Saturday, September 25, 2021

Our Nation as Farce

This is what we are down to.  Buckle up…there’s over three more years of this ish coming.  Even if the Republicans take control of the House and/or the Senate in next year’s mid-terms, Joe Biden (or Kamala Harris) is going to be the President until January of 2025.  Republicans in many ways are not much different from Democrats and although they haven’t given over completely to the liberal lunacy that owns the Democratic Party, there is only so much Congress can do to stem the tide of a runaway Administration.  They might stop the bleeding, but it will take a much longer time to heal the wound.

Covid Madness…in all of its many forms and fashions, is quite simply out of control.

Education is traveling down the Yellow Brick Road.

…and this is happening in South Dakota.  You think it’s not happening in your community?...

Woke-A-Mania continues unabated.

…here is a voice of reason within the lunacy:

…be sure to consider the qualified source of the previous article:

The depths of Democratic Corruption know no bounds.

…with friends like this, Donald Trump did not need any enemies:

…oh boy…if the shoe fits, wear it:

Beware the Green New Deal being peddled by the Democrats; it is rainbows and unicorns.

what lies ahead just might change everything:

Biden’s Foreign Policy Follies are placing this nation, and the world, in severe jeopardy.

…you can’t make this stuff up.  Imagine buying military equipment from your enemies:

…here is a perfect transition into the next topic:

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

Immigration Insanity is naiveté to the extreme.

…once again, one form of madness leaks into another:

The Fiscal Irresponsibility of the Democrats is simply breathtaking.

The Moment of Truth for Abortion in America is coming.

                          The Prez We HadThe Prez We GotHow We Got Him…and Where We                                                                                        Are Now.

…last November, America had a choice to make.  We chose wrong.  We are now paying the price:

…and how did that happen?...

…if you are like me, you are certain that the Democrats cheated in the last Presidential election; but you are not certain whether or not it was actually enough to swing the election.  This book by this author will likely spell it out as plain as it can be spelled:

2020…The Year that we will always remember:


Friday, September 17, 2021

Window Shopping the Current Events

The fiscal restraint of our national Congress and Administration continues to stretch the bounds of credulity.  On the heels of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure light bill already passed by the Senate and lingering in the House, we are now watching details emerge about the follow-up act from the Democrats: the $3.5 trillion infrastructure heavy bill that actually has very little to do with infrastructure and a great deal to do with social reforms.

What do you suppose might be the consequences of this fiscal insanity being exhibited by our elected government in Washington, DC?

The Biden Administration continues to seed our government with radicals who place their personal beliefs and agendas above the constitutional law of our nation.  It is mind-numbing to realize that they have over three more years to continue this practice of placing clueless individuals in positions of power that will allow them to adversely impact our fundamental freedoms and rights as Americans.  Here are two more that he is nominating:

The California Democratic Governor survived his recall effort easily.  Newsom carried about the same percentage of the vote that Joe Biden had in last year’s general election.  No surprise here; Democrats gonna be Democrats.  It is a dangerous game to try and glean any lessons from this recall episode that might apply to the upcoming national mid-term and general elections.  There is no denying that California is its own little petri dish of humanity.  There are, however, some interesting observations to make; foremost among them deals with the Hispanic vote.

Based on the mainstream media headlines, the Biden Administration, and our culture in general, one would surmise that the black percentage of America’s population would be significantly high.  With all the attention given to black social concerns, you might think that perhaps as many as 3 in 10, or more, Americans are black.  In fact, the 2020 census data tells us that 12.5 percent of the population is black.  That is the SECOND largest minority population segment in our nation.  The LARGEST minority in America is Hispanic.  They represent 18.7 percent of the population.  The Asian segment comes in third in minority status at 5.8 percent.

At some point, the mathematical reality of this census data will rise to the top.  I oftentimes wonder if the Hispanic community resents the inordinate attention given to the black community at their expense.  There is no doubt that the influence of the Hispanic community will continue to increase dramatically and begin to accurately reflect their representation of our national face.  This increase in influence will inevitably be realized largely at the expense of the overvalued current influence of America’s black population.  What will be the impact of this occurrence?  More to the point…how will this evolution impact future elections in America?

