their pages.

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The race to the edge of liberal extremities has totally infected our educational system.  We drop our kids off at school in the morning, assuming they are learning their reading, writing, and arithmetic.  NOT!  Their textbooks and teachers are filling their heads with social nonsense that has no place in our schools.  Higher and secondary education is totally saturated with the woke, liberal agenda and shows no inclination towards returning to any semblance of a reasonable, instructional balance between fundamental skills, abilities, and differing philosophies.  This liberal lunacy has crept into all aspects of education….academics, sports, global affairs…even extending to the revision of history and into our children’s bathrooms.

The Biden Administration obsession to obliterate all things Trump continues to take us in bad directions.  Trump made lots of mistakes that need to be corrected.  He did a lot of things he should be ashamed of.  But Trump did a lot of good things through policy choices that made us a stronger and better country…and made the world a safer place.  Biden and the Democrats need to accept his accomplishments with gratitude, get over Trump, and move on with their own set of policies.  There is one big chair in the White House and Biden sits in it.  We all know where the buck stops.

The only thing about the Biden Administration that seems to be as important as their “Trump” obsession is their “Race” obsession.  The Biden Administration and the Democrats find race issues in every…single…aspect of our lives.  They cannot breathe, or eat, or sleep, or speak without somehow connecting the activity with race.  It is has reached levels of maximum stupidity and begs the question….How can we ever hope to eliminate discrimination based on race when all we do is emphasize the distinctions of race?

Everything is a crisis!  Pay attention to how Biden and the Democrats go about attempting to implement their radical changes to our government.  Under the guise of “crisis”, they make the case for extraordinary actions that in normal times would not even be considered.  A perfect illustration of this is the recent pandemic and the draconian measures taken to mitigate it.  The Democrats breathlessly bleat about climate change, poverty, racism, infrastructure decay, and a litany of other liberal obsessions.  To hear their incessant crowing, one would be certain that the end of the world is upon us.  Certainly there are problems in these areas that need addressing; but do we have to change the fundamental nature of our country to do so? 

And then…lo and behold, once the crisis is past us, somehow the bulk of the emergency actions seem to remain.  They are institutionalized; they become permanent.  And the obscene part of this strategy is that in order to maximize their agenda, everything is in crisis all the time.  Here is a perfect case in point:

I find it shameful that our President would seize upon a moment of memoriam to our fallen soldiers to brazenly advance his social agenda.  But then I forget…the Democrats have no shame.  To pollute the pure and complete sacrifice of our fallen war heroes with partisan politics is pettiness beyond description.  Here is what Memorial Day is all about: .  Oh yes, and for what it’s worth, here is Biden’s “wingperson’s” Memorial Day message:

Senators Schumer and Blumenthal have gone as far as to openly threaten the Supreme Court of the United States if they did not rule in accordance with liberal dogma.  These people have no respect for our Constitution and are striving in every way possible to rework our government through extraordinary measures.  The clock of November, 2022 is ticking very loudly and they are hearing it very clearly.  Think about this:

Enough!  If you have read this far and don’t get my point, there is no use in continuing.  I haven’t even mentioned the border crisis, the threat of inflation, abortion rights proliferation, restoration of election integrity, the need for transparency in government, and our sleepwalking Chief Executive.  There is no sense going there if you aren’t upset by what I have covered.  If you voted for Biden and the Democrats and are not consumed with guilt, then you are generously gifted with cluelessness.  If you did so and regret your choices, then wake up and pick better candidates. 

And if you did not help to put these social change clowns in WDC and are truly concerned about the direction of our government and our nation; then wake up, stand up, and speak up.  Call out the madness for what it is when it jumps up in your face.  Don’t shrug it off; stoically thinking that all things pass and we will get over this.  The damage that is taking place now…today…is some serious stuff that might be irreparable.   This is the future…yours, mine, our children’s…that we are discussing.  We must …absolutely MUST…assert Reason Over Woke.




Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...