Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Ship of State? No...Ship of Fools

I have often addressed the issue of President Biden’s patronage appointees and how incompetent, radical, and harmful they are.  It is nothing short of a travesty.  As much as I criticize the Democratic Party, I will be one of the first to step up and admit that the Democratic Party has a sufficient number of intelligent (though deeply misguided) individuals to populate the Biden Administration.  Unfortunately, none of those people have any influence over this President.  He is apparently owned lock, stock, and barrel by the radical liberal element of his party.  In an early nod to this month’s seasonal celebration (Halloween), let us once again take a look at the damaged goods with which he stocked his Cabinet.









As if it is not sufficient to play these dangerous games with their social experimentation, Biden and the Democrats seem to be intent on destroying any vestige of economic recovery following our national pandemic.



The Democrats in Congress and the White House are having a lot of trouble paring down their $3.5 trillion Green New Deal Infrastructure package so that it might draw enough Democratic votes to pass.  Will they take the pie that must be downsized and reduce the number of slices…or will they reduce the size of each slice…or will they burn the pie up completely by leaving it in the oven too long?  Who would have thought that spending TRILLIONS of dollars in tax revenues would be so difficult?  There is so little time and so many oxen to gore.


If you voted for Joe Biden, this next link is for you.  Regrettably…you have screwed up the country not just for yourselves, but for everyone: https://amgreatness.com/2021/10/10/the-left-got-what-it-wanted-so-now-what/

I often wonder just how much “buyer’s remorse” is out there for last year’s Biden voters.  Is the reality of the Biden Administration and their liberal agenda sufficient to change the minds of those American voters?  Will the incredible damage being done to this nation and our economy by this group of clueless ideologues create an epiphany for the moderate Democrats?  Or…as is often the case in American politics…will the months preceding the ’22 mid-term elections and the ’24 general elections give the liberal machinery enough time to work their political magic of misinformation, misdirection, and Machiavellian electioneering? 





But to my Democrat friends I say…do not despair; hope springs eternal: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/576090-the-biden-harris-train-wreck-may-have-its-savior-2024-gop-nominee-donald

There once was a time when Americans trusted National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) to be the voice of fact, reason, and esteemed journalistic standards.  Sadly, those days are gone: https://www.cnsnews.com/article/washington/susan-jones/yamiche-alcindor-dems-disturbed-manchins-use-word-entitlement

Heck…there was even a time when most people trusted the media.  Those days are also gone: https://www.nationalreview.com/news/new-york-times-retracts-massive-exaggeration-of-children-hospitalized-by-covid-19/

I’m not sure we ever fully trusted Congress, but that sentiment has also been severely tarnished: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/klobuchar-apple-revolving-door-shows-how-congress-enriches-itself

And if you ever believed you could rely on a poll, perhaps you should rethink that position.  In today’s world, the entity paying for the poll can arrange for the poll questions to be presented in such a way as to preordain exactly what the poll results will be.  To put it plainly: The poll administrators can insure you get what you pay for.  Here is a good example: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/new-poll-on-abortion-asks-the-wrong-question/

As a follow-up to a previous item in this post regarding Attorney General Garland and his defense of authoritarian school boards and their woke agendas, here is what happens when the mentality driving the decision-making process is “if it feels good, or sounds good, or is politically correct…then do it”…with no thought for the collateral damage.  Any sentient being could have foreseen the tragic consequences of allowing boys and girls, men and women, or men and girls to share the same bathrooms.  I fear that our nation is not currently being led by sentient beings: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/loudoun-county-schools-covered-up-rape-prosecuted-a-concerned-father-to-protect-its-transgender-agenda .  The real tragedy in this episode is not only the idiotic gender-bending lunacy that led to bathroom sharing, but also the shameful and disgraceful deceit exercised by the school board when their errant policies go sideways. 

Even in my home county, a very rural county in western Kentucky, we are being impacted by this school board mania where groups of Karens (both male and female variety) attempt to commandeer our children’s schools under the guise of the Woke Police.  These people are ELECTED by parents; they are obligated to operate TRANSPARENTLY as to be held accountable to those PARENTS that elected them; and they are tasked with the mission of educating future generations in reading, writing, and arithmetic.  They are not ORDAINED to establish agendas that serve their personal political tastes; to hold their meetings in private, away from those to whom they are appropriately answerable; nor to presuppose themselves SURROGATE PARENTS. 

In closing, let us revisit the greatest sport currently taking place in America…college footballThough not totally unscathed by the political poisoning that has occurred in most of our American sports (even NASCAR); it is still the closest thing to amateur athletics that accurately reflects the excitement and vitality of the college campus.  The death grip that the NCAA has held on college sports is being slowly loosened and perhaps the day is coming when the universities will once again manage and benefit from their own product; rather than have it pirated by the bowl game carpet baggers. 

The tall and sturdy wall of the college football establishment that has financially fed off of this sport for so many years is beginning to crumble.  It will not come down easily.  But the day may soon arrive when the football colleges of America can…simultaneously…make their product more accessible to their students, their athletes and families, and the faithful fans who have made the sport the spectacle that it is…and then reap the financial benefits from that sport in order to further enrich the university experience for all students. 

The first step in this direction is the proposed playoff expansion so that more teams can be involved in a championship that is decided on the field rather than by a backroom committee.  The next, and natural, step will be to move these playoff games back to the college campus where the students and fan bases can more easily embrace their beloved home teams.  Here is a good article on the current effort to expand the playoffs and another visit to what I consider to be the best plan to refashion the college football championship into what it should be. 



Cannot pass up the opportunity to link some music...Ship of Fools...Choose your Bob...



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