One would have to think that the deck is considerably stacked in the favor of Republicans in the short term for next year’s mid-term elections and long term for the 2024 general elections.  One would be well-advised not to underestimate the ability of the Republican Party to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory.

The Democratic Party has long taken the black segment of our population for granted.  In recent years, there are signs that this negligence and hypocrisy are beginning to be exposed.  At the end of the day, the Party that can best construct an agenda that is clearly equitable for all ethnic categories with bias towards none will be the one to earn most Americans’ votes…regardless of their skin color.  Study after study has shown that the black population in our nation has suffered a disproportionately high degree of harm from the Democratic effort to defund and socialize America’s law enforcement agencies and departments.  Do the results from Democratic Party policies that they claim benefits black Americans actually stand the test of reality?

I worked as a lower-level administrative manager for our government for about 30 years.  One of the things that I learned over that time was the high degree of control and influence held by Department and Agency officials, both appointed and career, that exists free of legislative control.  There are people in our government, spread throughout all departments and agencies, that dramatically influence our daily lives and operate essentially with very little accountability and restraint.  The cold, hard truth is that our government is only as good as the people who run it.

Some of those people are overly ambitious; they are power hungry and consumed with a sense of authoritarian control.  They do not subscribe to the notion of being a public servant.  They enthusiastically serve their political or ideological superiors and operate by their own rules.  These people like to do business in the shadows and function behind a myriad of regulations that effectively hides the paper trails of their independent agendas.  These are the dirty little secrets that somehow always seem to leak out to the mainstream media when Republicans are in charge, but seem to stay sealed up tightly when the Democrats take over.  Ever wonder why that is?

The ability of an Administration, be it Democrat or Republican, to stonewall the public and Congress on information that SHOULD BE AVAILABLE TO ALL is one of the most infuriating aspects of our government.  It extends to all departments, agencies, and officials that serve in government and is nothing short of shameful. 

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

As the refugees from the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan are liberally distributed all across our nation, it is a very legitimate question to consider how this might impact our national security.  Have we simply given up on vetting immigrants to America regarding the security threats they might pose to our country?  Well…yes, that pretty much sums it up.  Not only have we thrown open the doors at the southern border, but now we are flying immigrants in from the Middle East.  What are the chances these irresponsible and careless actions by our government will result in a domestic terrorist attack in the foreseeable future?

Oh…by the way…here’s a shocker:

As more details of our catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan emerge, the Biden Administration looks more foolish and incompetent by the day.  We lose 13 soldiers to a terrorists attack and in retaliation, we blow up an aid worker and innocent children?  We essentially leave enough military equipment in Afghanistan to make the Taliban one of the strongest armies in the Middle East?  And as if those events are not sufficient to humble our arrogance, we must then rely on our French allies to show us how to do it properly?

The liberal lunacy that fosters the inexplicable madness that is sweeping across America is reflected in every aspect of our daily lives; its capacity for stupidity is increasingly astounding.  Here are some examples:

And here is the response of someone who finds little sense or reason in the authoritarian pandemic mitigation measures being exercised by our liberal-driven government:

I must confess to moments in the past few months when I have wondered to myself whether or not Hillary Clinton would have been a superior President to Joe Biden.  I know, I know…this is an absolutely insane mind game.  The malevolent and corruptive Clinton versus the senile and idiotic Biden; this is not the least of two evils…this is the worst of the worst. 

Invariably, I would always come down to a point where I believed that even though the stupidity of the Biden Administration is damaging this nation in so very many ways…at least they are doing it for sincere (though terribly ill-advised) political reasons.  They are wrong; they are stupidly wrong; but they honestly believe they are right.  I will admit to having serious doubts about this reasoning when I read about the Biden Family Business misadventures featuring famous son Hunter and his nefarious European dealings.  Perhaps I was mistaken about the corruptive quotient of Joe Biden.  He might be far more rotten than I imagined.

