Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Is There a Light at the End of this Tunnel?

Hardly a day goes by without me saying…either to myself or to my wife… “How clueless can they be?”  The capacity of our President, his Administration, and his Party who is in charge of Congress, to soar above their most recent display of stupidity is eternally shocking.  Is there no end to this liberal lunacy?  I get tired…I know that the few people who read this blog get tired…of me ripping and tearing at the Democrats all the time.  But Lord have Mercy…it is so painfully obvious that they have lost all sense of reality and have totally severed the connection between their woke choices and the consequences of those choices.  I am an Independent.  I am proud to be an Independent.  But if the Democratic madness continues for much longer, the only remaining choice will be to become a card-carrying Republican.  Sadly…and in so many ways, they are not much better.

Both the Republican and the Democrat Parties have fringe elements that take their party’s policy positions to the extreme.  The very real difference between the two is the fact that the fringe element in the Democratic Party is in charge while the fringe element in the Republican Party is a strong consideration.  The Republicans like to play their fiscal conservative card whilst campaigning for office.  They forget all about that play once they get in office.  And until the Republicans figure out a way to deal with their Trump problem; they too are being pretty much controlled by a fringe element. 

Here is a perfect example of why Donald Trump is an asshole.  In spite of his remarkable tendency to arrive at good policies, he simply cannot restrain himself from unleashing his monstrous ego and making everything in the universe about himself.  If the Republicans want to condemn this nation to another term of Democratic insanity, then go ahead and nominate this man to be your next presidential candidate.  On the other hand, if they are serious about trying to restore some semblance of reason to government, then the Republicans had best be getting about the business of figuring out who their future party leaders will be.  Never underestimate the ability of the Republican Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  WHY, WHY, WHYfor heaven’s sakes WHY would any person say something like this at the time it was said? https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/white-house/trump-attacks-classic-rino-colin-powell-one-day-after-his-death

And then there is this: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/10/bad-donald.php  Sure Donald…that’s a great idea.  It just might be the reason why the Democrat Party is running Congress these days....remember those two special election Senate races in Georgia???

Let us move on to our nation…which has evolved into a daily circus of incredible, high-flying acts of ignorance in the annals of government and public policy……

Our top law enforcement officer in America is throwing the weight of his Department of Justice behind an effort to intimidate and silence those individuals and groups who might choose to oppose the introduction of Critical Race Theory and gender-bending into our local school systems.  Our Attorney General, who is sainted by the Left and was once pushed for a spot on the SCOTUS, just happens to be employing the oppressive strength of the government behind and in support of a dubious charade of equality and justice agenda; while his son-in-law just happens to be hawking it to school boards all across the country…and profiting from it in the millions of dollars.  Perhaps Saint Merrick has lost his wings?




Elsewhere in the realm of education…




And out of all this noise comes a voice of reason: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/a-way-to-help-students-figure-out-if-college-is-worth-the-expense/?utm_source=blog-landing&utm_medium=desktop&utm_campaign=continue-reading

Can you imagine the frenzy that would be engulfing the mainstream media if this type of stuff played out in the Trump family while he was President?



And then of course, there is the President’s extended family:






When I think about dropping my grandson off at school and he puts his mask on with an expression like it is the end of the world, this is the kind of stuff that makes me angry: https://www.cnsnews.com/article/washington/melanie-arter/psaki-downplays-biden-first-lady-not-wearing-masks-dc-restaurant

Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

Even though it might offend her being referred to as the President’s subordinate, the Democratic Leader of the House never ceases to amaze in her quest to become the ultimate political hack and hypocrite…


How can any person who supports this: https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/terence-p-jeffrey/4676300-unborn-american-babies-murdered-pelosis-first-speakership

…run around quoting scripture like this?https://www.cnsnews.com/index.php/article/washington/cnsnewscom-staff/nancy-pelosi-when-i-was-naked-you-clothed-me-all-those-things

Of course, our foreign policy is now in the hands of the adults in the room and there is no need to be concerned about anything on the planet…or is there?  How shocking can it be that right after Biden enables the Nord Stream 2 pipeline as a gift to Russia, they use it as power leverage against Europe…right at the beginning of winter?  A year ago, the United States was exporting energy to Europe: https://www.cnsnews.com/article/international/patrick-goodenough/moscow-accuses-nato-hyping-russia-threat-shuts-down

It goes without saying that Biden’s foreign policy folks…even after the Afghanistan debacle…are Masters of Middle East thinkinghttps://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/biden-state-department-still-thinks-the-taliban-have-changed/

And even though Afghanistan is now ruled by a collection of global terrorists, we should be comforted by the high integrity of our national border security.  I mean…how could a terrorist possibly slip into our country undetected? https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/thmissing-biden-administration-has-lost-track-45000-unaccompanied-minors-who

Lest we be distracted by the rising prices of all things we need, the inability to obtain many of the things we need or want, and the obvious disarray in the administration of our government’s domestic policies…we should take comfort in knowing that Team Biden is on the job.  Or should we?









Here are three critical questions to ask about America’s current state of affairs:

First…how have things gotten this crazy so quickly and what is this unsettling sense of déjà vu that is swirling about: https://www.aei.org/op-eds/its-the-1970s-all-over-again-and-joe-biden-is-the-new-jimmy-carter/

Second…have things gotten so completely nuts that there is no way out: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/10/is-america-in-irreversible-decline.php

And third…how in the world can we go about fixing this mess: https://www.cnsnews.com/article/national/michael-w-chapman/gallup-americans-prefer-limited-govt-lower-taxes-fewer-govt



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