Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Let It Rain, Baby…Let It Rain

We have recently witnessed the inevitable passage of the 1.2 TRILLION DOLLAR Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation that had in recent weeks become a political football for both national parties.  There are a couple of things that should be noted up front about this bill.  First, bipartisan is a relative term.  While it is true that a handful of Republican Senators and Representatives voted for this bill and thus enabled its passage; the authors of this legislation were Democrats and any Republican concerns that happen to be reflected within it are mere coincidences.  This bill is predominantly a Democrat thrust at social engineering and a Green New Deal.  Having said that, there is no doubt in my mind that President Donald Trump would have gladly signed this bill had it come to his desk in the previous Administration; infrastructure is a magical word in government.  Secondly…regardless of all the bloviating that preceded this bill’s passage, its passage was never really in doubt.  No one in their right mind would accept the premise that once this Democrat-authored bill managed to squeak through the Senate, it would not receive ultimate approval in the Democrat-controlled House.  This low-hanging fruit was bound to be picked.

While I do believe that a clear majority of voters would like to see some federal money be allocated to infrastructure; I also believe that a clear majority of voters would have a different meaning for the word infrastructure than that which is applied in this bill.  I fear that under the cover of pandemic relief, liberal lunacy, and the simple urge to spend money on something…our Congress and Administration took an idea of allocating a quarter billion dollars for roads and bridges and grew it into a $1,200,000,000,000 spendapalooza that throws money around like fake snow on a dry ski slope.  Perhaps one-fourth of the money in this bill goes to basic infrastructure.  Want to know what they are spending your tax dollars for?  Read this:

A summary: https://www.portman.senate.gov/sites/default/files/2021-08/210807%20Bipartisan%20IIJA%20Bill%20Summary.pdf

Actual text: https://www.epw.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/e/a/ea1eb2e4-56bd-45f1-a260-9d6ee951bc96/F8A7C77D69BE09151F210EB4DFE872CD.edw21a09.pdf

Take note of how little specificity is in the legislation.  The lack of it expands dramatically the ability of the Administration, through all of its Departments and Agencies and influencers, to spend the money pretty much any way they choose.  This is why the idiots liberally sprinkled throughout our government by Joe Biden’s presidential patronage powers are so very impactful on our lives.  To a very large extent, they will be the ones deciding how this money is spent.  Such as this: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/pete-buttigiegs-new-slush-fund/?utm_source=blog-landing&utm_medium=desktop&utm_campaign=continue-reading

Now let us consider some commentary on this piece of legislation:







With inflation heating up to levels unseen in over a decade, it is difficult to understand how pumping all of these federal dollars into our economy at this point in time will do anything but worsen a bad situation.  However, there is one absolute certainty…some rich and influential people are going to be well taken care of.  As you read through the provisions of the bill, pay attention to which business sectors get the money.  Where are those businesses located and are they unionized?  Are the winners in this deal a part of the conservative agenda or the liberal agenda?  Are your tax dollars flowing evenly across this nation or are they being funneled into densely urban areas of blue states?  YOU decide if you think these new government expenditures are worth the tax increases that will ultimately help finance them.

It is a shame that our Congress, both Republican and Democrat, has developed the inability to legislatively address a single issue without loading up that bill with extraneous and unrelated expenditures.  It is as if every bill that comes up is their last chance to throw money at some pet project or concern.  And then, a few weeks later, here comes another last chance.  They have truly lost sight of any fiscal restraint whatsoever and operate on the assumption that any allocation is a good allocation.  Their driving attitude has become….we’re doing our job, we’re spending your money.  They are no longer concerned with bipartisan oversight, rewiring our bureaucratic morass of a government, or passing common sense regulatory or organizational legislation that might make our government more efficient and effective.  They are all about the Benjamins!

