Saturday, July 24, 2021

The State We Find Ourselves In

The observations cited and the opinions professed through this blog are as much cathartic as they are (attempted to be, anyway...) informative.  However, I must confess to all my recurring surprise at the everyday occurrences of new and bolder Biden Administration clusterfluks.  If we stop for a moment and think about it, we should all be very concerned with the advanced degree of numbness and insensitivity to outrage that this glut of Democratic lunacy is spreading among our populace.  

A basic tenet of radicalism has always been the effort to somehow make its outrageous agenda seem somehow normal.  I fear that the constant barrage of bizarre, irresponsible, and simply inexplicable actions and policies promoted by Biden and the Democrats is somehow succeeding in its quest to wear down the resistance of Americans to a point where we are willing to concede far too much in an effort to “just make it stop”.

The illogical cacophony of the mainstream media continues unabashed; a bizarre world where right is wrong, up is down, black is white, truth is lie, and fantasy is reality.  The absurd and historically-inaccurate dogma of Critical Race Theory is seeping into our culture at all levels.  Our President is propped up before us like some type of strange marionette; spouting one untruth after another in a convoluted stream of consciousness that is implausibly passed off as brilliance.  We continue to hear the fantastical redeeming qualities of green energy be promoted; when all of the facts clearly demonstrate that it is an inefficient, corrupted, and political industry built mainly on government subsidies and myths.  Our foreign policy is in shambles; an area where our friends and allies are treated shamefully and our clearly-recognized adversaries are treated like royalty.  We have reached a point where American businesses are starving for employees, supply chains are starving for product, and yet people sit at home rather than work because it is “more profitable”.  We are given to believe that even though most everything we need in our daily lives is becoming increasingly more costly by the day, profligate federal spending has no relation whatsoever to inflationary pressures and these bothersome price increases are only temporary.  Yeah…try telling that to Jimmy Carter.

One can only hope that at some point, the excesses of the Liberal Left that controls the Democratic Party (which, in turn, controls our government) will become so over-the-top that a pushback will develop sufficient momentum to mitigate the damage that is being done by it to the very fabric of our nation.  Perhaps then we as a people will take a moment or two to reflect on what brought us to this point and how we might make some adjustments in an effort to return to sanity.  As a means to hasten the arrival of that moment, let us consider the state of current affairs in our country and the world.

While shamefully kicking our long-time friend and ally Israel to the curb, the Biden Administration continues to make policy decisions that not only appease our enemies, but actually strengthens their hand.  Nowhere is this phenomenon more obvious than in their actions relating to the Nord Stream 2 (NS2) pipeline.  Russian global ambitions have always exceeded their reach.  So how does the Biden Administration respond to this fact?  They give Russia a longer arm.  They enable the NS2 pipeline; supplying Russian natural gas to the European Union, enriching the Russian treasury, isolating the fledgling democracies that rose from the disintegration of the Soviet Union, weakening the export prospects of our American energy industry, and enthusiastically jumping in bed with the German corporate corruption that begat the NS2 project to begin with.

I don’t know about you, but every time I hear the term “Green Energy”, I get nauseous.  Out of all the ridiculous stuff that we find in America these days, no segment of our population seems to have more effectively severed their connective cord to reality than the “Green” advocates.  We see hideous wind turbines that desecrate beautiful landscapes and destroy wildlife; machines that actually use more electricity than they generate.  There are acres and acres of solar panel farms that have been abandoned because of their inefficiency.  These people take virtue-signaling to a whole ‘nuther level.

Speaking of California, the state that most nearly represents the Liberal nirvana so often foisted upon us by the Left…how’s that left-wing stuff working out for you folks lately?  There was obviously some doubt and confusion last November about the real differences between Democrat policies and Republican policies.  But if you have been paying attention since then, that doubt has been pretty effectively removed.  Look at the one-party states ruled by the Democrats.  Is that the future you want for your children and grandchildren?  Rampant crime, endemic homelessness, soaring taxes, social agendas run amuck…this is the Democrat Party of 2021.

This brings us to the Democrat Party’s No. 1 cheerleader, the mainstream media; that shallow, craven, unethical, biased, partisan, corrupted, self-aggrandizing clown show that was once held in such high esteem by most Americans.  The only real question remaining is this: How low can they sink?

We are entering into a strange new time when a Presidential Administration is openly conspiring with the planet’s largest social media platform to censor content.  In what universe can this be acceptable?  Has history taught us nothing?  The pandemic has opened the door wide for those in government hungry for authoritarian rule.  It is going to be extremely difficult for those people to turn loose of the episode that has so effectively enabled their cause.  They are clinging to the pandemic in the same fashion that a child clings to the video game controller.

And the incomparable Babylon Bee:

You think you know what your kids and grandkids are learning in school?  Better think again.  Our nation’s education system has gone off the rails.  ABCs, simple math, historical facts, practical civics, grammatical clarity and composition….these are not the priorities these days.  Education has become a battlefield for social change and political agenda.  Wake up and reclaim your local schools!

And then there is that delicious moment when sanctimonious virtue-signaling bites you on the arse:

While drug addiction issues rip and tear at the very soul of our nation, while global terrorists who despise America and want to destroy our homes and families seek illicit entry into our country…the Biden Administration throws our southern border wide-open.  What could possibly go wrong with this policy?

Lo and behold, the subject of immigration even comes up in the spendapalooza infrastructure bill that is being put together by Biden and the Democratic Congress.  But then…what isn’t being stuffed into that particular legislative package?

And where could this type of fiscal policy take us?  History may offer a clue:

President Trump and his Administration were no paragons of goodness.  But THEY didn’t claim to be.  On the other hand, President Biden and his Administration wear this constant veil of infallibility, superiority, and self righteousness.  I find it rather psickening.  Of course, lest anyone be concerned that Biden and the Democrats would try to slip anything improper through the legislative process…we should all be assured that they, Biden and the Democrats, are shining examples of virtue and in full possession of spotless integrity.  Or are they?

Election integrity, crime out of control, a Congressional panel to review the January 6 “insurrection”…. It is a “ball of confusion” in WDC these days.  ALL of these subjects need to be discussed, reviewed, and improved upon.  What they DO NOT need to be is politicized, sensationalized, and paraded out in show trials for public consumption.

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

In January of this year, Joe Biden and the Democrats came into WDC with effective control of our government and a determination to reshape our nation in a liberal image.  The success or failure of that effort remains in the balance.

What brought us to this point?

What have been the consequences of America abandoning its fundamental principles and losing its way?

Most importantly, how do we begin the process of crawling out of this hole we find ourselves in?

In closing, I wish to take a moment to reflect on my writing.  I started this blog not with the hope of gaining a significant following or causing real change; I simply wanted to create some discussion through comments about life and politics in America.  I have largely failed in that effort; the comments have been quite sparse and my hits are unimpressive. 

And even though I have honestly tried to be an Independent, objective, and fair observer of current events, I am sure that my personal beliefs and biases have clearly shown through in my work.  I am a social conservative and a social moderate and I will not apologize for that; but I will continue my best to improve on impartiality.

In that spirit, I am going to post a link.  I received an email from an individual who claims to be associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization.  Her email was in response to a piece I posted some weeks ago.  I have serious reservations about the BLM movement and the positions they espouse.  I have written a good deal about those concerns.  But the email I received from this lady was civil and measured; I appreciate her willingness to engage in meaningful discussion.  In return, I will post the article that she encouraged me to read.  I present it for your consideration.






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