Thursday, June 10, 2021

New Day, Same Madness

Coming soon to a school near you (probably there already)….a race to the bottom for America’s education standards.

The idiocy of President Biden’s foreign policy blunders continues…as does the idiotic media coverage of his idiocy.

A touch of refreshing honesty from an emerging world power; President Biden…are you listening?

I own guns; several of them.  If I had more trust in the government, I would certainly entertain the notion of registering all of my guns.  The question is: Why should anyone trust the government?

The fact is that our government in general has proven unworthy of citizen trust and the Biden Administration/Democrats, in particular, have proven exceptionally unworthy of any trust whatsoever….choose your topic.

President Biden and the Democrats are unwisely emboldened by their journalistic parrots in the mainstream media that provide them cover for all of their foolishness.  Biden’s crew, the Democrat Party leadership, and the Liberal Elite all circulate in a bubble where they exist in a monolithic state.  They never seriously consider opposing viewpoints; therefore, they are fully self-unaware.  They can preach “the emperor has new clothes” all they want.  For most people, it is plain to see that the emperor is “quite naked”.

Consider the journalistic gymnastics that Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post went through in crafting this piece for his paper.  Methinks thou dost protest too much:

The utter shamelessness of the media is obvious through their common practice of publishing incorrect/biased/misleading/blatantly untruthful items in bold letters above the fold on their front pages and then….weeks/months/years after being exposed for their incompetence or deceit….they occasionally publish a back-handed correction/retraction, which might be found in about three lines of text, buried at the bottom of page 4, in the section D area of the paper that is typically reserved for cooking delicacies designed to enrich your marriage. 

Not to be outdone by their pseudo-journalistic companions who are engaged in propaganda and agenda promotion, the big tech industry is continuing it bold and unapologetic censorship on what they constantly proclaim to be “their platforms for free speech”.  It’s free if its content suits them; it is deleted if it does not.

The magical formula for achieving the ultimate in journalistic nonsense is realized when we combine the mainstream media with one of their exposed charlatan rock-stars from days gone by.  Past characters who, in their calculated opinion, have been out of the news for a sufficient length of time as to permit their re-emergence with no fear of public recall about how pathetic they truly are.  A perfect and current example of this is the featuring of Andrew Weissmann and his role in the Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s (does that name sound familiar?) ongoing investigation of ex-President Donald Trump. 

Weissman is the Democratic political hack who was a federal prosecutor in the Obama Administration; is rumored to have been the power behind the throne (aka Robert Mueller) in the fraudulent and politically-driven Mueller Investigation; and is best remembered for having had most of his best known prosecutorial victories thrown out of court on appeal.  This guy was shown to be nothing more than an unethical, partisan, legalistic hit man for the Democrats and is now making the liberal news circuit woofing about what the Manhattan DA’s office is going to do to Donald Trump.  We Americans are certainly famous for our short memories; but surely to goodness we haven’t forgotten the stunts this pitiful huckster tried…and failed…to pull off not that long ago?

And then we have these pillars of journalistic integrity and excellence that preach to us about how we are all racists and our nation was built on shame and hate.  They write for the print media and they pop up on the television news shows.  They are promoted as “knowledgeable experts”.  Who in the world is making the decision to put these people on television and hiring them to represent their companies?

Then again, I suppose it is silly to be surprised by the characters who report for the liberal media when we see the same type of characters being appointed to positions of authority and responsibility in the Biden Administration.  These idiots are actually running our government and impacting our daily lives.  By the way…what in the world has this gender discussion business got to do with the Office of Management and Budget?

Don’t miss the next post….Just Google centerlineright

Looking ahead, .....       

It is currently being re-considered how durable this “change America for the better” agenda from the Biden Administration and the Democrats is turning out to be.  It appears that the “liberal engine that could” might not be firing on all cylinders.  The razor-thin Democratic majority may not be reliable in Congress:

The “empty suit dementia” concerns about Biden might also be applied to our U.S. Senate:

The monster that is lurking in our nation’s financial darkness might be gathering itself to pounce:

And then there is concern at the Babylon Bee about Circle Back Psaki’s ability to keep up with her boss:

We should all be possessed by deep and serious trepidation as we watch the future of the Biden Administration unfold.

I will close with an item from the world of college sports.  The (mis)adventures of the NCAA in recent years has been…shall we say, interesting.  Taking its lead from the excessively-woken professional sports leagues, the NCAA has displayed…through its socially-conscious malarkey, its arbitrary rulings, and its capricious operations…a level of incompetence that, given the resources and favorable environment available to it, simply defies common sense and reason.

Perhaps trying once again to get it right (whatever that might be), the NCAA is reported to be looking at new options for crowning a collegiate football champion.  I am linking first an article which reports on the recent NCAA developments and then linking what I still consider to be the best option of all for addressing this issue, courtesy of Dan Wetzel and Yahoo Sports.  In between these two, I am inserting a link from a prior post that comments on this subject.

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