Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Circus Goes on the Road

Not content with royally screwing up America’s southern border security by childishly deconstructing all things Trump (which, by the way, were working quite effectively), President Biden and his band of Rainbow Warriors have essentially applied the same principle to foreign policy. 

Let us list a few of Biden’s genius moves thus far: treating our allies (Israel) like enemies; treating our enemies like friends (greenlighting Nordstream while deep-sixing Keystone); meddling in business where we have no business (the great Sausage War between England and Ireland and Europe); dropping sanctions and making life much easier for the terror-loving mullahs of Iran; sending the Veep to South America to make silly threats about not coming through an open door after being invited in; and of course, there is the bonus…being China’s BFF.   Where to begin?

If there was ever a time that begged the answer to the question, “Which do you prefer for President, an Effective Egomaniac (Trump) or an Ineffective Idiot (Biden)?”…now is that time.  Can you just imagine the snickering and ridicule that took place behind Biden’s back on this little European trip?  It is not difficult to assume that our enemies have been paying close attention also.  I cannot imagine our American press sinking any lower in their bootlicking ways towards the Biden Administration.  What do you suppose some of the journalists from across the pond have to say about our President?

How foolish and petty does our President appear to our global neighbors when he stands before an international gathering of allies and takes petulant potshots at his predecessor?  Does he think he is still in high school or maybe addressing his frat buddies in college?  Is this the time and place to rip and tear at your opposition party back home?  This is NOT leadership.

Do you think Putin is “intimidated” by Slow Joe?  Will he quake in his boots when he stares across the table into those vacant, desperate, “what day is this anyway” eyes of our President?  Not likely.  Here is how he set up his meeting with Biden:

Speaking of NATO and national defense, how has the Biden Administration gone about continuing our former President’s positive moves towards strengthening and modernizing our military?  Let’s just say President Biden is taking a different approach.

Wrapping up foreign policy and defense, here is an absolutely fascinating look inside what is likely the most lethal and efficient national intelligence agency in the world today, Israel’s Mossad:

After reading about this interview, one has to wonder what might be going through the mind of President Biden in his foreign policy approach to Israel.  Why would you NOT want these guys on your side?

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

H.R.1 – For the People Act of 2021 is the attempt by the Democrats to “lock in” most of the hinky stuff they pulled in last November’s national election.  It is chock full of stuff that you would not permit when electing PTA officers, much less federally-elected leaders.  Here is the actual text of the bill:

Take some time to read over this proposed legislation and then read some of the following critiques of it.  Heaven forbid this stuff ever becomes law.  It is a bald-faced power grab by the Democrats and WDC to federalize and autocratically control all future elections.

Racism!  24/7…52 weeks a year…everywhere all the time…in your face…in your job…in our schools…in your life.  Discriminating in an attempt to address discrimination remains discrimination in fact.  There has to be some common sense injected into this discussion.

With this Biden Administration, the hits just keep on coming.  Here is quick glance at budget, energy policy, and yes….the Democrats are still obsessing about Covid.  No mystery here; it is all about control.

The journalism and media communities continue to belittle themselves shamelessly.  Here are a couple of recent examples.  I have always loved Pink Floyd and am typically on the other side of Roger Water’s policy rants.  But this time around, I have to give old Roger an “atta boy”.  I now love Pink Floyd even more:

In my last post, I briefly discussed how liberals try to bring back and resurrect their fallen celebrities when they are exposed for the pathetic individuals they are.  Then it was Andrew Weissmann I was writing about; now it is Jeffrey Toobin:

Here are two closing notes for this week’s post.  First is a piece of optimism from one of my favorite writers, Victor David Hanson.  The earth and its incredible ability to heal itself is no mystery to anyone who has lived in rural America.  Our Heavenly Father must have known how harshly we might treat our environment and designed it to flourish in spite of us.  Hope truly springs eternal:

Of all the difficult jobs in today’s world, can any be more difficult than that of a police officer?  In spite of being disrespected, defunded, shot at, spit on, unappreciated, ridiculed, and scapegoated…they continue to put their lives on the line every single day to protect each of us and our loved ones.  Here is a beautiful rendition of an old Bob Dylan song by Randy Crawford that reflects, not only in words but in mood as well, how many of our dedicated police officers must feel these days.  Thank you, Blue……


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