Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Manchin is the Distraction; Sinema is the Game

We as nation put the Democrats in charge of Washington, DC and we will pay a price for that blunder.  Switching Congress to Republican non-super majority control in 2022 will not erase that blunder.  Executive control of our Government will remain in Democratic hands until January of 2025.  The clueless, idiotic, pain-rendering, and quite frankly…stupid decisions flowing from the Biden Administration will not cease with the arrival (if it be so) of a Republican Congress.  The only thing those Republicans in Congress will be able to do is somewhat mitigate the ruin flowing from Biden and his clown circus into the fabric of our nation.  The pertinent question that remains is this: How much damage can Biden and the Democrats do in the time they have left?

The $1.2 trillion infrastructure light package that has already passed the U.S. Senate will be approved by the House.  That bundle of goodies is simply too delicious to pass up for both political parties and once Pelosi and Biden have squeezed all of the political advantage out of it, they will send the message out for the House to approve it, Biden will sign it, and then the Democrats will celebrate it. 

The bigger question, and the more direct response to the question posed in last line of the first paragraph in this post, resides with the pending $3.5 trillion heavy package that is being wrestled about by Biden and his Congressional Democrats.  Joe Manchin is a squish.  He loves the media, does most of his negotiating through them, and tries his best to portray himself as some sort of moderate simply for the home folks back in West Virginia…who just happen to be the second-most red state in the union behind Oklahoma.  Manchin WILL vote for the heavy package; the only question remaining is how high of a price tag he will tolerate.  His little word games about “trillions being unacceptable” in the heavy package is specious beyond reason.  Even if he ends up at a top-line figure of $1.9 trillion and then claims that he was true to his word since it is only $1 trillion and change, the reality is that the $1.2 trillion package will be passed along with the heavy package and between them, there is no doubt that the price tag will be well over $2.5 to $3.5 trillion.  Joe Manchin has not voted against any Biden/Democrat legislation yet and he will not begin with this light and heavy infrastructure deal.  Manchin is the distraction.

On the other hand, Kyrsten Sinema is much more interesting.  While it is true that she too has never opposed Biden/Democrat legislation with her vote; she has maintained a much lower profile and does not appear to be the media servant that the other rogue Democrat Manchin is.  Sinema is the game.  While all of the media attention is on the House Democrats wrangling with each other, the true game will be decided in the Senate, where every single Democrat must vote together to pass the heavy package.  Manchin will vote for whatever compromise comes out of the House.  Sinema is a much larger question for the Democrats. 

Joe Biden ran for and was elected President under the guise of being a moderate; he later removed his mask and displayed his full liberal self.  Sinema ran for the Senate as a moderate and despite her voting record, has pretty much held herself to that standard.  This is the true test for her.  Will she bend to the incredible pressure that will brought down upon her by the liberal alliance of the Democratic Party, the Mainstream Media, and the wealthy donors in the Liberal Elite…or…will she dig in her heels to all of the intimidation and be the slayer of this farcical social experiment being marketed under the veil of infrastructure and prove herself to be a true moderate?  Stay tuned.

Now let us consider some of the machinations being played out in the process of trying to sneak the Green New Deal into Congress within the Trojan Horse of infrastructure.










Reality sometimes bites and the reality is that some form of the heavy package will likely pass through Congress, be signed by the President, and be celebrated by the liberals as a new dawning of enlightenment for our country.  It will instead be a curse of bad public policy that will take decades to unwind and recover from.  It will adversely impact generations to come.  I close with this note: Even a broken clock is correct twice a day



While America is fixated on infrastructure bills, an ice-cream obsessed Chief Executive, and a liberal element that follows U.S Senators into bathrooms…the rest of the world has taken the measure of our President and some of them are making big plans…big BAD plans.  The foreign policy arm of the Biden Administration is the equivalent of a politically-correct daycare center run by yuppie elites. 









In the eyes of the Biden Administration, it is far better to remain silent and toe the line…no matter how foolish the line is…rather than speak truth to power.  Those that are willing to toe the line are rewarded; those that speak truth are punished.



The fiscal insanity that has existed in both national parties for the last several Administrations has been taken to new and unprecedented levels by the Biden Administration and his Democratic Congress.  The cost of this irresponsible adventurism will be paid by our children and grandchildren…and their children to come. 



The wide open door immigration policies of the Biden Administration will, like so many other of his bad decisions, create collateral damages that take years upon years to mitigate?  How can any reasonable person believe this makes any sense?




The thirst for authoritarianism exhibited by the liberal elements of our governments has not yet been quenched; it has only been stimulated.  Who knows how long the overbearing regulations being introduced under the cover of pandemic control will remain with us?



Someday…sometime in the future, people will look back in history and study what we have done in America over the last few “woke” years.  They will wonder…what in the hell were they thinking?







Donald Trump filled his Administration with family members and no doubt unethically blended his personal business with his presidential business.  Joe Biden has taken Trump’s lead and with the blessings of the mainstream media’s feigned ignorance, has shamelessly engaged in political corruption at the highest level.  From Obama and Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump to Joe Biden…our government shows absolutely no sign of cleaning up its act and instead shows every sign of barreling forward with those practices, showing no regard for public perception and certainly no fear of accountability.  It is a disgrace.  Is it any wonder that hardly anyone trusts the government?




Our Executive Branch of government is now following a path of authoritarian dictates that demands either blind allegiance or silence.  Democrat and Republican Presidents alike casually use and abuse Executive Actions to achieve that which cannot be achieved through normal legislative means.  Our Legislative Branch of government is riddled with would be Napoleons who view themselves as genius infallibles.  There is no statesmanship, very little character, and an acute absence of effective leadership in either national party.  It is difficult to see how this situation will improve in the foreseeable future regardless of how the next few elections turn out. 

The salvation of our government and its return to something resembling a Constitutional model seems to reside in the Judicial Branch of our government.  It is tragically unfortunate that it sometimes takes years for a simple case of federal or regulatory legality to work its way through the judicial process, but it is what it is.  Rogue Federal Judges who exploit their lifetime appointments are sprinkled throughout the system and pollute the process with their personal opinions and agendas from both sides of the political aisle.  Ultimately, a case or a principle will work its way to the Supreme Court and therein an opportunity for finality and resolution will present itself.  We can only hope and pray that our Supreme Courts of the future will have the wisdom, courage, and character to hew our government towards the marvelous blueprint set forth in our Constitution.  Therein lays our hope for the future.


Here is why people do not trust the Executive Branch (the Attorney General is a  Presidential Appointee): https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/critics-question-garlands-school-board-crackdown-after-son-in-law-revealed-as-social-justice-education-kingpin

Here is why people do not trust the Legislative Branch: https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/10/democrats-are-playing-political-games-with-the-debt-limit/

Here is why people do not trust the Judicial Branch: https://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/district-judge-enjoins-texas-from-enforcing-heartbeat-act-some-observations/?utm_source=blog-landing&utm_medium=desktop&utm_campaign=continue-reading

Here is why people do not trust polls: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/new-poll-on-abortion-asks-the-wrong-question/

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