Consider how this money will be spent in the context of the following situations:



The incompetency of the Biden Administration thus far has been nothing short of breathtaking.  Can anyone honestly think that the solution to the mess they have created is to give them authority to spend an additional $1,200,000,000,000 on top of the ballistic federal debt that is already in place?  Let us examine the Democrat’s approach to government:




Wind turbines?  Charging stations?  A few of these items strategically located to supplement our fossil fuel energy industry makes good sense; but replacing oil rigs off our ocean coasts with wind turbines is nonsense.  It is pure fantasy to think that our nation can quickly and easily switch over to electric from fossil fuels.  The average American has no concept about what goes into placing that one pound package of ground beef in the meat section of the grocery; they just know it shows up there.  The same disconnect applies to charging stations.  Do people think that some magic fairy goes around each night and fills these charging stations up with electricity?  Of course not!  Just as there is a farmer somewhere (like me) raising calves that go to feed lots that go to slaughter plants that then go to grocers…there is also a fossil fuel electric plant somewhere sending electricity to that charging station.  The electricity ultimately comes from the plant; NOT from the charging station.

And those wind turbines?  Here is a good comparison….Occasionally in the summertime if we hit a dry spell and things start drying up, we have to haul water down to the garden.  We haul this water down a hill and across some rough sections of ground to get from the house to the garden.  We haul the water in 5-gallon plastic buckets.  Now if we put lids on the buckets, we get to the garden with full buckets; that is fossil fuels.  If we do not put lids on the buckets, anywhere from a third to half of the water will slosh out before we get to the garden.  That is a wind turbine. 

Here is more Democrat liberal foolishness….




And exactly how are these policies working out for you? .....


Pass the Word!! ….  Just Google centerlineright

Special Counsel John Durham has been methodically peeling the onion that is the biggest political scandal in my lifetime.  He has infuriated the Republicans with his slow and deliberate pace while the Democrats have been fretting about how to shut him down without everyone realizing that they are trying to cover their arse.  I expect there are a lot of Democrat Party operatives and Democrat loyalists in the Department of Justice having some difficulty sleeping these days.

When I read the articles from people I respect and lend credibility to, it seems that there are two schools of thought about where Durham is headed.  One theory is that he sees the entire RussiaGate episode as a political dirty trick hatched and executed by the Hillary Clinton camp and they simply used the FBI as useful idiots to accomplish their goals.  If this is true, then the incompetency and idiocy of the FBI is frightening.  The other theory is that the FBI was complicit in the entire operation and was working hand-in-glove with the Clinton folks to initially sabotage an opposing Party’s presidential candidate and then, failing that, continued the effort to sabotage his presidency; the latter part wildly successful beyond expectations.  If true, this is even more frightening.

Where Durham eventually ends up is anyone’s guess, but there should be some accountability for these shenanigans by all of the guilty parties involved, such as: the Obama Department of Justice, the Democrats in the House of Representatives, the mainstream media who were shills for the entire effort, the pathetic Democrat loyalists that were held over from the Obama Administration to the Trump Administration, Robert Mueller and his Merry Band of Democrat Lawyers, and of course…the entire Hillary Clinton cabal.  The critical point to focus on is this: All of these people knew the entire deal was phony from the start and yet they continued with it, effectively sabotaging the President of the United States in his efforts to lead this nation.  The damage done to our government by this charade is incalculable. 





Every American should be concerned about how the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been politicized and how brazen their partisan and idealistic efforts have become.  Under Obama, the DOJ surveiled journalists with whom that Administration disagreed.  Under Biden, the DOJ has attempted to intimidate school boards, has grossly over-reached on pandemic mandates, and has selectively prosecuted based on ideology as opposed to written law.  Consider some of the things that have been going on with our top federal law enforcement authorities:






In closing this piece, I would like to visit two stories.  One is a sad commentary on what was once a groundbreaking comedy show that was wildly successful due to its innovative and irreverent approach.  That show has now devolved into a crude platform for liberal thought and social commentary.  It is a pathetic pretender to what it once was.  Read this dialogue closely.


The other is a short clip of a marvelous athlete.  Like all the great ones from all sports, this guy makes it look so easy.  Whether or not you are a fan of hockey, you can still appreciate this poetry in motion.


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