Monday, June 21, 2021

One Thing Right and a Half Dozen Wrong

Not that long ago, I wrote a piece praising the non-interventionist foreign policy of President Trump.  I followed that one up with another piece that promoted a new approach to the projection of America’s military might in today’s world.  With this piece, I want to revisit those two, comment a bit on the current Middle Eastern situation, and praise our President Biden for perhaps the single foreign policy initiative he has authored that I can agree with.  To set the table, here are the two past pieces:

I don’t care if it is Trump or Biden that pulls our troops out of harm’s way in the Middle East; I will support him in that effort.  It goes without saying, however, that while the ultimate conclusion of these incessant conflicts must be determined by the people who live in those countries; a certain amount of intelligence and deliberation should be exercised in deciding how and when we extract our forces. 

The fact is that power in an anarchic environment abhors a vacuum and it is oftentimes the most evil and brutal forces that fill that vacuum.  We must not permit recognition of that fact to anchor us with an open-ended commitment of U.S. troops in these regions of unrest.  We must make the hard choice to pull out; we must do so in a way that minimizes, to the greatest extent possible, innocent bloodshed and U.S. national security threats; and we should do so in a deliberate and expedient fashion.  If the Biden Administration means what they say and they intend for their actions in Afghanistan to match their rhetoric…then I will applaud their policy.

Having paid appropriate homage to Biden for his One Thing Right in foreign policy, let’s now take a look at the hot mess he is creating in all other areas.  Our current President shares one common characteristic with our previous President; they both run off at the mouth irresponsibly.  Based on his actions thus far, Biden thinks he can peddle whatever storyline he likes on China and Russia, the press will faithfully parrot that storyline, and it will all turn out swimmingly.  He’s got the first two correct.  Unfortunately for the third premise…China ain’t Mexico and Putin ain’t Cornpop. 

As if to put emphasis on his denial of and his refusal to adequately recognize the serious threat posed by our global adversaries, Biden continues to regurgitate this global warming pabulum.  You can call it “whistlin’ past the graveyard” or “fiddlin’ while Rome burns”; but there is little doubt that the Biden Administration gives the impression that it is “asleep at the wheel” when it comes to the national security risks posed by China and Russia.  Read this:

How secure do you suppose South Korea or Japan feel while Kim Jung-un is lobbing rockets in their direction and Joe Biden is running around worrying about the oceans rising and the icecap melting?  Are the leaders in the Ukraine, who live every day in the dark shadow of the Russian bear, more worried about global carbon emissions or the Black Sea filling up with the Russian Navy?  Israel stands alone, surrounded by hate-driven hostilities, sees their chair at the U.S. dinner table being slowly pulled away, and then witnesses Biden at the G7 obsessing with a global tax rate?

I fear that Putin has now sized up our President for the walking zombie that he is and is preparing to initiate some global misadventure.  Having witnessed the Biden Administration caving on the Nord Stream pipeline, Russia’s longing looks towards the Crimea and Ukraine will now likely morph into aggressive action.

As for China…one can understand why Joe Biden, given his history with that nation, might not want to dwell on anything having to do with China.  Unfortunately, China is not going away.  Just like Russia, China is eyeing its neighbors with envy and calculating expansionist dreams.  The empty suit in our White House will not deter Chinese President Xi Jinping.  More likely, he is laughing at our President.

In 1884, these words were first recorded by politician Gabriel Manigault… “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.   This philosophy is apparently helping to form the unholy alliance of China/Iran and Russia/Syria.  You think I exaggerate?  Consider this:

President Trump had effectively put Iran in a box both militarily and economically.  Satisfied that Iran was sufficiently weakened, several of Iran’s neighboring nations set aside their own fear of the mullah’s terrorist tendencies and executed landmark agreements with Israel.  Iran was well on its way to becoming a pariah in the Middle East.  Then Joe Biden was elected President.  With current American policy towards Iran reeking of weakness, Iran’s neighbors are now losing their willingness to stand strong against the terrorist promotions of Iran.  They fear Iran more than they believe in Biden.

In their infantile rush to dismantle all things Trump, the Biden Administration has brought back the Obama Middle Eastern foreign policy and has re-embraced Iran.  It is appeasement, plain and simple.  Simultaneously, they have unceremoniously cast aside our historical ally Israel who was more than willing to act as a governor on Iran’s terroristic tendencies.  At a time when our southern border is as porous as chicken wire, we are once again freeing up Iran to generate billions in oil revenues in order to fund international terrorism; not to mention fulfilling their dreams of becoming a nuclear power.   What could possibly go wrong with this strategy?

From the moment the liberal nexus in America first conjured up the concept of putting marionette Joe Biden in the White House as a useful idiot to implement their radical agenda, they have been living in a fantasy land where reality is obscured by notions.  The mainstream media and the Democratic Party have joined in to make this a truly clueless coalition.  Domestically speaking, the jury is still out on how far this radical transformation will proceed in our country. 

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

But even more alarming than this quest to change the very nature of our Constitution, our government, and our culture is the apparent fact that this same Pollyannaish naïveté is now extending into the realm of foreign policy.   The disjointed nirvana foolishness that is the liberal Woke Nation of today’s Democratic Party might very well do epic damage to our nation’s government.  But that damage…if we can preserve a sufficient amount of constitutional principle…will be mitigated and overcome in the long term. 

The consequences that might result from the oblivious nature of the Biden foreign policy have no such firewall.  The threat they pose to our national security holds the potential to create global chaos at levels yet unseen.  We might let our child learn to ride a bike in the backyard; understanding that a fall on the grass or a tumble in the open space has a small likelihood of serious damage.  But we should know better than to let that same child take that same bike out into the middle of the street to begin their training sessions.  The potential for harm is far more ominous.  The Biden Administration has taken the bike out into the street.


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