However, the much discussed and missing in action John Durham report on the great Trump/Russia Hoax is beginning to leak out.  The preliminary details are making me feel more confident regarding my initial judgment on Hillary Clinton being far more evil than Joe Biden.  The likely reason for this crooked edge that Hill holds over Joe is the fact that her camp is filled with conniving and ambitious crooks who happen to be politicians; while Joe’s bunch is simply a bunch of Keystone Kop ideologues who are wannabe politicians.  Clinton’s outfit knows how to work the system; Biden’s company is still trying to figure out the system.

The bad news is that Clinton’s bunch is likely a lot smarter than Biden’s.  The good news is that Biden’s bunch is a lot dumber than Clinton’s.  In either case, America was (and is) making a Faustian Bargain with itself.  It is a close call, but I would like to think that in the long run, considering we are talking about the Executive Branch of our government…Biden’s incompetence is slightly preferable to Clinton’s criminal nature.  Time will tell, but stay tuned for more of this from Mr. Durham…

I will close this piece with some attention to abortion.  The recently implemented Texas abortion law is quite restrictive and is certainly controversial.  Introduced in the environment where the Dobbs case is before the SCOTUS, it has served to greatly inflame the passions surrounding the abortion issue. 

I remain convinced that good people have differing and sincere opinions regarding abortion that are oftentimes mutually exclusive.  When this circumstance occurs, the only reasonable conclusion for prevailing policy is that of compromise.  While we may never compromise on principle; we may well find a way to compromise on practice.  The pro-choice side of the abortion question has heavily overplayed its hand for the last several years and allowed its extreme positions to overshadow its advocacy for more moderate abortion applications.  I believe that the pro-life side of the argument runs the same risk of overplaying their hand when they tie their primary position to an abortion law as restrictive as that of Texas. 

The resolution of the abortion issue in America must be such that it passes the fairness test with both sides of the argument.  Insistence on demanding an extreme final verdict, be it pro-life or pro-choice, will not lead to any type of finality relating to the venom and passion expressed by both sides of the subject.  There must be a middle ground that permits both toleration for reasonable opposing opinions on abortion and respect for the personal convictions of individuals.  If the SCOTUS can find the courage to overturn Roe v. Wade and the legislative aspect of abortion is returned rightfully to the state legislatures…perhaps we might head down that road of solution.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Long Time Gone

If a person lives long enough, they get to witness a lot of changes.  Many of those changes are profound and shocking; oftentimes turning things around 180 degrees.  I can remember the Vietnam War era and how much dissension it created in this country.  It is somewhat odd that the face of America’s participation in that war was that of Richard Nixon and not Lyndon Johnson.  Although there is abundant blame to allocate for the mistakes made by America and its leaders in that war, history shows us that the beginnings of that war and much of its story lay at the feet of Kennedy and Johnson and less so at the feet of Nixon. 

Yet for most of the opposition to that war, the face of the American presence in Vietnam is Nixon.  In a broader sense, the anti-establishment sentiment of America’s youth and counter-culture aligned along liberal and Democratic lines, while the intolerant and authoritarian label was affixed to the conservative and Republican segment of the political world.  From that point to today, that general distinction has held fairly intact. 

But as I said earlier, if you live long enough…you see some strange things.  In our country today, a strong argument can be made that the more intolerant national Party is Democrat and the more diverse and tolerant Party is Republican.  Now that is not what you might hear from the mainstream media and certainly not from the Democrats; but the fact is that it is the Democrats who are trying to stamp out ideological opposition to their liberal agenda.  It is the Democrats who are trying to destroy the reputation and careers of any person of note that opposes their policy positions.  It is the Democrats who want to alter the fundamental nature of our Constitution and the founding principles of this country and government.  Today’s Democratic Party is tolerant only to the extent that your beliefs align with theirs. 

