Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Buffet is Always Open

If we take small portions, we can sample a bit of just about everything set out on the buffet.  Hope you have a long lunch break.  Where to begin…….

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all live in a world where there was no recollection whatsoever of the words that had previously crossed our lips about certain subjects and we were only held accountable for what we said today?  We could say anything to anybody at anytime and not worry about previous remarks or positions.  It must be nice to have an army of Lilliputian journalists at the ready with their airbrushes to cover your rear end.  Apparently that is the arrangement between the mainstream media and the Biden Administration.  Oh well, at least we will always be well-informed about our President’s ice cream habits.

Defund the police…who came up with that idea?

What is with all these election audits taking place in New Mexico, Michigan, and Georgia?  You mean there might actually have been some election abnormalities last November?  Wasn’t it just yesterday that Democrats were proclaiming required voter ID laws to be “Jim Crow” and yet today, given the realization of broad public support for such laws, voter ID “within reason” is entirely acceptable?

Federal debt…what federal debt?  According to Congress and Presidents of both parties, there is no concern for federal debt; unless you are in the minority.  The Biden Administration, squeezing the authoritarian benefits of the pandemic as hard as possible, has thrown any semblance of fiscal restraint and inflation fears to the wind and are running the money printing presses to the max.  According to President Biden and his mouthpiece Circle Back Psaki, any worries about federal spending fall into the category of “minimal”.

Racism, gender concerns, wokeness in general…everything is coming up in these terms.  Is there nothing that can be viewed by Democrats that is not absolutely ruled by some form of political correctness?

It seems the most popular term these days in WDC is “infrastructure”.  There is clearly some debate going on about exactly what the term means.  Apparently there is hard infrastructure like roads, bridges, pipelines, etc. and then there is soft infrastructure like daycare, climate issues, and pretty much anything else Democrats put into the category of social concerns.  President Biden wants to spend several trillion dollars on both kinds of infrastructure; the Republicans and a handful of Senate Democrats are only sold on the hard infrastructure part. 

Realizing that he could not get the entire package (both kinds) through Congress in one bill, President Biden engaged in bipartisan talks with some Senate Republicans.  Whether they were double-crossed or simply duped, the President used them as useful idiots to reach a much-ballyhooed compromise and then, literally hours later, gave a very public signal to his left-wing party contingent that the compromise was essentially meaningless unless the WHOLE THING (both types of infrastructure) was passed and sent to his desk.

And then, literally hours later…once again…he announces (rather ambiguously) that maybe the hard stuff is okay without the soft stuff; and we could all play buddy-buddy and pass the hard stuff; and then, because we are in the majority and make all the rules, we will go ahead and pass the soft stuff anyway.  Besides, if it is all rolled into one bill, there might not be enough Democratic votes in the Senate to pass it anyway.  Let’s just say that Biden’s credibility as an honest broker has taken a serious hit.

What is in the compromise agreement?  In general terms, this:

By my reading, this has very little to do ($$) with hard infrastructure and a whole lot to do ($$) with soft infrastructure.  You do the math.  It also strikes me that the overwhelming percentage of the money is to be spent in urban America as opposed to rural America; yet everyone will share the cost equally.  It is also interesting how many of the beneficiaries from this agreement happen to be Democrat Party donors. 

About half of the cost is to be raised with monetary gimmicks that will ultimately result in added expenses for American citizens.  Contrary to Democratic rhetoric, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.  The other half is to come from “unused Covid relief funds”.  Think about that.  When that Covid relief legisilation was passed, it was deemed CRITICAL, ESSENTIAL, and NEEDED IMMEDIATELY TO SAVE OUR NATION.  That is why it was alright for the bill to be rushed, bloated, and largely undisclosed.  And now, incredibly, about $500-600 billion of it is lying around and can be used for this infrastructure bill.  If it was so necessary, why is such a large chunk of it still lying around?  I guess it was not such an emergency after all.

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

There are moments lately when it almost seems like Joe Biden and Donald Trump are in a contest to see who can make the biggest fool of themselves on the public stage.  Here are a couple of articles about Trump firing up the old rally machine once again and doing all he can to keep the spotlight on himself.  The Republican Party has a Trump problem.   Most of his policies were effective and most of what he says is the truth.  But he does it in such a way as to make himself, in spite of the content, nearly intolerable. 

If he chooses to run again for president, who can be certain he will not get the Republican nomination and then…who can be certain he will not win the presidency?  If you thought the last five years have been bitterly-partisan, just stay tuned for that sequel.

And then there is our current President.  Not content with Trump being judged under the harsh microscope of history nor willing to remain behind the scenes in some type of quiet-control mode; Biden seems determined to clearly demonstrate for all precisely how incompetent he is.

I don’t care what you are, who you are, how you vote, or how you are registered; if you cannot see our bumbling President for the fool that he is, you are sorely deluded.  And if you cannot see the raging damage being done to the constitutional fabric of our nation by the Democratic liberal contingent, you are painfully oblivious.  We now have people literally in charge of our government who openly despise the premise upon which this country was established.  They are encouraging similar behavior from all citizens and many are complying with their wishes.

Is it any wonder that our nation is bitterly divided and uncertain about the affairs of this country?  Consider the following articles on misperceptions about racism and crime, our national trust in those that we rely upon to report the news, and some of the recent general topic polling on what Americans are thinking about America.

Report: United States Ranks Last In Media Trust – JONATHAN TURLEY

Yes, America may be somewhat confused.  But in times like this and with the leaders that we have, is it not reasonable to expect confusion?  As if to answer that question directly, I will close with an article about the unholy and emotional combination of politics, religion, and abortion.  I follow that piece with one that questions whether or not we are the freedom-loving people we thought we were.  Finally, there are three on the previously-discussed topic of amateur athletics in America and how it is evolving…for better or worse.

Dessert is required after the dishes previously served.  What if….what if YOU ruled the world?  Enjoy:



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