As outlandish as it might seem, we might very well be at the beginning of a change in how the national parties are perceived by many youth and young adults.  The liberal establishment in America, through their reliable organs of the Democratic Party, the Mainstream Media, and the Academic Community, have repeatedly and extravagantly overreached in their efforts to seize absolute control of our government.  This over-the-top power playing has become apparent not only to the their natural political opponents, but also to many moderates and Democrats who have for years entertained some sympathy for their reasonable liberal positions on many issues of import. 

Based on their actions and behavior since they assumed office and control of Congress, the Biden Administration and the Democratic Party are now the face of authoritarian and intolerant policies that are alienating many people.  What once was has been turned on its head.  The next three-plus years will be most revealing as this story plays itself out.

A quick survey of current events will lend some context to these remarks.  Here are some examples of the liberal agenda at work:

The covid pandemic has become so saturated in politics that it is nigh on impossible to separate the truth from the fiction, the fact from the propaganda, and the science from the quest for power.  No sentient being who has been paying any attention whatsoever can deny that a large part of what has been going on with pandemic mitigation measures has much more to do with control than it does with the health of our population.  In case after case, it is the Democratic Party and its allies who have continued to push and strive for more and more regulation…even when that pursuit has little basis in practicality or effectiveness.  It is difficult to see much of it as anything other than the quest for more and more control.

Standing deep in a hole of his own making, President Biden has trouble putting the shovel down.  In the midst of drowning in his own Afghanistanic stupidity, why does he continue to pick fights with Republican Party leaders?  An even more pertinent question might be why does he try to say anything at all? 

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

At any point in time regarding any issue of national importance, there is an infinite set of statistics and facts floating around; enough so that if one wants to cherry pick, they can pretty much supply a credible basis for any supposition they might wish to promote.  American employment/unemployment is one of those issues that is most susceptible to distortion due to this cherry picking.  If you cobble together just the right facts, you can support most any theory.

In a general sense, there are apparently around 10 million jobs currently available and about 8.5 million people receiving unemployment benefits.  Good luck making some sense out those numbers.

The countdown has begun for the Dobbs case before the SCOTUS.  Abortion is an issue that has troubled most of us.  The time is rapidly approaching when we will no longer be able to take a non-committal approach to our personal opinions relating to abortion.  That is not to say that we must decide absolute rights and wrongs or become the premier judges of others’ actions and beliefs.  It simply means that we need to come to some form of resolution about how we think America should deal with it.

One of the more popular descriptions of Democratic Party economic policy has called it “tax and spend”.  The taxing part will soon be revealed in the $3.5 trillion infrastructure heavy bill being worked through Congress.  The spending part has been unfolding for the last several months.  As bad as the Republican Party’s credibility is on federal fiscal restraint, that of the Democratic Party is multiple times worse.

Much has been written about the devolution (i.e. decay) of California; that iconic American state that is so richly blessed in natural resources and geographical advantages and yet so cursed in Democratic Party political rule.  It has often been said that in order to predict the future of America, one need only to witness what is happening in California today.  Based on the unexpectedly-catastrophic impact of Democratic state rule, California is perhaps rethinking its current political attitude.  Based on the unexpectedly-catastrophic impact of the Biden Administration and Democratic Congress, perhaps America should take a similar approach to self-examination.

Going back to the beginning paragraphs of this post, one of the leading dissident voices in that Vietnam War era was the popular songs of Crosby, Stills, and Nash.  Yeah...they were pretty rebellious even before adding Neil Young.  One of their songs was about the perceived darkness that had enveloped our nation and how long we would have to wait for it to abate.  In the spirit of what I previously mentioned about things turning around, I suggest you listen to this song thinking not about the Vietnam War and Richard Nixon, but instead dwell on the fact that the Biden Administration will be in power until January of 2025 and the Democratic Congress is in place until January of 2023.  It is indeed a long, long time…before the dawn.


Finding the Eye of the Storm

When dealing with all things Trumpian, one must acclimate oneself to residing in the chaotic environment of a political storm.   And if you ...